Now Let's Imagine Reiner Fuellmich Also Set Free, Soon. In Most Recent Broadcast, He Revealed The Presiding Judge's Life Has Been Threatened. He Also Condemned Slaughter in Gaza. Sounded Resolute.
Why Is Fuellmich In Prison In Germany? Can Anybody Provide An Answer? I have A Better Idea: Let's Put Christian Drosten In A German Prison, And Let Reiner Out IMMEDIATELY
“The synchronicity of events all over the world, is, in an almost eerie kind of a way, astonishing.”
—Reiner Fuellmich
Reiner’s most recent broadcast here, on Elsa Is Elsa’s Bitchute channel.
Yes, why is Reiner Fuellmich in prison in Germany? Didn’t Miseré say he was suing judge Schindler? Yes, put Christian Drosten, Lothar Wieler and many others in prison! What was Reiner’s last message really about? I’ve been asking myself so many questions since last October, but few answers. FREE REINER FUELLMICH NOW 🙏
Today the instant I saw the Julian A. prison release headline, Reiner came to mind. Political prisoners are in jail because they are, well, political prisoners. The reason for and justification is about as valid as a PCR-40 test. Thank you for the Reiner link via Elsa. Odd to me that the PTB would even allow him to make a statement from prison.