"Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness"
—Peter Levine
I normally don’t like cartoon graphics but the central character in this video moved me deeply. Whoever made it has a genius for drawing the essence of “trauma.”
I’m not only devoted, but shamelessly devoted to exploring trauma, abuse, and healing. I don’t think anything is more “important.”
Let me say that again:
I don’t think anything is more important.
The first “step” to healing is, according to me: Take trauma seriously. Yours, that of your family, that of your friends and that of “strangers.” Take seriously the trauma of public figures, leaders, politicians—many times their presence on the world stage is itself an unhealed trauma symptom.
As I watched this video, I thought about how I would draw “trauma” and what I think it actually is.
"Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness"
—Peter Levine
Peter Levine, founding father of somatic trauma healing, has written a book in which he finally confesses his own childhood trauma. (A gang rape by neighborhood mobsters who were trying to control his father not to testify against them.)
Even Peter Levine held his trauma inside, writing book after book about releasing trauma.
This video was also in an earlier post tonight.
”Rejection is among the most painful of human emotions.”
—Peter Levine
What about government abuse of its citizens. Any cure for that? They are poisoning us FAST and SLOW. Spraying us like bugs, injecting us like pin cushions, poisoning our food and our water, then they radiate us with 5g. Ignorance is not bliss but it certainly can kill!
Why should we be listening and "trusting" the "science" of psychology WHEN the sciences of modern medicine, big pharmaceuticals, food science, and all "science 'approved' by the NIH, CDC, FDA...... are all being exposed as fraught with evil and corruption. It is important to focus on the healing aspect of trauma and injury but it is at least as important to focus on how to stop evil so that trauma is prevented and healing is not needed.
Go to the infowars.com website and see todays interview by Alex JOnes of Dr. Judy Mikovits. She does a complete expose' of the vaccine "science" that she was involved in for decades, and blew the whistle and got into a lot of "trouble". She now says "NEVER GET ANOTHER VACCINE." because ALL vaccines since the 1990's are intentionally designed to harm people - "bioweapons."
She also said "Never go into a pharmacy" (there is no reason to use any of its drugs). And she said "NEVER allow yourself to be 'scanned' at an airport security check-center." Why? It triggers cancer. She even said "Never take cough medicine because coughing is part of our immune system response - to get rid of bad stuff - cough medicine is a suppressor OF the immune system response. She says that since the early 1990's EVERY vaccine contained harmful components like the SV40 simian monkey virus that is cancer promoting. EVERY VACCINE has things that effect the immune system, she says, thus one can be diagnosed with AIDS (it isn't acquired immune deficiency it is CAUSED by vaccines SHE SAID) OR with HIV or some other made up illness.
The world will one day soon, maybe in a few months, see POTUS DJT recognizing Ms. Mikovits for being a true super-hero in what she did and what she suffered through. She has stated on camera that her husband was "murdered by COVID (a bioweapon)."
Imagine the trauma to children and adults in the past 4 years as a result of injury from vaccination, death of loved ones, permanent disability, loss of a working parent or spouse, the burden of taking care of the injured and disabled.....
SO WHY SHOULD WE LISTEN TO THE FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGY? And those "experts" And if we do listen, who do we trust. DO the FDA, CDC, NIH, AMA, APA, etc actually stand for anything these days? Not with me - for me they represent corruption and evil at the core.
I recently read an article that indicated there was evidence that Sigmund Freud was a pedophile so he came up with his "theory" of the "Oedipus complex" (children sexually attracted to their parents) because it aligned with his pedophile psycho-pathology. Was he psychologically justifying his pedophilia if he was one. I don't know but look at the world. Epstein. P-Diddy. Pedophiles and Traffickers. Long ago the child star Corey Feldman said about HOllywood that "pedophiles are everywhere". The singer/composer Alanis Morrisette said years ago that pedophilia was worse in the music industry. They are not alone. Let's stop the trauma.
The long-time Vatican watcher/reporter Leo Zagami, who grew up in the Rome area AND has written 9+ books titled "Confessions of an Illuminati" (he grew up in that evil world) told Alex Jones on camera several years ago that "The Vatican is at the center of child trafficking worldwide." Can't believe that? Well the Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who was the Nuncio (Vatican Rep) to America under two Popes (current and prior) wrote twice to POTUS DJT around 2018/2019 and said "There is a great evil in the Church." I grew up Catholic (church and schools) and "There IS a great evil in the Church." Pedophilia everywhere. Vigano's letters to DJT were posted on the Internet. Where, you might ask? QANON.PUB --- "Q" - what everyone wanted you to believe was a "conspiracy theory."
What you can do right now is write to 45office.com - that is Trump's and Melania's contact website (that replaced Whitehouse.gov after Trump "lost' in 2020). Tell him/them that you want to follow the words of Christ about what is "better" to do than to harm a child. Have the death penalty as a realistic, fairly certain (not rare) penalty for trauma of any kind to children. After all Christ said it was better to have a rope tied around oneself and tied to a heavy millstone and be thrown into the sea than to harm a child - to cause an innocent child to stray away from Christ's teachings. Evil begets evil and Christ said it was YOUR responsibility to stop evil even if YOU are the evil one. My WWII Marine veteran dad had wisdom in this area: "Don't argue with evil. Stop them." NO NONSENSE. "STOP THEM"
Focusing on healing is critically important. More important is the prevention of trauma to children going forward. Champion "STOP THEM" and the death penalty is how to stop evil against children.