The Greatest Scholar On The Committee Of 300: Dr. John Coleman
On how America was planned for destruction, who chooses our Presidents, Who Assassinates them, and much more
“You show me a Secretary of State who has acted in the best interest of the United States since 1919 and I will give you all the money I have in the bank.”
Dr. John Coleman
I do not believe any of this Illuminati stuff :-( .. I can definitely understand how powerful people "conspire" at times and how certain relationships evolve in various fields and so on... The world have various string pullers, in many ways, we are all string pullers, some of us just more influential than others... I just really find it very hard to believe this stuff. Why would the greatest economists and other thinkers of mankind like the great free market economist Ludwig von Mises and also 1974 Nobel Laureate in Econ F.A. Hayek and countless very bright people never run int this stuff? IMHO our problems have more to do with the horrendous economic ignorance of the masses who always fall for sending more money to some bureaucracy of "experts" than some group pulling the strings, even if at times it looks and is in fact that way for certain things.... Anyway... I disagree with much of this.. But regardless.... I still so appreciate your desire to spread info about what you think matters. I could definitely be wrong, I have such high regard for your HIV work and monumental risks, that it spills over to these areas. Hopefully I'll have the patience and openmindedness to take this more seriously than I currently do
Watching the video now. Thank you. Yes, this was the plan for years and years. Why can't I get my family to believe this or even try to understand it. They are so brainwashed!!!! When the Rothchilds got with Adam Weishaupt to start the illuminati in May of 1776, our fate was sealed. And actually it started way before then. Peace to you.