She's a Veteran and Paralympian. Her Problem? She Needed an In-Home Chairlift. So The Canadian Government Suggested She May Be Interested In Euthanasia
She's a Veteran and Paralympian. Her Problem? She Needed an In-Home Chairlift. So The Canadian Government Suggested She May Be Interested In Euthanasia
Something Profoundly Diabolic Has Its Pilot Run In Trudeau's Canada: Urging People To Allow The Government To Kill Them When They Have Life Problems
She's a Veteran and Paralympian. Her Problem? She Needed an In-Home Chairlift. So The Canadian Government Suggested She May Be Interested In Euthanasia
Trudeau needs to be the first in line.
I am writing a big article and linking to yours from some time. It is all very disgusting. And the push is palpable (and very disgusting).