Telegram—Apology About Reiner Confusion
The Video Was Imported One Month Ago Not Broadcast One Month Ago
The post the other day with Reiner Fuellmich and Cathy O’Brien was billed in the headline as being from 2023—It was crossposted (I should have found the root interview not a copy) and people noticed it said “one month ago.”
Mistake on my part.
I could not find in the video when the interview was recorded, but didn't notice the “one month ago” tag.
I was confused to find that more than a few people believed it meant Reiner is no longer in prison (until I saw “one month ago” in the copied video.)
He is still in prison and if (when) he is released you will see the largest font in our headlines ever seen here.
That said: I will be receiving information about Reiner this evening, and will relay all that I am told on the record tomorrow.
Anybody Interested In Doing Reporting For TTB?
If there is anybody reading this who would like to submit a 1-2 sentence application to be a reporter here, to find out forensic facts and assemble them with sources, please either your email address below. It would be a small gig I would ensure would be beneficial to whoever may apply, and with very clear directions. Is experience necessary? Research experience, yes. Does it pay? Yes. It’s a tiny gig, as my budget is limited, so not many hours, for now. But in this way I believe TTB can grow and attract more paid subscribers and then keep growing until we are a small media empire.
I have not gotten TTB to the point where there is any excess money, beyond survival/paying bills; I have not taken time to seek to raise the number of paid subscribers, but I need at least one good reporter, who will be paid, in order to remotely keep up with the stories we must get right. If this person can double as copy editor all the better. There will be a test—(please don’t be insulted.) And again, it will be paid, by the piece or by the hour, depending. In the future I envision, I can hire more reporters.
One last thing about Reiner: When I wrote about Inka’s interview with Elsa, I was upset that Reiner had no warm clothes, no activities, no company, no fresh air, and was being, hit seemed, punished, by what I assumed must be the standards of German prison conditions. So I expressed that they were “torturing” Reiner.
I didn’t mean it literally.
Thank you.
With Abiding Affection and Gratitude—
Thanks for the update, Celia!
We pray for Reiner.
❤️..Never stop Being human.