At 59, I’ve never had any vaccines or flu shots. I haven’t been sick in approximately 15 years. Has anyone seen all the vaccines on the childhood schedule? Absolutely CRIMINAL!

These people are MAJOR sociopaths!

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Not only have I seen them, but I know for a fact that the CDC has never once performed a study to check the safety of injecting a child from birth to adulthood with over 70 shots!

Even worse, they nor any other “health” agency has ever even performed a proper safety study using a control group that remained unvaccinated throughout the entire trial. In every single trial for every childhood vaccine, the “placebo” used is simply another vaccine and not an actual placebo. Furthermore, even when they did start with an unvaxxed group, they always unblinded that group midway through the trial under ethical pretense which is a cover up for hiding the extreme damage vaccines cause.

“Turtles All The Way Down, Vaccine Science and Myth” cannot recommend this amazing book enough, it’s a must read for everyone curious about the true science behind virtually every vaccine ever created.

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I'm reading "Turtles" now, it's an eye opener.

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I’ve heard rave reviews about the book! Of course I’ll read it. I have the book, “Dissolving Illusions-Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History”

We’ve been HAD!

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Excellent book. Should be required reading for all!

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Renee, I'm right there with you. I'm 60 and I had a very wise mother who didn't vaccinate me and taught me the evils of those toxic ingredients. I'm not on any prescriptions drugs, lead a healthy, active life, and had Covid and recovered quite easily. I've also had measles, mumps, whooping cough and chicken pox when a child...no big deal at all to recover from — like any other childhood sickness. I had four siblings and it's the same story with them. We were all healthy kids and now healthy aging adults. When I relay this to people, they are shocked and in disbelief. We don't need vaccines to be healthy....

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had all the children's diseases too, and even born 2 months early I survived. Now 65 and totally agree. Vaccines make you sick, and most of what a doctor prescribes same thing.

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That’s so awesome! I had the shingles a few years ago. It was uncomfortable, but I was cool in a week. My neighbor who’s 66 got the shingles vax and was sick as hell! He said he’ll never get ANY vax again. And he’s not jabbed.

Well I could have told you that!

I’m scared the more people wake up, they’ll be putting this crap in water, food, the air, etc.

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they already do. don't they put fluor in the city water? more than 50 countries are trying to change the weather with chemicals in the air. Spain admitted this summer they had had no success. If the climate is going worse, it is probably because of governments messing with it. I remember reading the US govt tested a chemical on SF years ago and 4 people died of it.

and yes shingles vaccines are not only painful but some give you shingles ! a friend of mine had that happen to her.

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My husband’s (age 72) family same story. He told a doctor’s assistant who was going over his medical records that he had never been vaccinated and she actually contradicted him by saying, “Oh yes you were. You just don’t remember.” We were dumbfounded.

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"major sociopaths" is an understatement. bring back the guillotine.

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keep away from those needles. nothing good in there. I had 2 as a child, poxx and polio, and then I had 7 obligatory when I came to the US, and I will avoid at all cost to get any more. As to the childhood schedule, it is criminal indeed. 80 shots before the age of 18 and then they try to sell you gardasil which is useless and very dangerous.

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I agree, except I'd call them psychopaths.

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When I listen to that utter nutter Bill Gates I watch for the involuntary giggles..... he cannot help himself. He knows that he is deceiving the world. He knows there is no virus. He knows that depopulation is the agenda and he FINDS THAT FUNNY.

The WHO operates in lockstep obedience to the other utter nutters in the Club of Rome and their insane narratives.

I am totally FED UP of living in their CLOWN WORLD and having to listen to their jackanory stories day after day.

ENOUGH NOW. I will not sit back and watch MURDERING SOBs RUIN THIS WORLD.

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Yup, he an' the ex-missus are smirkers--gallin' right? Turd-O is another'un--smirks like the dickens! (even under the muzzle when'e wears it...!) grinnin' goblins...

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yes he has weird emotional responses when he's trying to repress/lie.

Though if poor damaged Billy boy Gates hadn’t invented Microsoft and then a plan to vaccinate the world, someone else would. If KS Square Pants hadn’t had the idea of a global boy’s Billionaire Club, then someone else would have. If ganster Tedros hadn’t been appointed as the unelected leader of a pharma funded organisation looking after our ‘health’, someone else would have been. I remember Germaine Greer saying that if she hadn’t written the Female Eunuch, someone else would have. The times, before the equal pay act, and the society we had wrote the book. Or words to that effect, apologies GG.

The system will not be changed by voting republican instead of democrat, red instead of blue. Nor by taking revenge on the talking heads; you cannot solve hate and pain with hate and pain. The system will continually supply more manic brooms to help you live your life with convenience and wash you floors, however many you manage to take a swipe at.

Nothing short of individual personal awakening, self-love, forgiveness, healing and completely jacking out of the matrix will do.


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only then can we come to a solution. there is quite a group of unjabbed, and more and more jabbers are waking up. If one third of the population says no, what is the government going to do? send bill gates to kill us all ?

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yes, war breaks out and nobody turns up

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Hey Bill,

I do have a choice, hell we all do, pound sand mf'r....

God bless, the horse you rode in on Bill.

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I want to see guillotines. I want to see heads roll; this is not a war for the meek or the weak. These people are pure evil.

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Please tell me how you really feel ..... ; )

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Just being a little sarcastic.

Take care.

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I like sarcasm; no problem. I also recognize I've been so angry; it's not good.

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It's impossible to keep up!

But to me this feels like the last throw of the dice from WEF/WHO et al; there is no serious support among the people of the West (and elsewhere I strongly suspect) for 'vaccine' passports, nor is there any particular love for CDBCs. Recently, the Austrian central bank said CDBCs were unworkable because of unreliable power supply going forward. The destruction of Nord Stream 1 and 2 means there's not enough reliable electricity for Europe for the foreseeable future. So unless the unholy ones are about to fix that problem (massive population collapse?), CDBCs cannot be implemented any time soon.

I note China just dropped its Zero Covid policy, too, and that its social control systems are very very unpopular. Germany is rolling back its insanity with Lauterbach (health minister) under heavy fire from almost all mainstream outlets there. The previous health minister (Spahn) has commanded the German people to forgive him for the mistakes made re 'vaccines' and lockdown. And we all know similar things are happening all over the world.

The Russia-Ukraine war is not going well for the neocon bloc in the US. Some in the Pentagon and government, and Kissinger by the way, see that adventure as a lost cause. The US wanted to break up Russia. It has failed at that. Nuclear war will not happen, as its consequences are too unpredictable and destructive. It looks like level heads are starting to prevail there.

Annette (my wife) and I are involved with the PHA (People's Health Alliance). It was started in February this year and is growing fast. Something like 29 countries have signed up. It's a local-level thing dedicated to enabling people to take their health management back from Big Pharma and Big Government, keeping it local and networked, giving choice and power back to the people. Annette watched a recorded PHA zoom meeting in which an NHS (UK) doctor explained that doctors and nurses are deserting the NHS in droves.

Etc., etc., etc...

All in all, I'd say the G20/WEF/Davos/WHO insanity is now too apparent and too unwanted to hold together in any kind of coherence much longer (though how long exactly I confess I do not know). Of my ex friends and family members who believed the narrative, not one single person was in favour of digital vaccine passports and CDBCs. I literally know NO ONE who wants any of that sort of thing. That's why people are so insistent it's all a "conspiracy theory". With these things coming to the fore ever more loudly and brightly, trust in the establishment will continue to dissolve, and ever faster. Ergo, the enemy has no choice but to go for broke.

All that said, I believe things will still get worse before they get better, maybe even much worse. The enemy is backed into a corner but is still very powerful in terms of destructive potential. Plan accordingly.

My 2 cents.

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The intention is to make us detest our governments and cry out for totalitarian globalism. Fortunately we can easily see that the fault lies with think tanks taking a globalist approach and what they are creating looks like Guantanamo Bay to anyone with a brain.

Does the People's Health Alliance propose any solutions?


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Hi Frances,

That tactic of "government bad, global government great" is weird, don't you think? Weird, or bizarrely incompetent. I cannot for the life of me see how that's supposed to work, over and above the 100% failure rate of anything totalitarian.

PHA doesn't really consist of solutions as such. It's more a fluid or flexible alternative to monolithic health institutions by being an umbrella organisation that presents a wide variety of health practices people can choose from. The plan includes raising money by encouraging people to pay £1 per month to generate a pool of funds to make some services more available to the poor, as well as funding educational efforts, outreach, etc. PHA is divided into hubs, those hubs are divided into hublets: the more local the better. Then there's outreach and education and a general, continuing promotion of prevention and looking after ourselves ABOVE cure, medicine, etc. That's how I understand it.

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Thanks, I _really_ needed to read something more hopeful after this news.

Really interested in people's ideas about travel (e.g., US to EU or UK) with this mess in discussions.

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We should I guess keep in mind that these measures are to be re-introduced to fight the NEXT pandemic. Perhaps that is several years away? Can they really trot out another one any time soon? What happened to the Public Health Emergency of International Concern declared by Tedros due to monkey pox??? Where did that go? We were caught off guard by the onslaught that was c19, but our stunned back-foot impotence is a thing of the past. In other words, travel from the US to the UK/EU is going to be unmolested for a while yet!

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Hi Toby, I love what you say but I must ask, you state ' It's a local-level thing dedicated to enabling people to take their health management back from Big Pharma and Big Government',

why did you or anyone else give it to them in the first place.

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I didn't. I am not any kind of health practitioner. My role is peripheral: coding a website for the hub that is local to me in Leeds.

As for doctors and nurses, they are educated and trained to promote/prescribe Big Pharma products, as we all know. Many seem to now be aware of how anti-life and anti-health this is, and are making the needed changes, which is a very difficult process for them I'm sure.

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Nov 18, 2022
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Annette saw the article about the Austrian central bank, and will try and hunt it down for me. If she finds it, I'll send you the link. The argument, as she remembers it, is that we will need cash alongside other means of payment until energy is reliably available. With cash available to us as an alternative, the power of CDBC is considerably reduced.

Because anything as existentially important as our means of exchange being entirely dependent on electricity is thus entirely dependent on the reliability of that electricity, 100% reliable electricity is a must. Gas-powered power plants are used across Europe, as I understand it. Germany received 64% of its gas from Russia. That's now gone. The replacement gas is pencilled in to come from the US in the form of LNG, but this will be MUCH more expensive and will apparently take 4-10 years to set up. In the meantime, Europe needs to make up that shortfall in some other way. But there is no other way; the gas reserves needed to meet the EU's demand are in Russia. Hence, we are looking at power outages as a feature of European life for the foreseeable future.

Right now Germany is burning through its gas stores, which were built for them by Gazprom, but these will not last this winter, apparently. After that – waaay before any CDBCs can be rolled out – things look bleak. Not to mention the potential migrant crisis from Ukraine as Russia continue to destroy Ukraine's energy infrastructure. We are talking about up to 8 million people flooding Europe in the very near future. A further massive demand on energy.

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If you can't be sure there's enough energy to heat, how can all the computers be assured?

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Nov 18, 2022
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And the diversionary tactics are failing. And they know it. Hence the rush, which means hasty planning, more failures, and so on.

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yes none of this is new. it's just that thanks to covid we can all see it now for what it is. the network of money making industries (which most people have worked for at some point) of democracy; entertain, news, regulation, politics, big tech, big corp, the banks, big ag, big nuclear and other arms, big pharma; all keeps us scared, fat, sick and on drugs, on purpose and appears to be in control of our freedoms.

but it is not.

we are inherently free.



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And if you don’t like it, there’s always state-assisted suicide.

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I think I'm ready for that right now. It's not them who bother me so much as the people who go along with them ... which includes my friends and family. It's so alienating.

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heartbreaking to be standing beside someone and feel like you're on an entirely different planet than they are. I feel like I'm living in the movie The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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I get it. But don't go there. We need to _survive_ to win this sh!tstorm.

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[THEY] want The Planet.

WE, are just a hindrance.

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I heard one time that in the 1960s in Sweden there were passports inside the country, between the regions. Which is inhuman.

International passports will soon become national passports and regional passports, and street passports. A black person cannot be denied access to a store open to the public because of her race, but she can be denied to go from her home to another neighborhood to do anything: shopping, working, protesting, moving.

This is how civil wars used to get started. Accumulation of grievances.

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Civil war would be a delight to the utter nutters we have running this Clown World.

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I just don’t understand how these clowns are still able to walk around and breathe

enough said

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[THEY] want The Planet.

WE, are just a hindrance.

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My contribution was writing this "Pandemic Treaty" for freedom. Would they sign it too? Probably no, but the people, each individual, could sign it. Link: https://drvitor.substack.com/p/a-pandemic-treaty-for-the-who Comments are welcome.

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Great treaty, Yes, this looks good but if the G20 muppets have already signed up for global health controls via the WHO what chance have we got of being heard?

I am worried about that shower in Bali..... (were they drunk?)

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Whoa, I haven't checked your research. I hope you are wrong.

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she’s not🙀

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He's still on his *vaccinate* the world trip.

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Bill gates and Klaus Schwab and jewvall hariri mixed their semen in Noah's arc and are gonna inject it into you and me, if they can.

They got loads of semen but no balls , so they will use our bodies to destroy us, and make it so we all look just like them, as ugly as sin, like hella ugly satanthony Fauci

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"How it started: IBM punchcards and tattoos | How it's going: OpenSource blockchain and smartphones" -- Jon Rappoport


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Bingo Tom. “It will be so convenient. Just turn in all those dirty 20 dollar bills and credit and debit cards for this ONE SINGLE CBDC card and life will be so much simpler.” Until we don’t like that last substack comment you made. It will be simpler all right, simpler for them to keep us under their thumb.

Use cash, and don’t patronize businesses that won’t accept it.

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I bought a new goldwing. I get my self there on my own now. Some int'l travel, Freedom Travel Alliance.

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