Danish Medical Agency and Serum Institute Tracked EU Pfizer Shots According To SEAs And Found That Some Were Highly Damaging, Some Likely Placebo—Promises Further Investigation
Nevradakis article in The Defender, here.
European Journal Of Clinical Investigation article here.
HowBadIsMyBatch.com here
Dr. Robert Young: Graphene and Parasites.
Thank you to Martin Barnes for bringing this to my attention.
Comments at The Defender:
Look at the lot #'s not everyone who got the Covid jabs got the kill shots because that's easy to see, while others got the saline.
“I did not get either !!!”
“Yet, another law that was ignored. The product liability on the vaccines does not extend to criminal acts.”
“Of course! I saw a report on this back in 2021 -- IT'S AN EXPERIMENT! There must be a control group. The report I downloaded said that during the first six months about 30% of the jabs given were placebos. If you know anyone who says they had no problems with the jab, they likely got the placebo. There was another report -- not sure how credible it was and I didn't research it -- that said Blue states got a lot of the placebo, while red states got the doses with the higher levels of toxic stuff. There are 4 levels: 10%, 20%, 30% and 50%. Japan found that out when they began investigating the vials and measuring the stuff in it.”
“We've known about this for a long time. There had to be placebos because those people had to be the promoters. The ones who promote the shot by saying "I got the shot and nothing happened to me." Then there were shots just meant to cripple and maim. Then there were the killer shots. All by design.”
In 2020, as soon as the clown show false flag operation began, the alarm bells rang loudly. By April 2020, I called out the #GeriatricGenocide, and the #Panicdemic in social media comments.
Dr. Zelenko calmly shared his common sense compassionate approach to early treatment and was pilloried for it, yet remained steadfast.
By the time the mRNA injection was touted as the “vaccine” was paraded out, thousands had been murdered by lockdowns, euthanasia, remdesivir, and ventilators. Many died horrible deaths in isolation and neglect in the slaughterhouses formerly known as nursing homes and hospitals, now run by serial killers for profit.
These are strong opinions but frighteningly true from my humble perspective.
For the globalist criminal Malthusian cabal that painstakingly prepared and executed the greatest crime against humanity recorded in all of written history, this experiment was a raging success, especially since many millions are still suffering and dying from the horrific bioweapon time bombs deployed by needles.
The democide agenda will still play out for dwindling numbers of subsequent generations as infertility s fully manifested.
Yet, this will not be the transhumanist utopia perpetrated by the sycophants of the original toxic narcissist psychopath adversary. It lost the battle at the beginning of time.
God created humans in His image and likeness, and made us hard to eradicate. The adversary has their villainous plans for a great reset of the world, and it has pushed its button, in spite of the full knowledge that God’s Divine Reset button is infinitely greater, and in the blink of an eye HE will finally press it. There is no doubt of the final outcome, since it has been clearly written in His Word as transcribed in the Bible.
Of this I have no doubt. His Will be done. It is a wondrous and horrible time to bear witness, and my prayers are unceasing for His Grace and Mercy for the redemption and salvation of all His precious and beloved souls.
Free will is a tricky gift. Use it wisely. RESIST FEAR.
Your post is magnificent truth and I am truly grateful for your witness of the scientific facts. Yet, it is so sad this has taken so long to all come to light with so many lives gone from the planned genocide cull.
My older brother, John, likely did not get the placebo and died suddenly on 5/25/23, two months after his 65th birthday. The world is palpably missing this beautiful big brother who loved and cared deeply for all of God’s creation and was a true custodian and conservationist of nature. I know He is with God in Heaven. Countless prayers expedited his prompt arrival.
This is why I advocate for prayers to Our Father/Son Jesus Christ/Holy Ghost, because He is here beyond our perception, but still loving us perfectly and desiring we use our free will and discernment gifts to make our way to him for eternity.
My expressions are to be taken as my understanding only, and my personal revelation. Our paths vary with our life experiences, and my only humble suggestion to readers is to focus on keeping open eyes, open minds, and open hearts.
David Icke states it beautifully: humanity perseveres and conquers with LOVE. I suspect he knows this is LOVE far beyond the mortal worldly confines, but may not quite admit to the eternity of the LOVE that has made this dimension we perceive.
There I go on an inspired ramble. Maybe now I can get back to sleep a few hours. 🙏🏼🤗❤️
Geoff Pain criticises this placebo story.