Tedros' Trance: Breaking Down Ritual Language At WHO
Beware Of People Who All Sound The Same And Fold Their Hands When They Talk To You
“Political writing in our time consists almost entirely of prefabricated phrases bolted together like the pieces of a child's Meccano set. It is the unavoidable result of self-censorship. To write in plain, vigorous language one has to think fearlessly, and if one thinks fearlessly one cannot be politically orthodox.”
—George Orwell
Zombie: a will-less and speechless human (as in voodoo belief and in fictional stories) held to have died and been supernaturally reanimated.
I just watched this video. I have avoided this filthy business of the UN Pandemic Treaty out of sheer dread. Listening to the WHO crowd, I feel always that I am listening in on some kind of ritual incantation ceremony, and all the participants are under the influence of something that has blocked all meaning when they speak. Meaning, but not ritual. The words are being used as something, but as what? They’re incanting to one another. All the time. Why are they doing that? I used to watch them do this at “International AIDS conferences” in cities around the world between 1988 and 1999, when it was the worst part of my job to have to attend those things.
“Who are these people,” I wondered. They shuffled about with shoulder bags, going to seminars, about imaginary micro-reductions in things like “viral load” in this or that study—always speaking about visions of a “world without AIDS,” even though that was precisely the last thing they wanted. They loved “AIDS.” They loved it when they could put their boot on a new third world country and guilt trip them into thinking poverty was not their problem, but rather “AIDS.” They didn’t need food or clean water, only “access” to AIDS drugs. They spoke in terms that were nakedly racist. I will never get over it. Gay “treatment activists” holding plenary sessions on exactly which microbicides they commanded African women to apply to their genitals after sex, in the name of “stopping the spread.”
Yeah—of human babies.
Nobody, back then, knew about the Club of Rome, the New World Order, or how this was the first plank of the long march nightmare. We just thought they were a bunch of sandal-wearing fanatics who would soon be dispatched of when everybody got clear about that there was no proof behind Gallo’s HIV theory. Peter Duesberg ended it in 1987, with this paper, The Perth Group ended it at a new level, thousands of signatories to protest letters to scientific journals ended it, and of course, it only ballooned, immune to all these existential challenges that deployed real science, epidemiology, evidence and logic.
I got off track.
The WHO clip, the way they talk, let me get back to that—
Notice, they have very few words, like children with a certain number of colored blocks. With these sterile block words, they must shore up their Pandemic Preparedness Fortress. They sound like they fear for their lives, at a barely perceptible frequency. They are passing back and forth to one another some kind of black prayers that all human freedoms will be stamped out, under the deranged guise of a “future pandemic” which “will come.” Nobody outside of their creepy Geneva temples is the least bit worried about a “future pandemic—” only about them. These Godless fanatics with their black prayers, and infinite determination to devote the resources of the whole earth to all that is worthless, sterile, deadly, and entirely unnecessary. Imagine if they saw God, exited the spell, and all stood up and said: “You know what? It is what it is. It’ll probably be ok. How about we just leave people alone. Maybe even let them get Covid or Disease X if they want to. Why not?”
They’re all Munchhausen mothers, extracting attention from imagining our sickness. Our future sickness. Our sickness so vast “the world must never be the same.” But there can never be any discussion about what makes any human body either sick or well. It’s so breathtaking.
Their words are pre-scripted, pre-ordained, and incidentally, they are very few. Very limited language. I’ve been tracking these hideous people for a long time. One of their favorite words is “we.”
Other words they love: “Safe,” “Impact,” “access,” “response,” “spread” “risk” “public” “commitment” “equitable,” “future” “development” “emergency—” ok that’s it I can’t take it anymore.
I’ll work on a comprehensive list of their words.
When Tedros says “…the world must never be the same,” we have one such perfect moment. Incantation. Not “language.”
To them—an incantation, to us, a threat.
The world must never be the same.
What does the sentence mean?
“The world must never be the same.”
Same as what? When? According to whom? You? Why? What’s so bad about “the same” you absolute freak? Why are you like this?
Only a dictator would say something like: “The world must never be the same.”
We all would adore it if our “world” could be allowed to be “the same” for even one day, or 3 hours.
It’s the “must” that appalls me the most.
By contrast, to hear a human engaging in speech, in the English language, engaged with his own individual collection of perception and expression, listen here to Dr. Mike Yeadon.
I am beginning to see where things may be heading, at least if they have their way, which is not an option: Palestinians are the new “virus,” all of whom must be eradicated, if the body of Israel is to be fully vaccinated and boosted, within the body of the world.
It’s the new “flatten the curve,” but with visceral ethnic loathing, no longer concealed. It is owed. (They insist.) They have been patient long enough. Remember Joe Biden, saying something similar, when not all Americans wanted to take the solidarity shot?
Look always to the spirit behind. I argue that the spirit behind “get your damn shots” and “flatten it” (“glass it” etc) are one and the same. A spirit of murder, appearing without ambiguity, with a perfect entitlement. No Raskolnikov anxiety here. None of the anxiety that normally accompanies executions, or eliminating a whole people. It’s supposed to make people uncomfortable.
But in 2023, death is normalized, and anybody who gasps before it is a danger to the Gaza parking lot future, and the Zero Covid future. “It must be done,” is the driving esprit. Get out of our faces with your disingenuous sympathy, they say. Not realizing our sympathy is quite real, as is our shock.
It was Trump, first, around whom this panic arose, this need to blot out the other, even if it is your mom. Then it was Covid. They all rang bells for our death, they un-personed us—bayed for our blood on national television, and made sure to stamp out sympathy. “Rest In Peace Wheezy.” (Listen to the crowd.) Imagine Dick Cavett saying something so mean and ugly. They installed death bullies as late night talk show hosts, to desensitize and render cruel, the American people, during Covid, and it worked. Fascism demands all oddities, differtnesses, surprises, or other forms of life be punished and eliminated by the state. America didn't know it had the potential for a state.
The Covid era normalized ethnic loathing that was not, in that instance, ethnic, but ideological, now that the politics of contagion and “virus” ignorance had become state religion.
Something has not been cleaned out, eradicated. Everybody had to play their part, and it was easier, for many, to comply than to be exiled.
The spirit behind, if you ask me, seems an awful lot like Rudolf Steiner’s Ahriman, who Steiner said would enter the earth around 1989, through “electromagnetism” and whose nature would be “perfectly cold.” I always prayed he was wrong about this. Been dreading it for about 15 years since I learned about it. And 15 years even before that, I encountered the Ahrimanic esprit descended through “HIV” which was the first major attack on human love in the name of a pathogen that never needed to exist to “spread like wildfire.” It existed as accusation, only, with a dormant $2 trillion biotech beast waiting in the wings. No human was healthy until proven sick, rather, everybody was in debt to the accusation, that they might “have it.” Same debt as the Federal Reserve monetary system. That is a critical point.
Look always to the spirit behind. In October of 2023, Covid passed the spirit baton to the US-Israeli war machine.
This “spirit” as I call it, is perfectly loveless, and perfectly, you might say, narcissistic. Daddy’s going to kill them all so Princess never has to be afraid. And so none of them remain, to avenge any of it. “All of them,” has become a common, chilling mantra among the Flatten Gaza crowd. When the agenda absorbs this spirit of must-ness, we are all targets. I believe the Palestinians are a manifestation of the normalization of mass murder that erupted in Covid, and the only way the killing esprit can remain proud and gleaming, is for it to escalate and keep going. There’s my enemy again, the spirit behind woke. Woke is an algorithm that lacks a soul. If-this-then-that-if-this- then-that. Life, by contrast, holds all mess, manages everything, seeks no end goals, no ends justifying the means. It just is.
A psychotic logic takes hold, again and again, a paroxysm of synthetic crisis, generated outside of life—an algorithm that begins with a fantasy of safety (against death) and forms a loop, demanding death in the name of a blocking out of “risk.” Life knows no such thing as one people having to perish so another people can experience being “safe.”
The risk of Palestinians is that Israel, the UN, the whole thing, may have committed an original sin. There may have been something unjust, ruthless, and wrong that took place in 1948. Therefore, there can be no turning back. Israel provokes its own attack, in order to reverse the role of victim and perpetrator. It wants to believe itself. It doesn’t.
“The world must never be the same.”
All of this is chronicled in Elias Canetti’s rarely cited bible of crowd madnesses, “Crowds and Power” written in 1961. (Nobel Prize.)
Tedros asserts, here with folded hands, that “misinformation” and “disinformation” is the reason there has been an erosion of trust in government and public health institutions. Not that people saw their loved one drop dead when they followed the advice of said institutions.
First you kill people, then you gaslight them for objecting to their own extinction.
Then you ask for more money.
"Look always to the spirit behind." This is what has been so hard to (convince others to) do the last 3 1/2 years. (Or is it 3 1/2 Thousand years?).
This is the best thing I've read of yours, Ceilia. I wish you could read my yet-unpublished novel about 2020 (can't get an agent/can't figure out the self-publishing thing); it joins your piece here like lego pieces.
Anyway, I have to send this to friends. Absolutely BRILLIANT.
I am praying and meditating to be more connected to others, those who need compassion, and those who want to work with others who are compassionate, to reduce suffering.
It is like being connected to God in a way, but the connection is to others who seek to fulfill God's visions of harmonious life.
A spiritual working group. They have different names in diferent traditions ("karass", per Kurt Vonnegut).