I know it was an emu, not an alpaca, and I corrected it last night, then deleted the post.
It did not occur to me that it was “cruel” as I saw the emu husband and wife (Karen) running outside and they seemed to have a good life.
No more animal videos around here unless they are 100% researched and vetted.
Please stop though, commenting on it, as it is supposed to be deleted. I can’t understand where, in what dimension of the internet, people are still trying to tell me it’s an emu, but the emails keep coming in.
Sorry for the mis-step.
Sorry if you found her not funny. I saw something in it—something poignant somehow, in their relationship.
But we really have no time. We have to move on.
Thank you for always being vigilant and I promise to be more careful about all things pertaining to animals in the future.
Also though…how do so many of you know the difference between an emu and an alpaca?
Your response to people's unhinged commentary on emu/alpaha was hysterically funny and appropriate. You rock!
I missed it all but in case you really want to know: an emu is a flightless bird (2 legs) and an alpaca is a spit-ful animal (4 legs).
Love you and your work, ignore the knobs and press on, Mz Cynthia!😹😻😹😻