We all carry a lot of baggage throughout our journey of life and much is not our own but is the wishes and devices of people we've never met and probably wouldn't want to. Sometimes I ponder on what brought me here at this time under these circumstances. It really feels like a divine play and we are entering into the climax. Let's face it - It's just becoming quite obvious that the puppet masters are running out of options. They want us all to hate one another just the way they hate us and it ain't gonna happen.
I feel that in the times ahead many of these creeps who have divided us, scared us, infected us, deceived us, and killed us will have to face us when the truth is revealed. This time there won't be any quick getaways to South America or the US (No CIA Mockingbird). Can you feel the spell breaking? Watch yourself and the whole dance unfold before your very eyes. Very shortly our friends and family will want to talk to us to not only clear their understanding but to clear their conscience as well. And they will receive love, kindness and encouragement. What a difference this is from the fear, spite, ignorance and confusion that our so called leaders and the lying media mouthpieces have perpetrated for way too long.
Today I watched a video where some concerned citizens in the UK led by retired police officer Mark Sexton showed up at NHS vaccine clinic. There they refused to leave until they were heard by the police and this factory of death, disease and injury was closed down. Well sure enough it worked - the police investigator and his team were respectful and understood that there was validity here. Everything was recorded and now the onus is on the the real criminals to finally answer up. Silence and mockery of their accusers are no longer an option.
My favorite quote I first noticed in Dec 2019 - "All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing" - Edmond Burke (and countless others who said it or thought it)
people do not generally have issues with each other. It's the warmongers that are the problem.....
We all carry a lot of baggage throughout our journey of life and much is not our own but is the wishes and devices of people we've never met and probably wouldn't want to. Sometimes I ponder on what brought me here at this time under these circumstances. It really feels like a divine play and we are entering into the climax. Let's face it - It's just becoming quite obvious that the puppet masters are running out of options. They want us all to hate one another just the way they hate us and it ain't gonna happen.
I feel that in the times ahead many of these creeps who have divided us, scared us, infected us, deceived us, and killed us will have to face us when the truth is revealed. This time there won't be any quick getaways to South America or the US (No CIA Mockingbird). Can you feel the spell breaking? Watch yourself and the whole dance unfold before your very eyes. Very shortly our friends and family will want to talk to us to not only clear their understanding but to clear their conscience as well. And they will receive love, kindness and encouragement. What a difference this is from the fear, spite, ignorance and confusion that our so called leaders and the lying media mouthpieces have perpetrated for way too long.
Today I watched a video where some concerned citizens in the UK led by retired police officer Mark Sexton showed up at NHS vaccine clinic. There they refused to leave until they were heard by the police and this factory of death, disease and injury was closed down. Well sure enough it worked - the police investigator and his team were respectful and understood that there was validity here. Everything was recorded and now the onus is on the the real criminals to finally answer up. Silence and mockery of their accusers are no longer an option.
My favorite quote I first noticed in Dec 2019 - "All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing" - Edmond Burke (and countless others who said it or thought it)