Our Book "Sacrifice: How The Deadliest Vaccine In History Targeted The Most Vulnerable" Is Out Today: Zoom Gathering 3 Pm EDT
A Note Of Appreciation For Dr. Thorp's Willingness To Go Almost Alone Against A Trillion Dollar Colossus and Defend Women, Who Nobody Believes Or Listens To
Here’s a very good interview with Dr. James Thorp.
A little background:
I have requested that Dr. Thorp be front and center in the interviews, as he is the authority, and I am (merely) the writer. They are different roles.
My role was to take very dense science, and a broad spectrum of memories, anecdotes, and observations from Dr. Thorp, and boil it into readable prose that conveys (a fraction of) this heartbreaking reality. His role is to stand in the space of a real OB/Gyn MD and testify that the shots has catastrophic effects on pregnancies.
Today is a big day, for me.
For one thing, this marks the very first time I got my name on a book I “ghost” wrote—this is my third. The other two were about O.J. Simpson and the publisher (same publisher, Regnery) refused to allow my name on the books because I was an “HIV denier.” My first publication of Serious Adverse Events (2006) was a similar dark cloud, as the publisher had turned against me when it came out. I never even took it out of the box.
(My book’s re-issue by Chelsea Green in 2023 was, by contrast, normal. No trauma.)
But I have a rocky history with books. I’m very much an article writer. Books are a different animal, and against my temperament.
My intention today—Feb. 18— is to embrace and identify with this book, to support it, and give it the best chance to succeed. It’s a dark, crushing, and important story. How they used what I call “colossal” money to break with the firewall of protections for pregnant women in place since Thalidomide (except not really) will not be shocking in these days of USAID/DOGE revelations. Same people, same story. But we have to be the voices of the mothers too engulfed by grief to speak. One mother in our book lost eight babies—including two sets of twins, and including one, just before birth. Her in-laws were able to speak to us— she was not. In fact, she stopped speaking altogether.
This is not an easy book to read.
It was a grueling year and a half in the making, and I want to thank two people, without whom it may never have been completed:
Ann Andrews, who was not an employee of Skyhorse, but pulled in off the street so too speak, to do emergency editing. (We met on a support Reiner Fuellmich Zoom.)
Ann looked at all the pieces and saw how the book should be built, composed. She took it apart and put it back together. She also tended to both my bruises along the way, and Jim’s, and interfaced with Skyhorse, and keep everybody calm and motivated.
Tom Kudla helped me (back in New York) with printing out the book as it evolved, and helped me “see” the sections when I went snow blind. He also read and gave feedback in the early days, when I had not yet found the narrative thread, or the path forward.
It took almost a year and a half to complete, and today, it’s here!
I also want to say that I have no affiliation with The Wellness Company; I received an advance of $5,000 from Skyhorse in June of 2023, and there are no other financial ties to report.
If anybody reading this should want to interview Dr. Thorp, about this book, you can email Kimberly, at Kimberlyt.publius@gmail.com.
I’m posting a Zoom link for 3 pm EDT today if anybody would like to gather and celebrate the book’s release.
Topic: Celia Farber's Zoom Meeting Marking Publication Of “Sacrifice.”
Time: Feb 18, 2025 09:00 PM Madrid
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Highly unlikely the book will be reviewed by the professional library journals so if you buy a copy donate it to the library when you're done, or buy a gift copy for your local library, or submit a purchase suggestion to your library system. If it's not reviewed it probably won't get purchased, unless it hits a bestseller list. https://hxlibraries.substack.com/p/the-new-smut/comments
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