Rise Of Socially Engineered Monster Children
Woman Issues Political Denunciation Of Her Father At His FUNERAL
“Expecting justice or freedom from a revolution is incredibly naive. Every social upheaval brings the worst dregs of society to the fore, and “those who were nothing will become everything.” A revolution promotes the most cruel, ignoble, bloodthirsty people with strong and despotic personalities.”
Judgment in Moscow: Soviet Crimes and Western Complicity,
Vladimir Bukovsky
I don’t want to depress you, but this is where they’re going, and it’s important to remain vigilant.
This “denounce your parents, USA version” began in earnest during the Trump years. I always said Trump loathing was a particular demon that was sent in, and was very uniquely dangerous. It was designed for multiple destructions but perhaps the central one was to be able to sever all heart ties between children and parents.
This person speaking on this video is, to my mind, post-human. Is that the same as “trans-human?”
Anyway: No longer human.
They will reward this more and more. The death of empathy, love, respect and honor and from the ashes, the rise of the parental denunciation (as performance art and status symbol;)
The shameless brandishing of allowing political difference to abort love.
The youth of the future will be rewarded for judging their parents strictly on their ability to fully reflect the child’s (woke/nwo) “politics,” which is actually the child’s programming.
This also pushes the Woke ideal that individualism, difference in human perception, is an evil that must be uprooted. This is what gives “cancel culture” its power. It sells its converts on the idea that different-ness must be abolished.
The goal is sameness. Like nails hammered down in perfect rows. Like a field of identical fists raised from identical outrage. A “mass” emotion is no emotion at all. Emotions can only be felt individually.
One more thing this supposedly viral video does is to completely change the entire concept of the funerals and memorial services.
This is a transgression of many taboos. Taboos exist for good reason.
Bring back taboos.
We are living thru a time of madness and inverted realities that only the nightmares of mystics could dream up, as some apparently have. It will not last. There will be many regrets and I hope the pendulum swings back to a place of balance but it could easily swing and do a 180. THere are those who want to see Earth become a prison planet with them being the guards. Let's all makes sure that doesn't happen. In the meantime.... beam me up Scotty
So sad. These children have been so brainwashed by design, IN OUR SCHOOLS! I must confess that I didn’t see it early on. When my son was in 3rd grade and told me, “you can’t tell me what to do I’m my own person” or something to that effect, I was certainly shocked and questioned the comment but it wasn’t until COVID that I began the deep dive into alternative media that I reflected on that statement and others. I thought about his homework assignments and the books they assigned but more importantly I began to notice what they DIDnT cover. I could share many discoveries but it culminated with us homeschooling 7th and 8th grade. We will see where our society goes from here before we determine what we do in 9th grade. God help our society and God protect these children.