The destruction of traditional morals received a huge boost from the Rockefeller funded Alfred Kinsey books on human sexuality that used hundreds if not thousands of incidents of adult abuse of children to "prove" children, including infants could be sexualized. He did this by encouraging reports from 'examiners' about how many times children could be brought to orgasm. See our Substack report:
Kinsey's book was an instant best seller, lauded by The New York Times, and other major legacy publications, lauded by scientists and academicians as great step forward in American sexuality. His work opened the door to the 'sexual revolution' of the 1960s and deterioration of American marriages. ~ Ginger Breggin
The destruction of traditional morals received a huge boost from the Rockefeller funded Alfred Kinsey books on human sexuality that used hundreds if not thousands of incidents of adult abuse of children to "prove" children, including infants could be sexualized. He did this by encouraging reports from 'examiners' about how many times children could be brought to orgasm. See our Substack report:
Kinsey's book was an instant best seller, lauded by The New York Times, and other major legacy publications, lauded by scientists and academicians as great step forward in American sexuality. His work opened the door to the 'sexual revolution' of the 1960s and deterioration of American marriages. ~ Ginger Breggin
I'm a geezer. But even after a second helping at the buffet and a few rounds of Bingo I'm still ready to go to war over this cause.