NYU'S Attempt To Defame And Censor Mark Crispin Miller Backfires On Them Daily
As He Stands Vindicated On All Matters Of Scientific Fact
“My definition of conspiracy theory is something that if true, you couldn't handle it. You call it a conspiracy theory because they wouldn't do that you think, the government wouldn't kill the president like that, that wouldn't happen. And that applies to all sorts of horrors that we've lived through since World War II.
I believe that what's happening now is the culmination of a quiet history of eugenics in the West that starts at the beginning of the 20th century, from which Adolf Hitler learned a great deal, a movement that was forced underground by the Holocaust, because that was a big embarrassment. And that reemerged in the early '50s as a movement for population control. People don't want to understand this, they want to see Bill Gates as a benign figure, as a kind of “Father” Teresa bringing happiness and health to the United Nations of Africa and all that stuff.
They don't want to know that his father was an intimate of the Rockefellers and sat on the Board of Planned Parenthood, not because he was a feminist, but because he really did believe as Margaret Sanger did, that abortion is one tool for getting rid of the unfit. “
—Mark Crispin Miller
Listen to Miller’s interview with Dr. Mercola here