Obama Has Lost Protected Status, Following Tucker Sinclair Interview: Man Who Claims He Was Class of 83 At Columbia And Obama Was Not There Gains Traction On Twitter
The Deep State, As You Know, Called Him "Renegade." "But Gay Is Not The Issue; The Issue Here Is Fraud." Be Discerning—This is a Very Tricky Very Massive Unveiling Of Truth
I can’t authenticate any of these sources, so take this tweet as you will, and we will continue to keep eyes open. I thought this Obama exposé text was BY Scott Fishman, but it’s by Wayne Allyn Root, who Wikipedia at least can confirm was class of ‘83 at Columbia.
We have no idea who anybody really is.
Some people might even be who they say they are.
Let’s just admit we can’t authenticate each source, and read with equal parts open-mindedness and skepticism.
I’m posting the whole thread below.
Also: This clip, (also via Scott Fishman) is a remarkable blast from the past if you have not seen it yet. You don’t need more proof Joe Biden is a pathological liar, like Obama, but still, here it is. He got caught that time and the mainstream media all agreed his political career was dead.
He’s a Zombie, then. Who survives lies exposed like that? Joe Biden actually seems to be indestructible in a very disturbing way.
Did you know Joe Biden lied for decades that the truck driver his first wife collided with, who overturned his own truck to try to avoid hitting her car, was drunk? He died without justice, but his daughter fought valiantly for years, to compel Joe Biden to stop blaming her father and calling it a drunk driving incident. There was no alcohol involved and the truck driver was deemed blameless in the accident. Who would do this?
The police file on the crash is missing.
Obama's short form Birth Certificate was so OBVIOUSLY a fraud that a 19 year-old kid wouldn't be able to buy beer with it. I know, I used to card kids. The Long form was obviously a fraud too. I don't care where he was born, but I can't stand a liar and a FRAUD.
the problem i see with this- is somehow obama is suddenly the mastermind behind the deep state??- well i don't think so- he's an articulate punk- it's the $$$ and pharma etc- obama is no more directing the powers that be than i am directing traffic downtown- the stuff about him may be true- but not his power- he was brought to us by wall street and madison ave- slick guy- nothing behind the shadow but more shadows!