What Happens To Kids Who Are Subject To This Kind Of Conditioning About Gun Violence and School?
And Why Is Is So Hard To Keep Automatic Weapons From Entering Schools?
These are the kinds of ads “Sandy Hook Promise” with its countless millions, produces. I consider it child abuse.
First a Covid ad for kids, in which everybody inexplicably lacks…legs, and necks, and other body parts.
(From a series of propaganda reels co-produced by Celia Farber and Jamie Dlux.)
Now watch this:
How to be a subversive enemy combatant.
1- Live in a country that has the right to own firearms.
2- turn a child’s school into a “gun free zone”.
3-freely advertise to all the psychos in the country that schools are unarmed and defenseless.
4-reward psychos with 24/7 “news” coverage.
5-rinse and repeat.
It has a name
It’s called “anarcho-tyranny”
It’s an act of war against the citizenry.
Sandy Hook really was fake. Don’t believe me. Get the book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook by James Fetzer. If you believe these events, you are duped. They are staged by DHS. That is most of what they do.