Allegedly, Ben Shapiro's Harassment Of Candace Owens Went As Far As Spying On Daily Wire Staff Emails, Firing Owens Loyalists, And Sending Fake Intern Spies To Frame Her
The Darkening Of Ben Shapiro's Reputation—The More He Attacks Owens, The More He Shows His True Colors
Details of Ben Shapiro’s deeply disturbing campaign to destroy, and frame, Candace Owens, here.
Daily Wire employees emails were even hacked and when support for Owens was found, the guy was fired.
Now GoFundMe has suspended said fired guy’s fundraiser. But it’s still anti-semitic to speak of a Zionist control over US media.
Watch this. (Details of all I have stated above.)
The two videos linked above, here, are in and of themselves so incredibly “disturbing” that it should be the end of Ben Shapiro.
However, as we know, nothing is “the end of Ben Shapiro.”
He is an archetype known as a Golden Brat. I remember when, shortly after October 7, he came after Owens, and she was about to give birth to her second child. It was so incredibly upsetting, so counter-masculine, for him to attack a pregnant former friend and employee so publicly and nastily. I shuddered.
One will never cease to find material if one is interested in the absence of class, or upbringing, in Ben Shapiro.
Being an admirer of Candace Owens, is not a prerequisite to be disgusted by this nor to find it extremely revealing of the entire media eco-system.
She is a deserving media star, with star power, and unusual intelligence. She knows the whole game and plays it well. To survive the kinds of planned, funded attack pogroms as she has requires many things and she seems to have them all.
She is a rare conservative super star who was vocal about Covid “vaccine” murder, and even about the genocide in Gaza. But please don’t think I don’t understand that every last one of these monied stars have been overtaken by compromising forces, presenting as money, fame, etc.
Speaking of money:
I hope nobody here is paying money to The Daily Wire. I think it’s essentially an intelligence operation.
Meanwhile: Stop Trusting GoFundMe With Anything Whatsoever
GoFundMe is an evil organization. They “suspended” my first fundraising for the original Truth Barrier, it was something like $800 that had been raised, and GoFundme seized it right out of my bank account. That was about 10 yers ago. I was told it was founded by two gay guys and their hatred of me was because I denounced anti-HIV drugs.
Daily Wire Sucks Anyway
I have never been a fan never mind subscriber to the obscenely expensive, banal Daily Wire. It’s just not very good.
None of these people are fascinating.
Gary Webb was.
Shah of Iran, in interview 50 years ago, tries to reveal Zionist control of US media narratives, as Mike Wallace acts profoundly incredulous.
We Need Our Own Newspaper—Will It Happen In 2024?
Certain things are in place. I am clearing away obligations, to get down to work on it.
Shapiro was always a LARPer. The way he talks is too rehearsed. Too obvious.
And I cannot yet discard the possibility that Ben has envy of Candace because she's pretty. One never knows with those manlets.
But it's clear to me that Candace is better at political commentary. Maybe it's that. Dummies cannot stand talented people.
These days It seems the accusation of "being an intelligence operation" is thrown around too often.
Not only about "news" organizations, but of individuals and of other organizations, like "The Wellness Company".
Celia, on the meeting from the other day at MD4CE pre-presenting the new book, you made a comment about this toward the end. There are quite a few accusations against that organization for quite a long time. A few months back there was a debacle Q&A session that was very revealing. And some doxing went on, and some Machiavellian psychopaths spoke too loud. Everything needs silencing when evil is operating.
Unrelated to that case, some people associated with that organization are widely criticized now. The last few days, McCullough has been endorsing another genetic therapy to supposedly undo the damage of the clotshots.
This has been shocking to some who were already firmly against gene therapies, but thought that McCullough was one of the good guys and would not compromise.
But for those of us who believe there was no pandemic, only a military operation, this new development is not surprising.
I just want to mention that it would be better for everyone if people were told the truth: everything is an experiment, there is no guarantee of anything, not even of safety, and people should not have faith in doctors of any short, and people should make their own decisions and own them, and not allow themselves to be deceived by pharmaceutical representatives passing as Medical Doctors. Pro Tip: the best decision is to do nothing that they tell you.
We are lab rats and they are not doing us any good. It's best to seek natural detox options, whose safety is obvious.
The main detox: stop believing propaganda techniques.
Stop all fear. As Sasha Latypova repeats: don't be afraid.