"Brain Stem Death" Is A Myth To Fuel Organ Industry, According To Expert Dr. Paul Byrne: They Register Pain, But Can't Respond
Kate Shemirani's Daughter Was Declared Brain Dead, Yet Cried To Hear Her Sister's Voice. Here, Shemirani Interviews The Foremost Crusader Against The Cruel Lies Of "Brain Death."
Kate Shemirani Tweet here.
Interview between Kate Shemirani and Dr. Paul Byrne, here.
Additional material:
Life Guardian Foundation
Criminal organ-harvesting is big business.
Some years ago I took care of a young man with traumatic brain injury, declared "brain dead", but his mother said "Frankie's in there" and refused to let them end his life. He returned to unassisted breathing, and was still getting fed through a gastrostomy tube when I met him. We got fresh vegetables and other nutrition pureed into that tube, and squirted a little Coca-Cola through it when it clogged. Frank became more and more socially responsive, then communicative and could feed himself with one hand.
He wasn't actually dead. His Mom knew.
Hospitals are killing fields.
Surprising to some hospital workers, who don't know what happens in their job site.
That's a very clever stratagem: use the people's incredulity of the horrible reality.
Most cannot accept the real nature of our monstrous problem. Inconceivable!
But true.