There is No Place For Me in the “New Normal.”
Two nights ago I was invited to have a glass of wine with an older couple who I adore, and who I garden for. I was wary about accepting, simply because I know that all anyone wants to talk about is the jab and the “covid,” and I can’t take much more; and also because I remember how they reacted last summer, when I brought up the very legitimate and verifiable World Economic Forum and The Great Reset.
I had never seen anyone clean up a tea-set so fast.
But, I love these folks, and I hoped and assumed we would sit outside, and crossed my fingers that the subject would not come up, or that it could be brushed away quickly.
I arrived at the door, and because they are older and he has COPD, I asked if they wanted me to put on a ‘face thingy’? as I called it, miming covering my face with my hand. (I still don’t know why we couldn’t just sit outside).
She said, “Well, that depends. What is your ‘status?’”
I played stupid and said, “Huh? Uh.. Well i’ve been alone for over a year, and I am completely isolated from everyone, and no longer engage with society or other human beings in any way aside from a trip to the grocery every 3 weeks.”
She chuckled (as though that is in any way amusing), and said, “But have you had the jab?”
I said “Well that’s a personal question… but no,”
She looked shocked and horrified (even tho I told them last summer I would not be getting it) and then she launched into a loooooong and somewhat desperate sounding lecture about how ‘safe’ It is, how well tested It is, how “It’s been in development for 20 years” (??) and how “It’s what we need to do, as a country, and for our communities” and how It isn’t going to work if some people don’t get It. And how the bells palsy and the strokes and the bloodclots deaths and siezures were only the AZ or the whichever stupid Brand of Pharma. And “Look At India!!” etc.
All this while I was standing in the doorway waiting to come in, Or Not, and feeling incredibly awkward because no matter what I say, if I disagree, I am a “dirty republican conspiracy theory trump supporter crazy person” or something, and met with literal Shock; and I wasn’t there to get into an argument, or defend my position on My Private Medical Procedures. And I fucking Knew this would happen. But I was invited for a glass of wine and if a coerced Medical Procedure was a prerequisite, that should have been stated in the invitation. I was angry, but mostly I felt great sadness, as I formerly thought the world of these folks, and I thought they were my ‘friends.”
Eventually, after an Inordinate amount of what can only be referred to as Scolding, Silencing, and Shaming, she reluctantly let me in the house. (WHY couldn’t we just sit outside??)
From then on I felt nervous about breathing or touching anything and carefully and meticulously tried not to touch the other crackers on the cheese plate lest I communicate unseen asymptomatic plague cooties. I tried not to open my mouth too wide or breathe in their direction. I can only imagine the Disinfection Protocol that must have ensued when I left their beautiful rural farmhouse (which, btw, is like something out of a dream, and is a second home; they are summer residents here only).
And what if they come down with allergies or a sneeze or a headache, later, who will be blamed? Me, the only unmasked visitor to their lives.
Another one of my favorite people, a 90 yr old woman with Parkinson’s, who I also garden for, No longer invites me into the house for tea and cookies over plant books when we are done gardening, like she always used to. I miss our tea and cookies and plant book perusal so much. It was my favorite part of the day. I cannot be certain, but I suspect i’m no longer invited in because I have not submitted to the jab.
Vermont, like most states and countries, has decided to engage in and enforce Medical Apartheid.
In order to return to any semblance of ‘normal’ (which most of us here know is never going to be allowed to happen, because this is about control not a virus, this is about the merger of State and Corporate power, there will from now on always be a new “variant” and a new booster jab for every variant because it’s also about money too), To go back to ‘normal’ They say you must get the jab. If you don’t get it, you will be Excluded and Ostracized From Pretty Much Everything; Medical & Dental care, Grocery stores, and from any other business that decides to enforce this.
Governments are putting the responsibility of enforcement of this Medical Apartheid on businesses, as well as individual citizens.
Businesses are given incentive to enforce this, via higher occupancy rate allowances for jabbed customers.
There are Rewards for the Morally Righteous:
Businesses say: You don’t have to wear your muzzle anymore; you are Free now, you’re “allowed” to hug people, you get Free Donuts, Free Beer, and McDonalds for everyone who gets the jab. (Sounds like a healthy diet to prevent illness!)
There is also some sick lottery by which jabbed folks are now eligible to win one million dollars every Wednesday.
There are Punishments for those who do not submit to the jab:
You must keep your muzzle on, Marking Yourself as Deplorable, Unclean, Inconsiderate, a Danger to the “Community;” Visually Differentiating yourself from the Morally Righteous who have obediently submitted to arbitrary Corporate Sponsored Authority and gotten their experimental shot. You must stay home, stay outside, be denied entry, employment, or access to public spaces and services.
You Must Be Excluded, Avoided, Ostracized and Feared.
The Vt. Governor, Führer Scott, also makes it clear that he wants businesses to REQUIRE their employees to get the shot.
This means those of us who do not want the experimental jab For WhatEver Reason,
Will Not Be Able to Work.
As outrageous as we know this is, the rabidly pro-jab-everyone folks truly Believe that to Protect the community, Everyone must get the jab, so they think Medical Apartheid is both Normal, and Fair, and the Right thing to do.
Intelligent, good people are not just Willing but apparently Very Eager to Personally Enforce this Totally Abusive Diktat.
This is no way to live, it isn’t living. Its Abuse, Gaslighting, Blackmail, Torture.
There is No Place For Me, and many many others like me, in the New Normal.
Photo: by me, Juniper Kozlowski walking through Peacham Bog, Groton State Forest, Vermont.
—-Juniper Kozłowski
From a writing originally posted on Facebook, republished with permission from the author.
Juniper's Art here.
A sad situation, repeated millions of times over.
Excellent. Thanks for posting Juniper's most excellent essay.