The Consecration Of Russia From Rome Begins At Noon EST Today
Here Are Links If You'd Like To Follow It
Here is a link to LifeSiteNews (an outstanding media station in general) where you may partake in the event in Rome, which begins around Noon today EST. (An hour and fifteen minutes from now.)
More here.
And Pélerine’s coverage of the consecration here.
I for one was so moved, in my pew fashioned in my small room, with a Rosary gifted to me by Pélerine, I cried. I was also so moved by LifeSiteNews' commentary, helping us all understand. This was a universal prayer, in addition to all the historical ramifications. I look forward to hearing what our Catholic friends, thought. Or rather, what they felt.
This may explain well who is really pulling the strings of all this destruction! The history of Russia plays prominently!!