I was unable to write. Unable, even, to write about not being able to write.
I just pray we can all be together again. I humbly ask your forgiveness. I have so
much to share, to tell you. So many photos in my camera and photos in my heart.
This one is the first in a series I am calling “Doors of Andalucia.”
I just have time to respond quickly to this. Celia, your newly flourishing happiness is wonderful news, the best sort of news theres can be. I wish it for everyone. I don't know very much about you, but know enough, I think, to appreciate that you have been through more than most could have coped with. So there is nothing to forgive, but I see in that humble request a healthy turn back to love and beauty, and by golly that's a beautiful photograph of a beautiful doorway. Just wow.
As Jeff Buckley sang: "I just want to love everyone". A lofty ambition, but the right one, I feel.
After decades of selfless and courageous reporting at GREAT professional and personal expense, your balance and obligations were paid in full long ago. So take a break, catch your breath, and rest assured that those who love you will be here when you return.