Squatter Squad: A Company That Removes Squatters From Homes In Southern California
Four Videos That Bring Faint Relief
In the video below, squatters invaded a home the owner was in contract to sell. He had to pay the squatter $1200 (she had asked for $2,000.)
We recently sold my grandparent’s home. It was in a very secluded rural area. I was worried about squatters. I lived an hour away and every time I drove-up to the house, I felt scared to enter. The sheriff and friends weren’t always available to accompany me. It was extremely stressful. I called the insurance agency and told them house was empty and in the process of selling, she said insurance would be increased due to squatters rights. So the insurance companies get richer. This is all part of the powers-who-won’t-be plan to own nothing and be happy. Get people fed-up, angry and hopeless and give-up their dreams. I shudder to think how much more of this squatting business will be happening with all the illegal immigrants coming in.
said it before, gonna say it again. this will be weaponized against us. if some obscure creditor claims title and forecloses, if the insurance prices you out of your own home, are you not a squatter on what was once your own property? see david rogers webb's work https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/the-great-taking-film-premiere/great-taking-film-premiere-event
on face value, there's no arguing with the logic that no one other than you is entitled to living on your property without your consent. but be careful what you wish for and how you go about obtaining it.