I am remiss for the length of time that has passed since I sent out the note inviting anybody who may be interested in an involvement in The Truth Barrier’s next branch, which I am calling a “travel magazine” for now.
Many wonderful emails came in and my idea was and is: Arrange a Zoom call so we can all talk about it. Just that.
This will happen—very soon. (Checking dates.)
Short interview with self to try to explain the time gap:
Q: Did something happen, a couple of weeks back, right after you sent out this invitation?
A: Yes.
Q: Was it an attack or what you would call a spiritual attack?
A: Yes. I would call it a spiritual attack. That’s when my own “demons” engage in a battle, inducing misery and loss of willpower. One’s core wounds take over.
Q: Ah. So you engaged with energies that brought out the very worst in you. Was it to do with that whole No Virus thing?
A: Yes. It began with an attack on X, that was most distressing because it replicated points of attack only guarded by individuals who harbor voodoo levels of ill-will toward me since the 1990s. They went after Kary Mullis and I took the bait. I got upset, angry, furious, and it all ended with my telling them: “You people are all as%^oles!”
Like all humans, I want to be accused for my real mistakes and I want it to be from people who know me, to whom I may owe a real apology.
Q: Is this why you hang up the phone when people start to talk about No Virus?
A: Yes. A: Unless it’s literally Kevin Corbett on the phone, they are mostly a-historical, have zero grasp of the long and painful history of all this. I consider this “fight” a portal. Do you know what a portal is?
Q: Kind of. A sort of window left open to unclean spirits, or spirits of destruction?
A: Yes, exactly. Imagine that scientific esoterica even if accurate can nevertheless become a portal, then you understand my problem for so very many years.
Q: So unclean spirits can attach to accurate science?
A: Yes. That’s the silver hammer. Weaponized accuracy, we might say. They need that super correct hammer to club people over the head, make them feel bad, wrong, and dead. That’s where they begin to take on the gestalt of unclean spirits.
Q: How did you get out of this pit?
A: I embraced being hated, I embraced the freedom of others to think what they want and hate as they want and even get history as wrong as they want. And even be HUGELY unfair. I more or less tried to dissolve my ego altogether. It’s like losing interest entirely in the avatar with your name on it.
Talk about so what?
My father used to say: “You’re as big as what makes you angry.”
That meant I was the size of a flea, two weeks ago.
I also started praying the Rosary daily.
Saying these words: “Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy,” by itself, even if that was the only prayer, is so helpful.
In my experience, faith is a process of being humbled.
The prayers, spoken, they structure us—put us in more decent order as humans.
We don’t “believe” the prayers, we pray them, that we may be structurally changed by them. As water crystals in the presence of a loving message.
All of that said, this is the vital list of those who properly and in a timely manner opposed “virology” back when the beast was still a relative baby.
If you find yourself seduced by No Virus influencers—check this list to see if their names are on it. And if not, maybe ask them: Why?
"Yes. I would call it a spiritual attack. That’s when my own “demons” engage in a battle, inducing misery and loss of willpower. One’s core wounds take over."
Thank you so much, Celia, for putting this into words for me. I can identify.
You have such a pure heart.
Celia I love how you think and your writing style is superb. I also love every quote you give us from your father. Thank you for this post especially. 95% of the "alternative mainstream media" pundits are still promoting the "lab leak" theory and "bioweapon floating around" and cannot seem to do a scintilla of research from doctors and researchers which is readily available. I do, however, get the "portal" reference as I have been cancelled and accused of mental illness from some who used to be my "best truther friends" . . . onward!