I found "the point" about Elon Musk. It is precisely not about who he is.
This is really a great point he makes, so simply
Always it comes back to the symbiosis of the person who is being watched and weighed, in this case Elon Musk, and the whole dynamic environment of the time and space inside of which this person is causing reactions. So don’t look at Elon Musk. Look at the media whose landscape he is altering. Be it for saintly or devilish final ends. I insist something interesting is happening. (30 seconds after I posted this, my argument proved itself: CBS removing all its content from Twitter.
God Bless you. I have been in this SHIT for ever. I mean this as since I am 14 years old my dad would tell me America is the greatest country. Now I am not against my country but I asked how he knew this if he never lived anywhere else.
Throughout my life I learned very well why he thought he knew this. In 1979 I accidentally was put in prison in Kabul Afghanistan. I served my sentence of 1 year and it was training for the real world.
1983 I had already gotten a job, moved to the top and the owner passed away. He had left me a portion of the business as it was a small stitching business in Midtown Manhattan 27th Street and 6th Avenue.
I signed the papers at the families attorney because I loved them like family. I guess you see where I can going. They screwed me but oddly I had a mentor in that Industry. He was in the Sewing Machine business. He and others told me how to take back what was mine, legally with the same method. Attorneys are the key to everything and that is broken as fuck.
While still running the business I "owned" 25% of I started another one a block away. As an officer of the company I sold all the equipment and one weekend moved it to the new business which I owned Zero percent of. We had a crane come to remove heavy slitting and rolling machines. It was a stage crew a friend brought.
My wife to be was the owner, God bless her. We had taken back what they stole with interest. It was still work mind you and hard work but not to keep someone else, who clearly thought they were better then other humans such as Latinos, in comfort.
My wife was Puerto Rican. I was a New York raised blind as a bat kid. The two triangles like Solomon's temple. I knew nothing until my 1 year in Afghanistan where I learned what talk the talk really means as nothing teaches life better than prison. Especially one that supplies not even food without the almighty $$$$.
My wife was an Angel from God. There is no maybe about this. She left early and it took me a long time to learn the lessons. Still learning everyday.
The people that owned that business truly knew in their broken minds that they were better than the Latinos that brought all their freedom. When I started there I was the lowest paid and least influential employee. In four months I was the third from the highest. How is that possible?
I was a delivery "boy" when hired and Shipping Manager in four months. As I learned life in this place and learned how to operate every machine I saw something that I had not been exposed to in all my childhood days at brainwashing. I saw White men (I am considered that by sight I assume) who seemed to manage the whole place but when I spoke with them (at lunch) I did not get it. IE they spoke like idiots. They knew nothing.
The Latino men and women, mostly women, could explain how the machine worked to me. Intricate details. Each group was a department and there was naturally one who was best at it. These were the kind of people I wanted to be with because they knew something. The two or three men were truly morons.
As I moved up in knowledge I eventually was given the role of Manager. I built a little office 7 x 9 feet with two desks. My future wife was the floor lady. IE pickup anywhere someone was needed. Knew many skills. I created a stupid simple system as the orders came in with scraps of paper from the customer and those scraps followed the work.
I then fired the useless men called production managers and each departments best was given the task of following the system. These people were not workers to me but family. Never did I feel I was better as I hoped they would accept me. They were in charge because they were human. They connected. They hugged each other.
How could people be so lost? I cannot go on as I said more than I planned but my point I hope is clear. Love is our Power. We are Human and Love is something those big boys like Klaus and Bill despise. Love Them Like your life depends on it. As with Love they will shrivel away as it is our true power. Love to you all.
Divide and rule policy (Latin: divide et impera), or divide and conquer, is a technique used to gain and maintain power divisively. It typically involves creating or encouraging divisions among subjects to prevent alliances that could challenge the current leadership. Historically, this strategy has been used in many different ways by empires seeking to expand their territories.