Media Agents Petrified Of Musk Selling Elite Blue Checkmarks to Commoners, Meaning: Anybody, (Being Anybody,) Could Say Anything About ANYthing, On Election Day?!?!
Media Agents Petrified Of Musk Selling Elite Blue Checkmarks to Commoners, Meaning: Anybody, (Being Anybody,) Could Say Anything About ANYthing, On Election Day?!?!
Why didn't we think to mass produce and market smelling salts? No seriously, this clip should go into the time capsule. I LOVE it.
Media Agents Petrified Of Musk Selling Elite Blue Checkmarks to Commoners, Meaning: Anybody, (Being Anybody,) Could Say Anything About ANYthing, On Election Day?!?!
"Using Twitter as a trustworthy source of information on Tuesday is going to be a nightmare."
When was Twitter EVER a trustworthy source of information?
On a related subject, when was censorship EVER a good idea? Kindly cite any event, throughout all of recorded history, at any epoch in any society, in which censorship benefitted mankind.
I LOVE IT!!!! 🥳👏💪 Damn these Leftists are absolutely crazy, insane! LOST your job???? Did I actually hear THAT????
I lost my job of 23 years and my bf lost his job of 17 years. And it wasn’t for lying like you evil was for not getting POISON up my nose and in my arm!
And the ramifications of your lies have gotten people killed!
"Using Twitter as a trustworthy source of information on Tuesday is going to be a nightmare."
When was Twitter EVER a trustworthy source of information?
On a related subject, when was censorship EVER a good idea? Kindly cite any event, throughout all of recorded history, at any epoch in any society, in which censorship benefitted mankind.
I'll wait.
I LOVE IT!!!! 🥳👏💪 Damn these Leftists are absolutely crazy, insane! LOST your job???? Did I actually hear THAT????
I lost my job of 23 years and my bf lost his job of 17 years. And it wasn’t for lying like you evil was for not getting POISON up my nose and in my arm!
And the ramifications of your lies have gotten people killed!
I’m irate...can you tell?