After Dude Comedy, A New Era: The Bombay Born Mother of Three, In America, Making Us See Ourselves With Laughter: Zarna Garg
"No one is doing Indian Mother in Law Jokes? That can't be right," she said to herself, according to legend, then she started doing stand up. (Brings to mind Roseanne Barr, that genius)
My stepmother Sara and I discovered Zarna Garg recently and she made us laugh so much that the nursing home staff came in and wondered what we could possibly be laughing over. Then they put down their things and started watching too, (and laughing.) One could call her “the new Roseanne,” but Roseanne (who I love and in fact once profiled for SPIN) is the new Roseanne, on FOX. You take my point.
Chris Hitchens was a genius who was wrong about four things:
War in Iraq
Women aren’t funny
Good comedy is so necessary, now more than ever!
That was fun. I love her.😊