A while back, Füllmich and others were observing that Fauci and Gates were being thrown under the bus. I thought not because to do so would spell the end of globalist ambitions. But maybe they flirted with the process, or started, then stopped it? They were losing control and slipped up? Blinked, fluffed, choked. Now things are coming undone everywhere at breakneck speed and the press appear to be scriptless. They have nothing to do except report the truth. Is this an accurate observation on my part??
The globalists will loose ALL credibility if they change their ridiculous story, change tack. They have bet the farm on it. They own it. Every last bit of it. I don't believe they can change horses. Global lockdown until 'vaccination' saves the world was the most stupid and monumental idea ever enacted. You can't just brush it under the rug with new shocks. A lot of commentators seem not to have seen this. Perhaps I'm wrong. But it sure seems this way to me.
And the rage when Babel falls will be Biblical. They know this. It is their deepest fear.
I see advanced moral senility flooding western civilisation. Decadence run amok. Globalist plans are decrepit, moribund, as far removed from life and sense as lifetimes in the luxurious jails of infinite money and power can fantasise. So even if Afghanistan's rapid capitulation is planned to somehow install Kamala Harris as the US's first female president or some other evil-genius outcome, the completion of such a plan would mean implosion. Is this dawning on them? Are they finally noticing that the plans agreed to and called watertight by their paid yes men, that workshopped so well, now that they have met the merciless sunlight of the real world merely expose how insane they are? That they are not gods among men, not geniuses, just twats in expensive villas and clothing? Is this horror dawning on them? Those whom the gods would destroy...
I've just listened to Professor Christian Peronne trying to tell the world to lock up the vaccinated this winter. They are a danger to each other and the unvaxxed. The unvaxxed should go about their business as normal, unhindered. Here's a quote from from the Telegram feed: "The current working group on the COVID-19 pandemic in France were reported to be "utterly panicked" on receipt of the news, fearing pandemonium if it follows the guidance of the experts." Here's a link: https://t.me/LeakyVax/559
And here's Sherry Tenpenny claiming to have spoken to a Pfizer whistleblower, who was crying on the phone saying they have documentation showing close to 200,000 people died in less than a week after one Pfizer injection. Tenpenny hasn't seen the document, but seems confident enough to share the information, scant as it currently is: https://t.me/Marieallin/26580
And of course there's so much more than this. Grounds for suspecting the wheels are coming off. But I could be wrong. Best to stay skeptical and question everything, just as you say...
—Toby Russell (submitted as comment)
Art by Dr. Kevin Corbett, UK
Is it pompous or pretentious or sentimental to try to redirect or massage or soothe rage back to compassion and love?
This morning I learned that a woman I care deeply about died in hospital last night, in Cebu. Her name was Lorna. She came from her little island (among the Camotes) in the Philippines to Cebu at age 13, over half a century ago, to work for my mother-in-law's family. My mother-in-law is Rudy Duterte's cousin. So, by a strange twist of fate, I am related by marriage to the President of the Philippines. This to explain that my maternal in-law's family has been politically powerful in the Philippines for two generations, so Lorna was employed as a child to work for them. They could afford such luxuries. She and my mother-in-law became friends, enjoying that distinctive type of friendship maids can develop with the children of the house they serve.
Lorna was so 'uneducated', she thought dentures were terrifying witchcraft. When she first saw escalators in some airport somewhere she didn't dare use them for fear. I met her over twenty years ago when she was in her forties. She loved to sing. She would suddenly leap full throttle into some bawdy (so it sounded to me) Cebuano love song, unaccompanied, with her husky voice, and hold the room. She was so full of life.
The only 'intellectual' thing she was ever exposed to was the literature published by The Jehova's Witnesses, and she promptly become one of their number.
As a Jehova's Witness, she refused the 'vaccine' for as long as she could. But the lockdowns in the Philippines have been harsh; the unvaxxed are currently forbidden from shopping at open markets, supermarkets. I have no idea how they buy food. And Lorna has not been allowed to practice her faith for too long, and it is the only activity she has that gives her a sense of purpose. She began to wither away. To make things worse, her children ignored her wishes and got vaxxed. Then, not understanding their mother's despair, they forced her into getting vaxxed. Now she is dead. (Of a broken heart, from the vax?) And I just heard, while typing, that one of her daughters is now coughing blood. My thoughts are with her family today.
This is the intimate detail we must remember. We lose if we respond with despair. But righteous anger – used humbly – is a platform we stand on to tell the devil where to go. The powers that be, rotten in their subservience to evil, have no real dominion here. Love is life, and resolute in its humility; it will not bend in its dedication to the truth.
Narrative 'realities' operate cover story of a self-justifiction, or masking persona that can be experienced as the game of 'musical chairs' amidst diminishing resource and of pass the parcel as the attempt to NOT be the one left with feared or toxic consequence. The attempt to be the judge is the idea of narrative control.
We not only make, grow and adapt a persona but assign or project personae to others and world in terms of our own 'adjusted reality' experience. Insofar as we 'share' a set of definitions or agreements, they become internalised and invisible structures from which we react AS IF our Self. Likewise responding to unsupporting perspectives as threat to self.
This attempt at setting order as control over life in terms of a separated or dissociated sense of self or mind is expressing fear and denial of chaos, in terms of the order that masks and distances from native intimacy of being, as a conflict mind or split mind by which to self-reference instead of facing feared truth or rather fear masking AS truth, for truth cannot become something 'else' - ie lies, but illusions can mask as true while they serve purpose to the mind that hosts them.
From an error of mis-identfying are we phished by a stolen ID that runs covert as both 'victim' and 'perpetrator' as the dictate to keep this separated at all and any cost, for to look within would be to uncover a fear so great that even death is invoked as 'saviour', and attack as 'necessity in demand of redefinition as virtue.
The true and Natural Order is not carved out by the ingenuity or artifice of a manufactured self and world, but is Self-Revealing by Nature to free willing acceptance.
Releasing or own part in 'victim' or 'perpetrator' casting is releasing 'my story' in favour of a willingness to behold rather than judge. The growing of a quality of discernment is the Gift of an already living 'Father' or Source-Nature' to our release of our own blocks to the awareness of love's presence - where love is revealed to the willingness to be with what is as the recognition of Natural Order within which we are unconditionally embraced, but can only know this by aligning within That which identifies us and therefore everyone, truly.
Many who think they worship or align in God, virtue and love are conditioned to and invisible but tangible contractual archetypture that effectively frames and thus limits and directs perception and response.
This misplaced attempt at regaining lost love or power is yet believed and claimed right while blind to its assignment of wrong or evil as dissociated and discarded Self.
The true need for love and power of life is not wrong but has been 'phished' by ideas that were formed in what can be called 'Separation trauma' from which we have not yet re-wakened and so are reiterating unwitting - as those who know not what they do, because our narrative or mythic sense of self does NOT give true witness or with-ness to who and what we both have and are as Created and Creative being.
Releasing 'My Story' is not death though it will seem so, but the opening to the release of the purpose that made or set it. The desire to heal is reintegrative, and calls on a greater Authority within that reveals a new way of seeing in which the purpose of guilt and attack as a source of manipulative leverage is exchanged for sharing a world that now serves awakening from fear set in denial to an active Call for Presence - in this current situation - as it is - and as we are willing to recognise, appreciate and participate in.
The rage aspect of those who are carrying denial fundamentally seeks true acceptance, but as a result of persistent denial has polarised to dissociate in grievance and vengeance. The call of a recognition of dissonance of self uncovered is to let it go by aligning anew in a true acceptance or 'decision'. The call to save face grows a store of self-hatred that undermines or own capacity to love and live. Yet the Nature of love is with all that is true or redeemable within our own 'story' in terms of its resonance and alignment in the whole.
It is not wrong to desire fulfilment and peace of joy in life.
You cannot be 'wrong' in your true being, but we can be very wrong in our thinking.
If I seek to 'correct' the errors of another without having first accepted Correction of a true appreciation from which to see them, then I will be dumping my conflict 'out on my relationships and world' as if to be free of them. This pattern is systemic to the blame game - or Luciferian agenda. It would stamp out the Life that 'violates' its image of 'perfection'.
Beware of casting it out exclusively to 'Them' or else you give a covert ID a protection to run under a mask of virtue - and it will rob you of love and life for your own 'Good' as worshipped Image or Ideal dictates.