A Short Film About Tsar Nicholas ll, Addressing A Few Of The Most Common PSY OPs (Or Is The Word "Tropes?"*)
I’m wondering if people will say I've rejected a distorted image (not my own) of Tsar Nicholas ll (the standard stuff that always goes around) with one that is suspiciously gleaming. “From one extreme to the other…”
Comment from YouTube that I think I disagree with:
“There seem to be two types of portrayal of Nicholas II. One extremely negative and one extremely positive. The truth can probably be found somewhere in the middle of these two extremes.”
Few phrases irk me like “…the truth can probably be found somewhere in the middle…”
Nobody ever explains why? Why must truth always be found “somewhere in the middle,” instead of in its own realm?
Maybe “somewhere in the middle” is just an expression of the anxiety of the age, that all truth must be Goldilocks finding just the right chair. We don’t want to love so we make sure truth is always “somewhere in the middle.”
(Well, we can at least be spared the other diluting cliché: “He was not a saint.”)
By the way there’s an unintentionally brilliant (deserving of laughter) moment at the 8:41 mark. Let’s see if anybody else feels the same.
(Hint: It’s the effect of words, accent and music.)
(Why do I so intensely dislike that word: “tropes?”)
The story of Russia and its purposeful forced devolution into that Godless Bolshevik Communist hellhole called the Soviet Union breaks my heart. The murder of the Tsar and his whole family?
The "West..."
Yeah. Right.
I've always HATED that idea that the truth is found in the middle.