What If Less Is More? The Buteyko Breathing Technique For Anxiety, Brainfog, Insomnia, Fatigue, and More—Simple, Free, and Counter Intuitive
Are We Overbreathing?
“The brain has a very high metabolic demand for oxygen compared to other organs, and thus, it is not surprising that acute hypoxia is a potent dilator in the cerebral circulation that produces marked increases in cerebral blood flow [163]. In general, blood flow does not change in the brain until tissue Po2 falls below ~50 mmHg, below which cerebral blood flow increases substantially [163]. As hypoxia decreases Po2 further, cerebral blood flow can rise up to 400% of resting levels [164]. Increases in cerebral blood flow do not change metabolism, but hemoglobin saturation falls from ~100% at Po2 >70 mmHg to ~50% at Po2 <50 mmHg [164]. Acute hypoxia causes an increase in cerebral blood flow via direct effects on vascular cells of cerebral arteries and arterioles.”
—The Cerebral Circulation
In this video, he suggests a 20 minute walk with mouth closed to cure brain fog.
YouTube Comments:
“But I don’t understand. Do you know the wim hof breathing method? There’s more about stronger breathing. I did both ( wim Hof and butekyo) but in both cases I feel good after.”
If you’re avoidant, you most likely have said to family members who had a major role in your childhood: “You only accepted me or liked me when I was happy/obedient/emotionless.” This one simple statement fits with ALL the core symptoms of avoidant attachment: 1. Being overly self-reliant (and in doing so, you hide your needs, emotions, problems, and acute illnesses) 2. Pushing down anger until it explodes and manufactures the boundaries you crave but can’t always ask for 3. Not wanting to burden others with your problems 4. Wanting to fix your own issues to avoid looking incompetent or even getting bullied and teased 5. Numbing out emotions with self-soothing behaviors that are either totally unhealthy or pseudo-healthy (like getting addicted to working out and healthy eating)
My wife and I taught the Buteyko techniques in this clinical trial, which was funded by a UK charity, National Asthma Campaign (in turn, NAC are mostly funded by Pharma): "Effect of two breathing exercises (Buteyko and pranayama) in asthma: a randomised controlled trial". Patients in Buteyko group significantly reduced their medication and their symptoms, but the trial conclusion was watered down to nothing. It was outrageous. An MP was to raise the issue in Parliament, but two days beforehand she resigned in protest at Tony Blair taking UK into war with Iraq. So it became a fringe alternative method. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12885982/
Off topic, but a question for Celia: Are you going to break down and read Fauci's new book? I'd love to see your book review.
I just read Alex Berenson's review. Amazingly, Alex praises Fauci for his leadership during the AIDS/HIV crisis. Alex also disses RFK, Jr. for his take on Fauci in "The Real Anthony Fauci."
I made a post and said that wasn't just RFK's assessment or view. Kennedy cited numerous scientists and journalists - like Celia Farber! - who had Fauci pegged decades ago.