Advent Calendar, December 15: "Life Goes On"
Plaza Nueva Dancers Brave The Cold To Bring The Spirit Of The Season
[From the Instagram page of Julian Lennon.]
Feels like our theme that we discussed earlier today, here.
Just after I posted it, I rushed to my Spanish lesson, and the dancers were back, in Plaza Nueva.
They were all wearing red and black, sparkly Christmas outfits, even! I have no idea how they were not cold, I was wearing two sweaters and a coat.
It’s all spontaneous, and free—no money enters the picture at all, no collection.
My Spanish teacher, Jorge, is from Alicante, and he said nothing like this happens in Alicante.
Go Granada!
What, no twerking !? Joke.
I want to bring something to the party so how 'bout some nouveau flamenco