Gareth Jones Must Become A Household Name
(This Post Has Nothing To Do With The War In Ukraine. Everything To Do With The Limitless Depravity Of The New York Times and The Pulitzer Prize)
Garrett Jones Website
I watched “Mr Jones” last night and have felt ashamed all day. Not because I did not know who he was, and what he did.
I did.
But I knew him only as a figure who broke the story of the Holomodor which I nevertheless vaguely believed Malcolm Muggeridge had brought to light in some way that…well, I just didn’t take the time to learn everything he did, went through, nor how he was murdered, at the age of 29, as punishment for the immense and dark story he alone broke. It cost him his life.
I’ve known the story of Walter Duranty and his shameful lies and denials about the Holomodor for The New York Times, probably for decades. But still, Jones was a vague figure I knew little about.
In fact, Jones was always the whole sum, alpha and omega, of the history of the truth coming out, whereas Muggeridge was the Johnny Come Lately, and Orwell, not even. If the movie has it right, Orwell wasn’t sure whether to side with Duranty or Jones. How could that be? (Requires more research.)
Of all people, to place Gareth’s mind-blowing reportage on the front cover of one of his newspapers—William Randolph Hearst.
Gareth Jones was everything a truly great journalist should be. Somebody like this comes along at best once every century.
His name, as well as his entire story, should be known to every student of journalism.
It’s progress, at least, that the movie has been made.
The New York Times was instrumental in covering up Stalin's engineering of the 1932-33 famine which killed up to 13 million people in the Ukraine, Caucasus, and Kazakhstan. Walter Duranty, NYT's Moscow bureau chief, won the 1932 Pulitzer Prize for his dishonest and deceitful reporting about Stalin's premeditated genocide designed to collectivize farms and destroy Ukrainian society. Duranty, a NYT Soviet apologist, went on to defend the mass murderer in the Moscow Trials of 1938 which led to the execution of many defendants opposed to Stalin's dictatorship.
Today the New York Times is covering up another genocide that exceeds Stalin's man-made famine in size, scope and evil---the vaccine-induced killing and maiming of millions of people around the world with an experimental, untested, medically useless genetic-modification treatment, falsely labeled a "vaccine", proven to kill or severely damage those injected. NYT and CNN lead the vanguard in the campaign to suppress the voices of hundreds of thousands of eminent doctors, scientists, healthcare workers, independent news media, whistleblowers, vaccine victims, and ordinary citizens who question the false Official Narrative that "the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective".
NYT leads the way in covering up two genocides. New York Times, the CIA house organ, is good for lining a kitty-litter box, but not much else.
The brutality of government gone astray is real...and we're at the steps of another episode at this time...we must stand together in solidarity and take back the government immediately. Strength in numbers is the is our choice.