I can almost guarantee this will make you laugh. People getting things wrong, is, in a sense, our only real problem. Only my father could wind up in a situation this preposterous, but it’s all true!
From Cocktails With Molotov: An Odyssey of Unlikely Detours,
by Barry Farber
(I dedicate this post to two friends who get things right, (and then some:) Steve Stars and Jon Rappoport.)
Feel free to share stories of people getting things wrong, in the comments section.
People love to insert their personal bullshit into every story, instead of asking honest questions.
It's almost like they prefer the fantasy world.
Your pops was a great interviewer. Saw his thing with Mitch Hedberg.
Celia, I had no idea Barry Farber was your father! I loved listening to him, and I enjoyed reading his book.
When interviewing authors your father distinguished himself among his contemporaries by actually reading the books they wrote. Who does that?