Monday Night Football Shock: Damar Hamlin Of The Buffalo Bills Collapses On Field After Routine Tackle; After 9 Minutes Of CPR, Game Is Stopped
University Of Cincinnati Medical Center Will Soon Give Statement

Not exactly sure what happened to Damar Hamlin. Players on both teams are shaken. Ambulance out on the field. CPR administered. Can't remember play being stopped for this length of time. Just said a prayer for him and his family.

Let’s celebrate Damar Hamlin rather than gawk at some creepy ESPN reporter’s tweet
Here’s @HamlinIsland’s most recent Instagram post - scenes from his annual holiday toy drive:

UPDATE: Damar Hamlin’s vitals are back to normal and they have put him to sleep with a breathing tube in his throat. Doctors will continue to run tests and we will keep you updated 🙏

I had a chance to speak with Jon Rappoport, an ardent football fan. He said:
”Normally what happens is they remove the player from the field and the game goes on. In this case, he was on the field for a long time. Both teams gathered around.
I’ve never seen the grouping of the players and the delay…that was way different from anything I’ve ever seen. That’s the big question, to me. Did they defibrillate the guy on the field and if so, when did they start doing that?”
My friends and I are all talking about this right now. It’s just freaking heartbreaking.
BROUGHT TO YOU BY PFIZER undoubtedly poor guy
The players spontaneously gathered around...prayed .... they know what is happening.