Public Health Is A Totalitarian Ghost Science That Needs No Information, Needs No Truth, No Map--Only "Action," Driven By Faux Hysteria: Dr. Sabhlok Calls It "Public Health Terrorism"
Side note: During the long, excruciating years (two decades plus) of being part of an international tribe countering, protesting and de-constructing Gallo and Fauci’s lethal HIV Causes AIDS spell, I never grasped how this ‘thing’ that was so monetarily rapacious was also ideologically Marxist. Despite the countless clues, including the erection of an entire AIDS welfare state within the US economy (rent, bills, "meds” “health care” even Broadway tickets provided for the HIV positive proletariat.) Despite the continuous vicious clobberings we all (“denialists”) took for Wrong think, for being against the Party Line—the very hallmark of Marxism, this shrill hysteria over intellectual disagreement. Despite these falling piano clues, we still assumed we were tackling “bad” or “corrupt” science. I can also now wrap up the painful shards of mobbing from inside so called dissident movement, but those doing to selecting and attacking, the mobbing, are back and attacking people who don’t understand who they are.
They will, soon enough. And in the end, the fact they were paid agents will also emerge.
Watch for bullies and demoralization agents.
The spiritual dark core:
“Virus,” is “Usury,” in different form. “Virus” creates “Debt.” (Person, on whom dark spell has been cast, via tea-leaf tests like PCR, falls into a biological debt they can’t get out of. Except by taking poison that could kill them.) In HIV/AIDS people’s mortgage (time between testing positive and showing symptoms of what they called AIDS) was stretched to up to 30 years, “or beyond,” by the HIV/AIDS millionaire class. Which included gay activists in groups like TAG (Treatment Action Group, post ACT UP) who personified the ruthless revolutionary, in leather, doc martens, buzz cuts, and cultural Untouchable status.
Dr. Sabhlok Tweet here.
Previous writing on the work of Dr. Sabhlok, and his historical tracing of Public Health to Marxist roots, here.
Maybe I need to stress again: “Marxism” does not mean being in opposition to economic exploitation.
It’s a potent folk spell, funded always by global central bankers, in order to fleece the whole world, coupled with de-population, (genocide) under the pretext of counter-revolutionary stains in the soul.
Rinse, wash, repeat.
Too bad so many in health freedom movement still cry for Marxism (the pure form, of course) to come back and save us against the not correctly identified killer: “Capitalism.”
Celia, my dear, you know who I am but I'm just going to go ahead and out myself Allen J Duplantis MD interventional cardiologist defrocked because he refused the vaccine..... I must say sweet girl you have not lost your pluck. I'm so very proud of your courage which comes in an amazing package of articulate metaphor as you brilliantly encapsulate the whole detestable era of the 80s when the psyop of HIV/aids was diabolically engineered by the inveterate acolyte of Satan himself Anthony Fauci.... a modern day Adolph Eichman . As co- conspirator of the AZT myth distributed to "kill" virus that did not exist. He has now risen again in yet another diabolical plot vis-a- vis Covid and the dreadful vaccine. Again, same theme, a "killing cure" for a virus that does not exist.
I can hardly resist the urge to scream at the top of my lungs even in my church /Sunday school (which I actually teach). ........ Wake up !!!!! I beg God's mercy and direction and restraint and most importantly perhaps discernment ...... wanting yes to keep the Sabbath holy but dear God, how much would I have to hate these lovely people to not do my best to enlighten them?
I take comfort and having memorized and now literally adding to my prayers Ephesians chapter 6……… Read it meditate on it and memorize it. Professor Peter Dale Scott is given credit for the term "deep state" but I would submit and argue that the apostle Paul Should at least get a footnote from the lovely professor. One final note and I will end this rather prolix diatribe forgive me: Celia, my dear sweet friend in Christ the next time you happen to see or talk to or communicate with Catherine Austin Fitz please tell her that she and Joseph Farrell are missing the boat as to who "Mr. global is"............ it is Satan and his many acolytes and disciples and apostles........ so on ending this and forgive me again for length I want to quote Ephesians chapter 6 specifically: "put on the whole armor of God so that you might stand against the wiles of the devil for we struggle not with flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places." God bless you all. Keep up the good fight Celia......... onward Christian soldiers🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
I am getting the same feeling while reading Sharyl Attkisson's new book "Follow the Science". Much like Kennedy's "The Real Anthony Fauci", this is at once educational and aggravating as she describes the scummy behavior of the folks in the medical industrial complex.