The Ongoing Dehumanization And Abuse Of Reiner Fuellmich: "He Feels Worse And Worse," Says His Lawyer, Amidst Abuses That Meet Definition Of Torture
Jaworski Report From Goettingen & Commentary By Jospeh Moritorisz
The immoral, unjust and heinous treatment of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and the pernicious accusations leveled at his supporters:
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is (by all accounts provided by his attorneys) a political prisoner. After over one year in detention awaiting trial (German: Untersuchungshaft), a total misnomer and perversion of language and common sense, he has now been subjected to extraordinarily mendacious treatment, which his attorneys describe as torture. There is a long litany of abuse that he has had to endure while in the custody of the German state, both physical and psychological in character. This has been covered by a host of concerned parties and has recently gotten the attention of international human rights advocates.
What is less recognized and reported are the outrageous and increasingly pernicious intimations and accusations heaped on his supporters who have steadfastly professed his innocence and attempted to make this known to the wider public, including outside of Germany. Their varied, lawful and peaceful initiatives and demonstrations of support have now come into the sights of the authorities, who seek to denigrate and malign Reiner Fuellmich’s supporters in Germany just as they have maligned him without consequences for over a year in their custody.
Make no mistake about it. They do this strictly out of cowardice and because they are incapable of manifesting a moral compass as a corrective measure. They feel emboldened to cast a wide web of aspersions because they feel protected by the power of the state, and they hide under its skirt. Their intellectual and ethical inferiority in the face of actual justice, virtue and honor has been unmasked now. They have, in fact, completely unmasked themselves.
The supporters of Reiner Fuellmich are cynically cast into one mold and framed as distrupters, deniers of state legitimacy and even as dangers to societal order. They have been (so the badly written script goes) radicalized by Reiner Fuellmich’s ideas. One would never guess from the sight of his thoughtful, heterogenous support circles that these were a bunch of unreconstructed ne’er do wells. The reason for this is simple: What these supporters are being accused of is pure projection on the part of those aligned with the state apparatus who are wantonly casting such aspersions. Or, as we succinctly say in English: „Projection much?!”
It is time to get some adult supervision to wrest control from this odious mind set which has subverted the German spirit of reason, fairness and justice. The German people deserve much better, given their cultural heritage rooted in the Enlightenment. They deserve to think freely again.
—Joseph Molitorisz, PhD
"It is time to get some adult supervision to wrest control from this odious mind set which has subverted the German spirit of reason, fairness and justice."
And to achieve this?
In the USA, they not only made political prisoners of January 6 protestors (who have not been charged with insurrection) but criminals of people who just happened to be there. In Canada, the government and RCMP railroaded the Coutts Four of which two remain in prison. A country that used armed police to crush a peaceful protest (far more so than any BLM/ANTIFA protest) and subsequently froze bank accounts of citizens including those who merely donated to the cause. An attack on civil liberties that was opened by the illegal invocation of the Emergencies Act. They want to throw in prison Pat King for 10 years for what amounts to mischief. The Crown piled on charges on protestors they disliked and got some to stick through shameless manipulation of the evidence. And media played ball all along misrepresenting the facts at every turn. King no exception. It's very easy to criminalize when you dehumanize. We saw this clearly during Covid.
What's going on is very serious. These are two countries that thump their chests hardest and chirp the loudest about "freedom and democracy". Yet, lawfare against political opponents and citizens has become routine. At the moment, our judicial systems is tolerating the communist refrain of "show me the man and I'll show you the criminal'. Which appears the case with Reiner with the added touch of Joseph's ordeal in The Trial.
The punishments are NOT fitting the crimes.
When I think about Reiner I feel my whole being is a bruise and there is nowhere to go. It's happening to him, him alone, at the same time, as a representative of us all. Scapegoat. (Rene Girard) He bears the brunt but the pain and degradation is for us all. It is an unbearable situation. It is the most horrific thing imaginable. And for WHAT? There are people on "our side" who think he maybe deserved it. I wish they would spell it out. Do they still THINK this is what Reiner "deserves?" I feel too "stupid" to understand their interpretations. Is it that he took some money even though the lawyer guy took the money? Is it that he defended a Scientologist 30 years ago? Is it that he was rude to Stefan Lanka and Andy Kaufman or Tom Cowan? (Can't recall who was on that interview but seemed anti-Reiner-ism got a foothold then) Is it that he didn't prosecute them in a magical court all by himself? That he overpromised? HELP ME. I don't get it.