The Normalization and Glorification Of Euthanasia
A Predictable Next Act In The Globalist Cabal's Myriad Attacks On Life
“Now choose life, so that you and your children may live”
Pelérine sent me this article this evening:
Tue, Oct 25 at 6:21 PM
Brussels Terror Attack Victim Euthanized at Age 23
Frédéric Soumois
October 25, 2022
Performing euthanasia for "mental suffering that cannot be alleviated" is still considered an extraordinary measure. Indeed, fewer than 2% of the requests for euthanasia fall within that category, and few such requests are made by young patients.
There is no doubt that people will talk about the case of Shanti De Corte not only because of the reason stated in her euthanasia request but also because someone so young was able to meet the strict conditions required for the law to be applicable. It's something that Belgian broadcaster RTBF brought up during a recent episode of #Investigation, which reported on the aftermath of the 2016 Brussels attacks.
On May 7, surrounded by her family, Shanti was euthanized. She was 23 years old. Six years earlier, on March 22, 2016, Shanti had been at Brussels Airport when terrorists set off bombs. She was in the departures area with 90 other students from Sint-Rita Campus College, located in the northern town of Kontich. Shanti was only a few meters away from the blast. Although she was not physically injured, the Flemish teen was traumatized by the attack. This was confirmed by the school psychologist who treated the students. "There were some students who reacted worse than others to these traumatic events. And having had two discussions with Shanti, I can tell you that she was one of these students who were more sensitive to the effects. To me, it's quite clear. Even before the attacks, she'd experienced serious psychological issues. Therefore, I referred her for psychiatric care."
Eleven Antidepressants Daily
A few weeks after that March day, Shanti was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Antwerp. It was a place she knew well, having been an inpatient there several times before the attacks. Shanti was treated with antidepressants. She shared her thoughts about them on numerous occasions. "I get several drugs at breakfast and up to 11 antidepressants a day. I couldn't do without them. With all the drugs I take, I feel like a ghost who doesn't feel anything anymore. Perhaps there were solutions other than the drugs."
It was a brief respite. In 2020, Shanti attempted suicide. Her spirits were at their lowest. She was heavily medicated, and her medication had been increased over time. She turned down therapeutic help that was offered by a therapist who specializes in treating the victims of the Brussels attacks. The student got in touch with the Life End Information Forum, an association that supports the right to die with dignity. In April 2022, Shanti submitted a new euthanasia request, stating that she was in a medically futile condition of mental suffering. Two psychiatrists granted their approval.
A Small Proportion
Last March, the Federal Commission for the Control and Evaluation of Euthanasia reported on data from 2021. "There continues to be a very small number of euthanasia requests that cite mental and behavioral disorders (psychiatric conditions, such as personality disorders, and cognitive issues, like Alzheimer's disease, are included in this group): 1.9% of all cases of euthanasia. Like all euthanasia files, these requests meet the legal conditions (the patient is legally competent, the request is in writing, the condition is medically futile, and the suffering — which is constant, unbearable, and cannot be alleviated — results from a serious and incurable disorder; the request is well-considered and repeated)," the report states.”
[End of article]
I spent the next few hours researching euthanasia, having a feeling there was a lot more where this came from. The feelings of cold shock came over me, as soon as I recognized the patterns, large and small. They've already blocked the exits. They’ve created en entire new culture, language, and fake moral code around euthanasia.
Absolutely: It is the next big thing, from the Davos crowd and its media.
The next huge thing, I venture to say; The Euthanasia Rights Movement and Industrial Complex.
This post will not attempt to cover all bases or even most, just a beginning.
First, there is something suspicious about the case of Shanti de Corte, but I don’t want to dwell on it. There are only two photos of her, (one below) and one photo of her mother. Why this bothers me is a very deep, complex subject. (I’ll return to it.) Her Facebook page appears to have been fabricated or auto-created. (No friends, no photos.) But leaving that aside, for now:
Shanti was not treated, at all, it seems, for the PTSD that killed her—she was only mega-medicated, with pills that apparently worsened her condition. Her mother said she was “fragile” even before the bomb attack that did not harm her physically, but crippled her with fear, and PTSD.
Why are they telling us this, and why now?
I was diagnosed with severe PTSD 10 years ago* and have direct inside knowledge how excruciating the condition is. (I have fully recovered.*)
The articles mention only “11 medications” she was placed on, but not one of the state of the art treatments for PTSD, such as IV ketamine infusions, psilocybin, EMDR, Bercelli’s TRE movements, and so much more. These have been standard care (in mainstream medicine I mean) for a decade or more. It doesn’t seem like they even tried that hard to help this girl. And if you have this monster upon you, (PTSD) you have to figure out how to fight it off, with your bare fists—anything you have, you throw at it. I wish I could have spoken to her. PTSD is treatable.

But euthanasia devotees…they…don’t….really think people necessarily should want to stay alive. I was very shocked at what I found.
Here are some of my findings, that some of you may already be well aware of:
The main country for Euthanasia, is the Netherlands. Also Switzerland and Belgium. And, it turns out, Canada. In Canada many people request euthanasia for reasons of economic despair. In 2021, 10, 064 Canadians were euthanized.
You read that right.
A few more numbers: In The Netherlands, euthanasia was made legal (with various requirements, all of which grew more relaxed each year) in 2002. That year, 24 people were euthanized. The next year, almost 10 times as many: 235. The line spikes straight up every year. Between 2002 and 2020, 24,520 people in the Netherlands were euthanized. Since 2002, 16 children, aged 12-17, have been euthanized in the Netherlands.
Now there is a bill in Canada legalizing euthanasia for severely ill newborns.
Meanwhile, in 2020, a euthanasia law was proposed in the Netherlands for healthy people over 75 who just feel they have lived long enough:
The whole thing is clearly taking on all those progressive self-adoration tones and hues.
If you are a good person, you re-cycle. If you’re a good person, you keep a low “carbon footprint".”
Any day now: If you’re a truly good person, who cares about “the planet,” you’ll kill yourself. If you have 10,000-15,000 pounds, and you’re British, you can get it done in Switzerland. It’s called “Death Tourism,” and it has been found to profoundly mess up the family members who get roped into it.
Euthanasia “neither dignified nor beautiful.”
I sense bigger and bigger money coming into this.
Most people know about these suicide pods:

A Portland, Oregon organization called Death With Dignity National Center, had an operating budget of $2.1 million in 2021. Its CEO’s salary is $123,505. Here are some of their bizarre corporate can-do messaging I collected in screen shots:
Death With Dignity National Center.
They “could not be more excited…” Are there no people with any sense of the English language at these places? Excited? To kill people with “dignity?”
I’m not exaggerating: Euthanasia is fast becoming the new re-cycling. Signs of the new trendy death cult are everywhere. It’s a new black-branch on the Covid death tree. Covid, after all, sucked away the joys of life.
The elimination of what we once called fun, the joy of other people. In 2020, even thinking in terms of “other people,” “friends” or “family” was like admitting you’re a genocidal Nazi who cares nothing for risking lives. This was extremely radical, dangerous social engineering. Now the Covid death cult reaps, in yet another way; People so damned sad they just want to be “put to sleep.”
I want to say: Let’s fight this with everything we have, to restore not the dignity of death but the dignity of LIFE. This post ends with a few more pieces of evidence from Twitter, about the culture I am describing. But please, take it only as clarification of the enemy’s lies. Christians or not—we reject this. We see through it, and we reject it.
Comment submitted in comments section of this post, by Donna Ruth:
”We have been fighting the good fight step by step in Canada for a decade now, yet the train keeps rolling. No logic seems to reach our provincial colleges of physicians and surgeons. Come hell or high water they will eventually force all doctors and nurses to comply in recommendations, or force them out, despite simple procedural solutions which could spare the dissenting medical personnel.
“And now as the process becomes mainstream (and it is) some families are having farewell parties, forcing/guilting other family members into attending (you’ll upset mom if you are not there; what kind of son/daughter are you?). And while the process is now quite streamlined, not all endings are tidy. One gentleman shared he was guilted by family into attending, and it was so horrific he feels traumatized for life. And what of children viewing this and seeing it as norm?
“Any one who has ever been there and held a paw whilst beloved Fluffy or Spot have been “put down” knows the trauma. How much more when it is a loved family member? And then there is the whole nasty mess of asking our do-no-harm medical people to be the executioners. How long can one carry that about on one’s soul? The lawmakers cavalierly make the laws, expecting our healers to become killers.”

I am so unbelievably disgusted to know these countries are sanctioning suicide, rather than providing help. It's murder. And we know what's next... getting rid of undesirables, disabled, the elderly... sickening.
The goal seems to be to make the world unbearable for most (while making a profit)
and then offer the immiserated a "way out" ( and in turn profit further )
Criminy , what passes for "industry" these days... !