Join Together With The Band: Tomorrow, June 27, 7PM EDT: RFK Jr. Hosts Online Roundtable With Leading Bio-Freedom Fighters
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“This is the biggest band you'll find
It's as deep as it is wide
Come on and join together with the band.”
—Pete Townshend
Before I get to the announcement of the upcoming online event, which most of you will know about my now via other channels, I want to say a few simple words about what I think/feel/sense is happening in our land.
It’s happening around and through Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Presidential campaign, but we would be reductionist(ic) to think the main question is whether he manages this Odyssean voyage to the White House—whether he wins the candidacy or the Presidency.
This is interesting and important, but the obsessive speculation about Mr. Kennedy’s chances blurs the stunning reality of a massive cultural shift that is already underway—not with RFK Jr. as quarterback, (merely) but rather, as catalyst (primarily.)
OK first: The online event is tomorrow, June 27, at 7 PM, EDT, and you can RSVP, and read about it here. I am attending a watch party in another state, which is unusual. I expect this to be very interesting.
What I think is “happening in the land” is purely subjective, but somehow, somehow, it feels as though we might be coming back to life. Like we’re all Pinoccchio, losing our strings, and becoming a real boy. Feeling actual feelings, beyond the register of all the post 2020 grey fears. The deaths will continue like a drumbeat, this denied horror that still does not seem possible, it’s so deeply shocking. Only RFK Jr. allows it, carries it. So he is the lightning rod. The others will be relegated to some kind of dead forest where nothing has meaning.
I’ve been noticing, with fascination, how forces of light, sound, history, and pop culture are convening to make this RFK Jr. moment more than the sum of its parts, more than a matter of the Presidency, and instead a matter of mass cultural expression that is snowballing past the guardians and gatekeepers of Acceptable Thought.
I like inventing words, and one of my words for this moment has some levity to it:
It’s Townshendian.
(So count on me to quote Pete lyrics unabashedly for the next 18 months, when things happen that were energetically predicted in Who songs. It also means I just like quoting him, and I think he was/is all about this kind of “it’s the audience, not the band…” “I can’t explain what I can’t explain but I tried to explain it to a group of five Mods in 1968…” kind of phenomenon. (I have a thick transcript of a 1993 interview with him where all this is discussed but I’m not sure where it is.) (Sorry.)
Andrew Breitbart famously said “Politics is downstream from culture.”
But right now, it seems politics and culture have merged, and it’s a big problem for the establishment. Rogan, Musk, Maher, Dorsey, Cernovich, Dore—all these major culture shapers have unabashedly backed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and without the usual gyrations of guilt and tax-paying to the Caesar. They’re just endorsing him straight up, as though writing reviews in unison for the latest Bob Dylan record in the 60s. A cultural moment that is created by a sense of everything changing, through some kind of connection between perceived truths and a singular voice.
People are jumping on buses to get to Woodstock even though it’s dangerous madness, a field of mud, and heresy against the suburban world in which nothing much was supposed to happen. (And yes I do understand about Tavistock—but I need these metaphors to make my point.)
The vaccine horse is dead—it can’t be used anymore, to stall our nation in its tracks.
He’s right, and everybody knows it now. Those who don’t are mostly paid not to know.
Amidst all this growing and unexpected (I think healthy) Bobby-mania, the legacy media are forced into the pitiable position of decrying a pop culture (and political) figure the masses love more and more every time he says anything.
Every time he makes a funny video with his crazy dogs. He doesn’t sound like our parents (to continue the Woodstock metaphor—) he sounds like us. He’s on….our side.
The sourpuss gatekeepers shooting him down in pancake-after-pancake-after pancake— stacked up in prose so predictable it could be written by AI —they’re not achieving the Trump effect.
What was the Trump effect?
It was:
We tell you exactly who to hate and disdain and why. It will work, at all your social events. It will shield you from social rejection.
It’s not working.
People listen to Bobby Kennedy the way they listen to a Dylan record—without gatekeepers giving crib notes. They hear him directly, with no middleman.
The establishment, the legacy media wind up prune faced and absurd, like the East German government in the late 1950s that tried to pitch an anti-Elvis dance (true story) to the East German people—one that rejected “Western” values by eliminating all hip motion. It was called The Lipsi. And it was no fun at all, compared to…Elvis.
(YouTube won’t let me post a video of The Lipsi.)
We’ve waited for something like this for a very long time.
One can see in Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of late, a star power I suspect he tried very hard to keep under wraps. This weekend I was busy with other things, but I caught wind that there were some clips of shirtless weight lifting, which had the effect of sending primarily the men in this country into fits of admiration, as memes poured forth comparing RFK’s healthy torso to those of pudgy Peter Hotez and Bill Gates. Has their time to finally be dethroned arrived, and if so, will their actual unhealthy fatness, paleness, lack of vitality, and (dare I say) lack of basic masculinity be what finally topples them?
Women love men who aren’t trying to kill everybody.
We’re in a wave here, that started when The Real Anthony Fauci came out, in 2021, born an unlikely blockbuster.
It’s actually the return of many waves that were thwarted, re-directed, and neutralized—all the populist, middle and working class waves of the post Bush/Clinton/Obama power consolidations.
He’s not Trump, and he’s not Bernie. He’s actually interested in truth and justice, which strikes us all as so unbelievable, in 2023, we search our drawers for reasons he won’t be our “savior,” and lists of grievances against our personal expectations.
He’s a climate change fanatic. He won’t demolish abortion. He “believes in viruses,” (No he doesn’t) and has not fully denounced SARS Cov-2! I would like to say something about this false accusation:
RFK Jr. said this, on Joe Rogan’s podcast recently (paraphrased from memory:) “It takes a lot to bring down a healthy person.” Or did he say “immune system?” Either way, it was purely Cowan-ian, pure “terrain theory,” and possibly his most radical utterance.
He rejected historical pandemics blamed on viruses and instead blamed vaccines and recirculated bacteria from enforced masks. That was plenty good enough for me and I beseech you to find a single American politician who ever talks like this, ever.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., before he is anything else, is the first American I know of whose Presidential platform includes a piercing and broad indictment of pharmaceutical crimes against humanity, from AIDS to autism to Covid. He’s also the first to speak of nature, (all that lives,) as opposed to “the planet” which sane people know is used as a pretext for theft, money laundering and social control on an epic scale. (See Rupert Darval, author of Green Tyranny: Exposing The Totalitarian Roots of The Climate Industrial Complex.) I believe he understands the nature of that industrial complex, and is working on reconciling what he once took for granted, before he confronted Fauci, as Fauci’s first true nemesis. It was a duel, and Fauci failed to show up.
Right now I’m just listing qualities no Presidential candidate I know of has ever encompassed.
He seems to be a real person. How did this happen?
He loves animals, especially birds, including strange ones—he hikes daily, lifts weights, urges Americans to eat well and exercise; He spent most of his life suing polluters of our waters and soil, and he picks up in his oratory where the American Transcendentalists left off. This is a critical point. I feel I have discovered his root system:
”In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life, — no disgrace, no calamity, (leaving me my eyes,) which nature cannot repair. Standing on the bare ground, — my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, — all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eye-ball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.”
Nature, Ralph Waldo Emerson
Compare it to:
”God talks to human beings through many vectors. Through each other, through organized religion, through the great books of those religions, through wise people, through art and music and literature and poetry. And nowhere with such detail and grace and color and joy as through creation. When we destroy a species and we destroy a special place. We’re diminishing our capacity to sense the divine, understand who God is and what our own potential is as human beings.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Boston, Mass, April 21, 2023
The so-called left can’t love him, because he is anti-poison, whereas they made peace with poison in recent decades—from industrial chemicals to mercury in vaccines to AIDS drugs to Covid shots. They embrace globalist contagion ideology, and reject all criticism of poison, thus doing the bidding of all the post-war poison industries. It’s possibly the most inexplicable betrayal of political sanity in our nation’s history. Globalism omits all talk of poison, and displaces it with talk about “science denial—” a fictional affliction that is stamped on anybody who would dare connect a poison to a cause.
I posit that the reason the “left” can’t place Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on any political spectrum it finds tolerable is that they are ignorant of American Transcendentalism, which is the esprit that runs through his uncle, his father, and him. The sovereignty of the individual, staunch defense of the constitution, rejection of tyranny, and communion with nature. If they (the anti-Bobby left) went back and read Thoreau, Emerson, Alcott, Whitman et al, they would find the ideological and spiritual root system that seems to totally baffle them. They don’t understand what it is, only that it doesn’t seem like…Democrats.
Reading Thoreau would entail coming across a troublesome essay called “Civil Disobedience—” one of the driving texts of the American Civil Rights Movement. But fat chance they will. I have no idea what these people read. The New York Times? Yuval Harari?
Who do they read?
If they read Thoreau, they’d also find the root system to the American abolitionist movement, and constitutional anti-statism. They’d find a forbidden and, by them, rejected articulation of why freedom matters. Listen to the left today and, see if you can find any of them defending the constitution, or the concept of freedom.
No—they peddle that wholly un-American counterweight: Safety. And said “safety” is issued by an ever swelling government, funded by a diseased Federal Reserve controlled “monetary system,” that you’re not allowed to know was the true driver of the American Revolution; The colonies right to coin their own currencies—to control their money.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may or may not realize all these ghosts are working through him, but I believe they are. I know I will be battered for placing “faith” in any single politician, but here is what I answer to that:
I’m not.
I don’t even think it’s all that important if he wins, because I experience a transformation and re-birth of our raped, beaten, betrayed post-Covid American esprit right now. It does not depend on the so-called election. Rather, it’s something that is being expressed by us in the form of a wild tide of returning American-ism, a returning decency, return to basic freedoms and truth, and yes, a long overdue, perhaps unconscious, staging of the Last Act of the Play, where the killing of the king isn’t left unanswered by a sordid pack of lies called The Warren Commission.
What play is it? Hamlet?
We’re not allowed to know anything about tragedy, about our own cultural or mythical; foundation—the woke mobs are fast dispatching of all classic texts, which frighten them. But these texts contain the majestic, eternal rules of human nature, of cause and effect, of the impossibility of getting away with great crimes. Especially regicide.
We all feel it, whether we were alive on Nov. 22, 1963 or not, and I was not.
This moment is about us because they took him, and his brother, from us—the American people. And implicit in every single gangrenous attack on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is this buried truth, this never healing wound. Never did they think a Kennedy would come back to haunt them, like this.
As I wrote in this piece yesterday, reflecting on my son’s wedding one year ago in Spain, what happened to us in 2020 transcended all governments, and rendered virtually all politicians—the world’s entire leadership class—subservient to a diabolical spell. No more could any single politician protect from its engulfing psychosis than a local priest could stop an unmarried woman from being tortured or beheaded anywhere in Europe between 1563 and 1768.
Today’s “Democrats” seem to suffer from a fever, a kind of pathological need to see a) imminent catastrophe everywhere (except in the VAERS database) and b) scapegoat.
They love to scapegoat. It’s their language.
This quality they share with their European “Christian” ancestors who also loved to scapegoat, and blame so-called witches for everything they couldn’t control, including, eerily, the climate.
“Where previously it was believed no mortal could control the weather, European Christians gradually came to believe that witches could. The drastic effects of the Little Ice Age reached a height between 1560 and 1650, which happened to be the same period in which the number of European witch hunts reached their height. Through works of literature such as the Malleus, witches were broadly blamed for the effects of the Little Ice Age, thus becoming a scapegoat across the Western world.”
“People thought to be witches were blamed for all manner of evils. They allegedly “caused frost and brought forth plagues of snails and caterpillars to destroy the seed and fruits of the earth,” says the German magazine Damals. If hail struck a crop, if a cow failed to give milk, if a man was impotent or a woman barren, witches were surely to blame!”
It’s only a few weeks in and his effect on this battered, bloodied nation is already possibly more significant than all the things he could do as President if he made it all the way.
As Barack Obama loved to say: “Now let me be clear…” I need to ask you to read me carefully, and not imagine I wrote things I didn’t.
I am saying: Consider the difference between blind a political candidate who craves adulation and one who generates it, by way of lending his voice to the incomprehensible injuries and insults we have all been subject to. To use the exhausted word: “Truth.”
Put more simply: The wave is all of us, encountering all of them, (let’s call it Deep State) over decades. The catalyst is RFK Jr. To focus on him alone, (with never ending criticisms) and to refuse to look at what he is bringing out in people, in the land, in the nation as a whole, is to in a sense not care how people feel. Maybe I can call it a form of snobbery. Yet attack attack attack away. I mean it. We don’t want a cult here. He probably welcomes attacks—this would be my guess.
First, let’s look at anti-Bobby-Kennedy-Jr. ism, such as it is:
From the peculiar cult of Democrat/Progressive/Left types for whom being a “Democrat” has come to mean stomping to pieces anybody who lacks full Leninist zeal in defense and eternal protection of “vaccine programs,” no matter how transparently catastrophic—the slander comes with a predictable, dull blade: “The guy is a raging anti-vaxxer/whacko, even his siblings reject him…”
That they do not understand how this strikes the ears of the millions of Americans who have direct experience of all Covid policies, treatments, mandates, lockdowns, and shots being something ranging from horrifying to soul-crushing. These victims, the elite Democrats/Progressives/Media class hope, will carry their griefs and maiming injuries quietly, since “vaccines save lives.” This mantra has become the very deadly heart of the post 2020 Democrat party, it it doesn’t strike me as a winning platform.
When they attack Robert F. Kennedy Jr. over his vaccine honesty (“denial”) they are attacking all injured and dead Americans, and all their loved ones and friends. That’s millions of people. These numbers are but a fraction.
As far as I am concerned, he’s already shifted the whole culture—the rest is just politics.
“Something’s In The Air.”
Last: A great and timely song my sister Bibi wrote, called “World Is Waking Up Right Now.
And it no longer feels like misery, like shuffling through a prison yard that we once took to be our country.
Feel free to drop Pete lyrics in comments. Here’s a good one:
I think he is a good and honest man and pray for his safety.
Huge post. Thank you.
I like to think that many people who are supposedly on the right and who have never questioned vaccines or germ theory or other progressive machinations are going to suffer a lot as all the massacres of these years unfold and they are forced to confront what they never wanted to see.
We have to come to terms with the fact that obeying the anti-human left is what enables genocide. Or, in another words, that if the rightists want to gain power they need to start disobeying the left and develop a realistic alternative to the welfare state. This means, among other things, that the people on the right need to stop pretending that there is any virtue in obeying mandatory public education laws, vaccine schedules or the income tax.