German Father Cracks Apart Over Masking Of Children At Outdoor Event: Apoplectic Over Sadistic Trauma That Will Stay With Children For Life
I think this man is a hero.
The trauma to the children is a subject of profound tragedy, yet to even begin to unfold.
Once again: Thank you Sweden, thank you Anders Tegnell. Not a single child was ever masked in Sweden, now finished with the “pandemic,” and all restrictions are called off. This demonstrates that all the masking of children in every country was 100% unnecessary.
And there's no "asymptomatic spread" to boot.
His anguish is searing, that poor man. But how do we rescue children who need 'better parenting'? If we argue that we know better and those children should be taken from their parents, are we not like the state? For me, this is a terrible conundrum. The Bible has the essence of this issue, in tortured, contradicting phrases that dance around what to believe, what to advocate. Should the sins of the fathers be visited upon their children? Can it be any other way? I am an imperfect father: at times irascible, tense in social gatherings, shy, reserved, and many other things. Do I visit these issues on my children because I cannot not do so? If so, what do I do about it? How much damage do we do as parents who learned our parenting from our imperfect parents, where neither party really knows they are teaching or learning the whole time, while steeped in this or that imperfect culture? What lengths should we go to, to make everything right? Are we wise enough to know what's right on such a grand scale?
I don't have answers. Perhaps I even fear answers. Free will is sacred, and that includes error heaped upon error on the path to the horror of mass psychosis, again and again, until we learn better. Pema Chodron: "Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know." This can be a very bitter pill indeed. If the state intervenes in our parenting, if God intervenes, if we intervene, how do we ensure we learn better? Free will is sacred, but is one part of its terrible beauty that the sins of the parents will be visited upon their children?
We had a little bit better experince with our child in Germany.
No where was written that the people need to use the masks at the St. Martin celebration at child care (event was outside), but everybody came with it. Only my wife and I were without it. If to nice to be different:)
The good thing is that nobody bothered the children, and they had good time.
Like I see not everywhere was so fun.
Schools in Germany are now turing to torture places from children with masks and testing.
It is just sick and sadistic people that are destroying childrens lives :///
Strange how the past is repeating it self.
I just realised that people forget the past. They learn about it, to not let it happen again... and all this stuff, but after all the people die that went througt certain period of time, the things happens again because human mind is still working on the same principles as 70 years ago.
And the masters of propaganda know it...