211 Dead And Dozens Missing: Slow Government Or Military Response To Valencia, But Citizens Arrive By The Thousands, Carrying Shovels and Brooms, To Help In Search, Relief And Cleanup
"This Is A Monumental Humanitarian Disaster"
Information for volunteers who come to Arganda today:
-There are no assigned tasks: women and children inside the warehouse to make boxes and men outside to prepare pallets and load trucks.
-Lost and found in the upstairs office
-Table with food and water for volunteers
"Volunteers just keep arriving." Clip here.
Official Death Toll At 211, At Least Dozens Missing
Al Jazeera coverage (which defers to “Climate Change” as cause of what seems to be an engineered flood) here.
BBC coverage here.
Clips here. UNREAL.
Charlie B. Tweet here.
Video from one volunteer station, overwhelmed with up to 1000 volunteers:
"900? 1000? I couldn't say how many people are receiving and organizing help from the first hour, packing boxes, unloading, loading, driving bulls, raiding vans... And there are still hands and trucks missing. It's amazing what national solidarity achieves.”
Translated text tweet:
"I read many messages that talk about "a failed state."
But, listen, how can Spain not be a failed state if the government is maintained thanks to parties that desire and work for and for the destruction of the Spanish state?
Have hundreds of Spaniards had to die for them to see it?"
Long Statement in Spanish and English: (Sorry, I can't locate the original tweet:)
"This Is A Monumental Humanitarian Disaster."
"Esto Es Un Desastre Humanitario Monumental."
Pasarán los días y la cifra de fallecidos crecerá, nos sobrecogerán los datos y los homenajes se replicarán. Esto no es La Palma. Esto es un desastre humanitario monumental. Por eso, no deberemos olvidar para intentar en el futuro cambiar algo:
1. El Estado de las Autonomías está colapsando: los protocolos, la burocracia y los intereses partidistas ahogan la posibilidad de tomar decisiones eficaces en situaciones de emergencia. Los vecinos de Valencia están pagando el precio de un sistema incapaz de coordinarse en momentos de necesidad.
Inicialmente, el ejecutivo valenciano quedó en shock y fue incapaz de responder en la previsión, a tiempo real, tras la riada y en hacerlo bien.
2. Un Estado sin reflejos y sin liderazgo: la administración central pareció igualmente paralizada. No hay nadie al volante que pueda saltarse las barreras autonómicas y actuar con celeridad ante el fallo sistémico del autonómico. No hubo mando único y el miedo al conflicto entre instituciones, paralizó al ejecutivo central.
En consecuencia, lo que tenemos parece un Estado fallido inicialmente, incapaz de responder con la rapidez y eficacia que se requería. Todavía sigue lejos de lo imprescindible.
3. Una desconexión insalvable entre los políticos y la realidad: los dirigentes parecen vivir en un mundo paralelo, desconectados de las necesidades de la ciudadanía. Este abismo entre “los de arriba” y el pueblo es cada vez más evidente y peligroso.
Diputados valencianos votando los consejeros de RTVE mientras sus vecinos se enfrentaban a la mayor catástrofe humanitaria que ha vivido esta país, es una diapositiva que no borraremos. Que esos diputados no antepusieran la dignidad y la solidaridad a no enfadar a nadie de su partido que les niegue entrar en listas en el futuro, es un insulto.
y 4. Políticos sin experiencia práctica y rodeados de mediocridad: poner al mando de instituciones a personas cuya experiencia se limita a ganar campañas electorales o navegar en el ámbito político es arriesgado.
La falta de experiencia en la gestión de situaciones complejas, sumada a la tendencia a rodearse de personas poco capaces para brillar más, es una combinación suicida. Los resultados hablan por sí mismos.
Este "desastre político" revela las carencias de un Estado que parece fallar en su misión de proteger a sus ciudadanos. Hablan de poner todos los medios como si fuera un villancico, pero esos medios no son suficientes ni capaces. Los medios son los vecinos.
El Estado ha tenido un fallo multiorgánico. El Estado sigue ausente en términos generales durante cuatro días. Ahora incluso, se percibe una falta de coordinación que pone en peligro a los miles de voluntarios que se lanzan a ayudar con todo lo que tienen.
Muchos defienden que el Estado no puede atenderlo todo tan rápido y que esto es normal. El Estado son todas las administraciones, todas. Y las imágenes que vemos dentro del área catastrófica es un escenario en un estado de funcionalidad colapsado. Se observa que el Estado ha perdido su capacidad de respuesta adecuada ante la emergencia, evidenciando lo que podría describirse como un Estado Fallido o Colapsado
Foto: Alberto Saiz/AP
Translated from Spanish by
Days will pass and the death toll will grow, we will be overwhelmed by the data and the tributes will be repeated. This is not La Palma. This is a monumental humanitarian disaster. Therefore, we must not forget in order to try to change something in the future:
1. The State of the Autonomies is collapsing: protocols, bureaucracy and partisan interests stifle the possibility of making effective decisions in emergency situations. The residents of Valencia are paying the price of a system incapable of coordinating in times of need.
Initially, the Valencian government was in shock and was unable to respond in a timely manner after the flood and to do so properly.
2. A State without reflexes and without leadership: the central administration also seemed paralyzed. There is no one at the wheel who can overcome the autonomous barriers and act quickly in the face of the systemic failure of the autonomous government. There was no single command and the fear of conflict between institutions paralyzed the central executive.
As a result, what we have looks like a failed state, initially unable to respond with the speed and effectiveness that was required. It is still far from what is essential.
3. An unbridgeable disconnect between politicians and reality: leaders seem to live in a parallel world, disconnected from the needs of citizens. This gap between “those at the top” and the people is increasingly evident and dangerous.
Valencian MPs voting for RTVE councillors while their neighbours were facing the biggest humanitarian catastrophe this country has ever experienced is a slide that we will not erase. That these MPs did not put dignity and solidarity before not upsetting anyone in their party who would deny them entry into lists in the future is an insult.
and 4. Politicians without practical experience and surrounded by mediocrity: putting people in charge of institutions whose experience is limited to winning electoral campaigns or navigating the political arena is risky.
Lack of experience in managing complex situations, combined with the tendency to surround oneself with less capable people in order to shine more, is a suicidal combination. The results speak for themselves.
This "political disaster" reveals the shortcomings of a State that seems to be failing in its mission to protect its citizens. They talk about using all the means as if it were a Christmas carol, but these means are neither sufficient nor capable. The means are the neighbours.
The State has suffered a multi-organ failure. The State has remained largely absent for four days. Now, there is even a perceived lack of coordination that endangers the thousands of volunteers who are rushing to help with everything they have.
Many argue that the State cannot deal with everything so quickly and that this is normal. The State is all the administrations, all of them. And the images we see within the catastrophic area are a scenario in a state of collapsed functionality. It is observed that the State has lost its capacity to respond adequately to the emergency, evidencing what could be described as a Failed or Collapsed State.
Photo: Alberto Saiz/AP
There's been some anger around early reports of looting by migrants, of cars, homes, hotels, and stores. Others, according to the tweet below, sold water for 7 euros per bottle.
By contrast, here's a clip of Chinese immigrants donating generously to the relief effort:
The parking lot of a supermarket was flooded as people tried to get out but couldn't. Fire-fighters came but the water was up to their chests. Many dead are expected to be found.
”Parking garage of Mercadona supermarket in Paiporta: It is still flooded and it is known that there are corpses under the water.”
Clip here.
So, is NATO behind weather mod in Europe. Do they control the HARP system there? I saw the photos of the weather over spain and one could clearly make out the tell-tale signs of HARP energy on those clouds.
This Valencian farmer is calling out, before the flood, that the weather radar was not working, which was going to put lives in danger. https://t.me/ElDiestro/45688
Why does it remind me of Lahaina.