No mention of why because we are normalizing death everywhere. Death culture - wouldn't shock me if soon we are celebrating it.

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You're so right; death especially amongst young, healthy people is being normalized! It's mind boggling!! I remember when I was in high school and one of my classmates died suddenly. We freaked out and we're sad for months maybe years. I think all the dumbing down they've done through schooling is morphing to our emotions as well. Or maybe it's all the chemicals they've pumped into us that have deadened our beautiful emotions. Whatever the reason, it's unacceptable.

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Nobody died in HS or college unless it was a car accident or drug overdose.

It will never go back to normal as they told us.

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It's the COVID VAXX.

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Well, from a spiritual perspective it may be worth celebrating..those souls who cannot handle the bumpy painful transition to a new world have chosen their exit. They are NPC's with nothing else to contribute perhaps, IDK. From a 3D perspective it looks a whole lot like democide, but that's what gov is all about, violence. Always has been.

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I'm not sure they are NPC's (but this VR is so real they look and feel real). The majority are not meant to ascend during this Harvest, I think. They are certainly gaining experience and knowledge. Just from my own perspective, it takes many lifetimes to arrive here, at this time, as an awakened being.

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I am not sure, either PB. I often wonder if this is the last go round at least for earth. It would be fascinating to know. I bet the high sorcerer's in the cabal know precisely what demographic is making the planetary exit. From my vantage point, I'd say that many souls have not learned their lessons here. Whether this is due to the mind wipe, lack of ability to withstand the onslaught of manipulation, black magic and mindwar , to the severing ✂️ of their soul connection or a deluxe package combo - it sure is a wild scene.

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Great reply. Word for word what my response was going to be.

Condolences to the dead folks families and friends. And a reminder - your turn is coming.

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I read about this yesterday. So sad.

I read the obits daily. You cannot imagine the number of people in their 60s and 70s passing away. Most from cancer. And so many "unexpected". Or "suddenly". I am not exaggerating.

I am waiting for one brave family to write "passed away suddenly from covid vaccine injury".

4 years and people are still not connecting dots.

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They are afraid to.

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Agree 💯 I know many vaxxed who thought they were in the clear as nothing happened to them yet. But the carnage continues so now they know they are not.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

I wonder if any is ego? Admitting they were wrong, duped, then left wondering when and how their demise will take place?

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I’m sure that plays a part, more so for some than others. With horror, as Annie adds, mixed in. Fear of liability for others too.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

Some were so critical of the unjabbed, and now they must be freaking out inside.

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Some may but I think that most simply cannot accept, even to themselves, that they were wrong and the rubes were correct. They could be standing inline for their 24th booster and witness every single person ahead of them in line keel over dead immediately after getting theirs and comment, “Well, that’s weird.”, and still roll up their sleeve when their turn comes.

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True, I agree. Many could also never conceive their government would ever lie to them or want to hurt them.

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I sure. Some ego and some horror.

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In my ‘orbit’, two cousins, (a first and second cousin) have ‘died suddenly’. Found dead in their respective apartments January 2023 and April 2024. One was 71, the other 77. Both had taken the Jabs. My first cousin did because he was a career public worker with HUD, and took it to keep his job. He had just retired after a 40 year ‘career’ with HUD, a month before his death.

The second cousin at 77 got them, because she was a dutiful participant in the Medical Industrial Healthcare Delivery System. She was diagnosed “having COVID” last November, and never got better, then “developed” a heart condition, then Boom found dead in her apartment in SoCA over the Easter Weekend this year.

Another one to bite the dust was the husband of the ‘caregiver’ of my 93 year old Aunt in San Francisco. Found dead in the bedroom in the morning by his wife (the caregiver) in June. He was 57 and was ‘vaccinated’ as well. (The caregiver told me that everyone that is in my aunt’s orbit, was ‘vaccinated’ including my Aunt, my Aunt’s deceased husband, and her now dead husband.)

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Wow. 😬

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This s**t is real and not just ‘isolated deaths’ here and there. I just happen to know about three people within my sphere of travel.

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Mark Crispin Miller documents unexpected deaths and sudden-onset "rare" illnesses and "medical emergencies" on his SS.

One wonders - and is there any data ? - on whether the Oly athletes were required to be vaxxed.

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You're not allowed to ask. Truth is dangerous.

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I like to get on there and comment and watch the readers go nuts. The vaxxed ones of course.

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Jab. I have an aunt who took the damned jabs and now she is in hospital with cardiac problems...myocarditus. She will decease due to her age. The jab is still killing. Neighbor up the road died a few weeks ago. Same problem, the death jab.

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Now why would anyone want to ask why this young lady passed way without any kind of seeming preconditions - oh, did she get the jab back when it was fashionable for the weak minded who fell prey to the propaganda? Maybe it was aliens...

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The vaxxed do not want to see or know so they ignore the deaths and even when they get sick, most do not correlate the obvious.

Doesn't everyone know several people who died from turbo cancer or sudden heart issues?

I am sorry for those who got jabbed. Live a good life anyway and be glad in the day.

What is most alarming is the future generation's blood is polluted. My 2 girls, of child bearing age, are questioning whether they should bring a children into the world. IDK but I don't think God would want that either.

My 30yo said she could sell her unvaxxed eggs! That is an abomination, but shows people know.

It is in God's hands and we have only Jesus to rely on.

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Of course you are correct. They do not want to believe the truth that the jab kills, for obvious reasons. They have been had.

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Healthy 26 year old dies without any explanation other than medical emergency or suddenly and unexpectedly. Hmmm. 🤔 It is the new normal the scamdemic experts were always talking about. #ABV - Anything But the Vaxx.

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Yep. When there no reason for death listen you know what it is.

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My Sister keeps jabbing herself and unfortunately had a stroke last week. We've tried to warn her but she just gets mad and says it's to protect her grandchildren (who have better immunity than her ffs).

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I have one of those.

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I never stopped seeing my grandchildren. I was actually vacationing with one of my granddaughters when I got Covid the first time. Amazing how I survived and she didn’t have so much as a sniffle.

However, my younger sister was an RN, she dropped dead in 2023 at the age of 52.

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Grandpa Simpson; "Back in my day, people died non-suddenly".

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"and expectedly!"

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I am so sick watching the sheeple lockstep the denial dance.


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Yes it is. REMEMBER GEORGE CARLIN...stupid is forever and it cannot be fixed.

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I still hear people talk about it like we did pre-pandemic..."it's sad, so young, unthinkable, you never know when it's your time, etc."....yesterday I heard that a healthy 2 yr old died suddenly, I asked a few questions like, "isn't that odd? isn't this happening more and more with kids and young people?"...and I got, "why? what are you implying? how is it odd? People die suddenly all the time"..... I still added that either the mom and or the child or both probably took the transfection that many call the shot and walked away......

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UK Diver Tom Daley won another medal yesterday in the synchronised pair event & his partner broke down in tears afterwards because of the memory of their 31 year old coach dying suddenly just after the Tokyo games in 2021. I remember reading about it at the time but had forgot as there are so many stories like this. No doubt he was another victim of the unsafe and ineffectives. 2 members of my cycling club died suddenly in 2021 both were in their early 50’s https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/uk-news/tom-daleys-diving-coach-died-25766394

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We all know the likely cause... the safe & effective (at killing) jab. Perfectly normal, nothing to see here, keep moving, keep moving... prayers for her immortal soul and for her family. May God grant her eternal rest, and may perpetual light shine upon her, Amen.

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There were 5 separate medical emergencies at a football match between Torquay and Plymouth, in the UK, on Saturday. 5 people pulled out of the crowd and onto the pitch.

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We will need to install defibrillators at the end of every row of seating at this rate

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It's not just humans who are dying suddenly...


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What a shame, poor birds!

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Yes. Studies show a 76% - 100% declines in insects since cell phones became consumer devices. Now birds are dropping dead all over the world. Next it will be cats a dogs...

Children are getting sick in schools when they install wifi. They estimate around 30% of the population have EMF radiation symptoms (mostly misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, 'long covid' etc) with around 3% of the population suffering severe symptoms - enough to have to move out of the cities and go and live in a log cabin or camper van.

The news report clip is part of a longer video on all of this.... there's a link in the description (the first link I think) ... 'Don't Blame It On The Birds'

IMHO the entire wireless infrastructure is going to have to be taken down and we will all have to all go back to wires again like 1995. I can't wait :)

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EDIT: oops, double post (deleted)

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deletedJul 30
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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

I personally think the proximity to 5G signals is powering whatever is in the shots. 5G towers do beam forming, which is essentially concentrating energy at a very small area. Supposed to help ensure better coverage with a shorter range signal requiring higher power. Also helps narrow in to your own location within cm's for location tracking.

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Tip, you can delete everything from ? and after that when posting a hyperlink for a shorter cleaner link.

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Will either family speak out? Of course no one can confirm, until autopsy what caused the death but can't they say our daughter died an unexpected death from ________, and she was vaccinated.

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