For The Sake Of People Being Able To Hear Dr. Rima Laibow's VITAL Presentation Today At 12 EDT, EXIT UN NOW--We Start Our Zoom Instead At 3 Pm EDT—Three Hours Later Than Was Planned—NEW ZOOM LINK
I Think Her Presentation Is Critical and We Should Attend LIVE If We Can
I apologize for the inconvenience.
“Sunday, September 8th at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time, Dr. Rima Laibow shall take us on a journey to expose this plan for what it is. It's an evil plan for the annihilation of humanity that has been in the making since the 1930s that has taken on a new twist and turn that is effective and fully operational.
The death star is fully armed, weaponized, equipped and ready to go. All its pieces are in place starting with the secret meeting of The Good Club in 2008 at the Rockefeller University only blocks away from the United Nations. It is time for them to press the button to give the go signal. It is time for them to execute on their plan.
The right wing and the left wing belongs to the same bird. They take turns, but they are working together.
It is time for us to wake up and take our place in the unfolding human drama of conscience versus submission. He that has a soul, let him stand with the chorus of the light and living. He that has sold his soul through bargain, compromise, gain, fortune and reward, let him be arrested and pay the ultimate price of death, damnation, woe and sorrow.
The choice is yours.”
—Dr. Rima Laibow
Here is the NEW Zoom Link For the TTB Zoom at 3 pm-5 pm EDT today:
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Here is a cut and paste of Dr. Laibow’s letter of urgency sent out today to a mass email group list I am on:
Global Outreach Program
SUNDAY, September 8, 2024
12:00 pm EDT, 9:00 am, PCT, 5:00 pm London, UK
Why ALL NATIONS Should Exit the UN NOW & How to Go About It?
Pact for the Future & More!
Take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge. Go to:
Learn more:
Dear Truth Seeker,
We are living in perilous times. A time between the living and the dead. A time like no other since since the dawn of civilization and recorded history that began some 5,000 years ago. We are being challenged on the cusp of a changing Age, which will set the course of human history for the next 2,160 years. Only since the 1st and 4th centuries AD has mankind been caught in the vice grip and struggle to choose between good and evil in a phenomenal way. Yet, light must prevail. Light must overcome darkness. The next Age is the dawning of the light. One that leads to a Golden Age! Out of the darkness comes the light.
We are faced with choices, yet we do not have sufficient information to evaluate our options unless we become fully aware and enlightened by staying abreast of the myriad of issues unfolding in our times at multiple layers and strata of evolutionary change.
Traps and deceptions are everywhere. Propaganda is extreme! If ever there was an existential time for action, that time is now!
A plan so subtle, a plan so treasonous, a plan so treacherous, a plan so wicked, a plan so evil that it is hard to conceive that it is real. Many good men and women are caught in its trap without the slightest sense of awareness of that which is coming into being. The babies and innocent are sacrificed. They are flung against the alter of shame, disgrace, dishonor and madness to die a slow, unrecognized and cruel death while the band plays on in the background.
Sunday, September 8th at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time, Dr. Rima Laibow shall take us on a journey to expose this plan for what it is. It's an evil plan for the annihilation of humanity that has been in the making since the 1930s that has taken on a new twist and turn that is effective and fully operational.
The death star is fully armed, weaponized, equipped and ready to go. All its pieces are in place starting with the secret meeting of The Good Club in 2008 at the Rockefeller University only blocks away from the United Nations. It is time for them to press the button to give the go signal. It is time for them to execute on their plan.
The right wing and the left wing belongs to the same bird. They take turns, but they are working together.
It is time for us to wake up and take our place in the unfolding human drama of conscience versus submission. He that has a soul, let him stand with the chorus of the light and living. He that has sold his soul through bargain, compromise, gain, fortune and reward, let him be arrested and pay the ultimate price of death, damnation, woe and sorrow.
The choice is yours.
Choose wisely!
—Dr. Rima Laibow,
Sept 8, 2024
On my end: I posted all the links, was unable to try to get on until 1 pm EDT, as I had to finish the article to be discussed at 3 pm on OUR Zoom. Now I can't find a working link. Does anybody else have one?
Huge respect and appreciation for Dr. Rima's unrelenting effort at waking up the sleepwalkers, procrastinators, etc. Her mission is clear but the language is sometimes too opaque: Better not to use language such as "The death star . . . ." and similar Star Wars imagery "It is time for them to press the button to give the go signal.". Instead talk about the bioweapon(s).
She's always had a penchant for drama and undoubtedly drama it is. Still, I prefer clarity.
In May of this year all undersigned nations were originally to have surrendered their autonomy to the W.H.O. That did not happen.
Likewise any deadlines expressed by the murderers are not etched in stone.
Yes, they have been and will continue turning up the heat in the days/weeks/months ahead on the tyranny they bring but it will only work on a cowed and intimidated public.
I will listen and heed Dr Rima's podcast today until my visitors arrive.
Remember Ben Franklin's words and more recently Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch's book "A Republic If You Can Keep It."
Even in our darkest hour and until our last breath, Never Surrender.