Joy and Jubilation In The Pharma-Resistance Ranks Over Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Appointment To Secretary Of HHS: "We Are Watching The Beginning Of The End Of This Nightmare"
"It Is The Most Epic Victory I've Ever Seen."
I wish Kary Mullis were alive to see this.
And David Crowe, Christine Maggiore, Dr. Roberto Giraldo, Etienne de Harven, Dr. Harvey Bialy, Serge Lang, and so many more incredible voices of the resistance.
I miss them.
I will write more about RFK Jr.’s appointment as soon as I can make contact with myself.
The sheer power of the Symbolic Nature of The Great Appointer appointing Robert Kennedy to this position--when reflecting on the fact that this war has been raging on for 110+ years now,...
Overnight, the MSM's lede-prose has been neutered of ALL its power: "Vaccine skeptic and former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been nominated...." /// "Mr. Kennedy, who ran for president before backing Mr. Trump, is skeptical of mainstream health recommendations, such as vaccinations and fluoride in water..."
The older I get, the more I understand "And God said [spoke], Let there be light: and there was light."
Well said and love that Bobby prays every morning.
“But God”
In a world where the almighty dollar dictates decisions and a profit-driven pharmaceutical system has harmed too many, I hold onto one unshakable truth: God’s power is greater than any entity. Truth always wins.
I learned this profoundly after my husband Woody died by suicide, just five weeks after being prescribed Zoloft for insomnia—despite having no history of depression. When we scattered his ashes on Lake Michigan, I looked down and saw a bright red book floating in the water. Written in gold letters were the words The Holy Bible.
Books don’t float. But there it was, real and undeniable like the waves it was floating on. In that moment, I knew God was real and that a powerful force works behind the scenes in ways we can’t see.
I leaned on that image every time I flew to Washington, D.C., to fight for black box suicide warnings on antidepressants. Against pharmaceutical giants and a broken system, God carried us—and eventually FDA blackbox suicide warnings were added although still much work left to do.
It’s been 21 years, but that moment still reminds me: no matter how impossible things seem, there’s a force greater than us, working for justice and truth.
Putting Bobby in charge is a great start. 💜🦋