The United States Is Hanging By The Signature Of One Executive Order: What Trump COULD Do, And Must Do, To Make America A Nation, Not A Graveyard
Imagine There's No Liability Shield For Poison Manufacturers. It's Easy If You Try
Clip here.
Trump or Biden? A comical social experiment.
I have seen some slippery characters in my 72 years but few come up to the greasiness of that person David Martin.
His suggestion is as much a lie as anything uttered by Fauci or Birx.
We did not have a pandemic. There was no virus. There was no lab leak. (I don't care how many dodgy patents Mr Martin cites). The vaccines are not responsible for the illness which swept the world since October 2019 and which continues to impact people, animals, birds, insects and plants.
For goodness sake..... read this and learn what is REALLY making us all sick:
One thing Trump is very unlikely to do. Consciously or not, Trump is a vaxxxx shill.