I read The Invisible Rainbow a couple of years ago and would highly recommend it. I thought I knew a lot about the general dangers to health of all living things from electricity and EMF, but I learned a lot from this book. It is very well written and one need not have a background in the physical sciences to understand it.

I have been dedicated to protecting myself and my SO from the dangers of EMF. Here are a few things that you can do.

- Keep your wifi turned off unless absolutely necessary. We have two dwellings in SW Mexico. One is an apartment in the center of the city. The other is a house out in the campo well north of the city. When I built this house, I wired all the rooms with ethernet which could hook it to our computers. If you do this, be sure to turn off your wifi on you computer as well, as you will get more radiation from it than from the modem. In the apartment, we cannot install ethernet. Our normal computer desks are a few feet from the modem, but my SO likes to use her laptop in bed, so I keep a 50 foot ethernet cable handy and roll it out at bedtime and coil it back up at dawn.

My SO has a Kindle and I have an iPAD which we both use to read books. We do turn on the wifi on the modem, to download books. I would say that it is on about 10 minutes a month total.

A rep from TelMex came to the apartment last year and told me that they have a new optical modem that is much faster than my old one, and it is free. I said that is great - let my see it. When he showed it to me, I asked, “Where is the button that turns off the wifi?” He said it doesn’t have one. I said thanks but no thanks. If your ISP does not offer a modem with a wifi on/off button, buy one that is compatible with their signal on the internet with such a button.

- On to telephones. First, keep your landline and use it whenever possible. You can have a modern phone with solid state message recording and telephone number memory as long as it doesn’t have anything nasty like bluetooth. If you choose to have a cell phone, tell your acquaintances to try to call you first on the landline. I was forced to buy a “smart” phone in order to connect to my bank account for “authentication.” Keep it in airplane mode whenever possible. I have a microwave meter, and have checked our phones. Trust but verify :-) I can say that the two we have, an iPhone 4S and an iPhone 8 do not emit any radiation when in airplane mode, Always us headphones or earbuds when speaking on a cell. Keep it at arms length from your body. I am hearing impaired and the audio is much better than the crappy speakers in the phone. The party on the other end can still hear you just fine (as can the NSA). Make sure that the bluetooth is turned off when using the cell for a call. It is turned off automatically in airplane mode.

My land has a telephone pole planted smack in the middle. When I bought it, I simply assumed that I could get a landline. It turned out that pole carries lines from a larger town to the left to a larger town to the right, and was not available to me. My SO has three children and 6 grandchildren in the US and she is a worrier. She insisted on keeping her cell on except late at night. We reached a compromise that she would keep it in an aluminum 8 inch flan pan with the lid snapped tight. Testing indicated that this reduced 90% of the EMF power and the phone would ring anyway. Her hearing is much more acute than mine, and she could hear it without issue. There are some studies that indicate that the health issues from cell microwaves are not linear, and even that lower intensity exposure is more dangerous than higher levels. To that I say, well, we do what we can.

Do not own a deck telephone which is a landline base station with a detachable receiver. They emit far more radiation than even the worst cells, 24/7. If you live in the country and own a shotgun, take it outside with gloves and shoot it immediately.

Finally, we have the question of protection from cell tower radiation which must deal with the concept of Faraday cages, which is essentially what the flan pan above is. For our purposes, there are two types. The first is sheet metal and the second is mosquito screens. Mosquito screens made out of either galvanized steel or aluminum are reasonably effective at blocking MW through 4G. Nylon or fiberglass screening are useless. Technically, the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength. When it comes to 5G, though fortunately I haven’t yet been able to test it, theoretically the holes in mosquito screen are too large to block many of the frequencies. I have a cell tower about 2 km from by bedroom across an open plain. I have four window panes facing it. The two center ones are openable and screened, and the two outer ones are fixed. I screened them anyway to help block the EMF which helps considerably. The wall is of solid concrete brick 6 inches thick. It is not very effective at blocking 4G but should be effective for the higher frequencies of 5G. The 60 GHz frequency of 5G is particularly dangerous, as it interacts with the O2 oxygen molecule and raises it to a higher quantum energy level which prevents it from being picked up by the hemoglobin in red blood cells. Solid metal sheeting, as opposed to screening, will block all EMF, up to but not including X-rays.

One motto I use to remind myself is, Convenience is the super highway to an ugly and premature death.

I think this is long enough for a comment :-) but I would be happy to try to answer any questions here.

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Fantastically helpful, thank you!

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PS: If your laptops do not have an ethernet port, you can buy an adaptor for it at a low price that works just fine. Should cost less than USD 20. Apple, of course, over charges. When purchasing, make sure that it matches the correct port of your laptop or you will have to buy a second adaptor.

My 10 year old MacBook Pro had a stroke in the motherboard recently. Its only symptom was killing my ethernet processing. Worked fine on wifi :-( Not worth trying to repair. So I bought a new MacBook Air with the M1 CPU. The basic model had only a 256 GB flash memory. My old one had an easily replaceable disk drive which I had increased to 2 TB, and which had 1 TB in use. I overcame these problems by purchasing a 5400 RPM external 4 TB disk drive and bought the basic model. Think it cost me $70. I also bought the following dock adaptor which pretty much allowed me to put anything into the new computer. It even has a built in ethernet adaptor.


BTW I consider Jeff Bezos to be a psychopath, but living in Mexico I have reduced options. My old Mac was totally maxed out a 16 GB RAM, yet I was amazed with the speed of the new one with Apple's new M1 CPU at only 8 GB. Very dramatic.

Also, for Mac users, I found buying Carbon Copy Cloner essential for making the change over. Great company with superlative customer support. I partitioned the 4 TB into three unequal parts, and simply cloned my entire MacBook Pro hard drive to it as an archive. Also Apple's new media software totally sucks, it is one commercial trying to force you into their store, and I sorely missed iTunes. In 30 years I never actually bought any music from Apple. There is a free program that allows you to use iTunes again and it has worked without a hiccup. It is called Retroactive.


I am adding this just to offer my workarounds for buying a new laptop. As more and more websites get pulled down, its nice to save articles to your laptop in pdf format as opposed to just saving a URL.

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Jan 19, 2022
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I bought a meter about 7 years ago which I have been quite satisfied with. It cost me $150. I am a chemist by education and very familiar with using this sort of thing. It was called a Coronet, and unfortunately, it is no longer on the market. However there are many models available. Unfortunately, the Coronet as well as others I have seen do not register above 8 GHz, while 5G reportedly can go up to 100.

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I thought this was a good article about the lack of proper testing: https://wearenotsam.com/blog/we-are-not-sam-oped-by-dr-devra-davis-on-the-rigged-cell-phone-radiation-tests/

I used to be more skeptical about 5G concerns - surely they wouldn't want to harm people - but then I saw how they ran the clinical studies for the COVID vaccines.

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Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.

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My neighbor in NYC, Ms. Farber, just handed me another reading assignment. I just now purchased "The Invisible Rainbow" audiobook; and after listening to today's David Knight Show episode, I will begin the book. Thank you Celia. 🤗

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Can planes get covid? That will be the next thing. It wasn't the 5G, the plane got covid and fell out of the sky. Quick reminder for all. This is a global coup by the financial mafia that brought us 911, Oklahoma City, the 7-7 UK event and more. These are killers and we should start planning how to expose and eradicate them.

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Of course they can get covid. The late president of Tanzania, Dr. John Magufuli, proved before the central banksters killed him, that motor oil can be covid positive. So can paw paw fruit and goats. BTW he was a Ph.D. chemist. So if motor oil can catch covid, I am sure that it can transmit it to planes.


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Its official. Should we put the Flyvermectic in the gas tank?

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As usual, profits before efficacy, safety and ethics. Gotta make those dollars before anyone discovers we are just as much murderers as big pharma.

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We are Electrochemical beings aren't we?

I remember an Englishman who campaigned endlessly to halt the roll-out of 5G. His name was Ian R.Crane and together with Mark Steele he warned of the dangers to humanity that this posed.

Sadly he is now dead after an illness struck him down. He battled bravely to overcome and recover for several months continuing to urge desperately that the public should stop the tech from becoming active. It troubled me deeply that during the first lock downs when only work considered essential was permitted...the 5G equipment was hurriedly being installed in Hospitals and Schools. I often wondered whether the statement that claimed each human had enough energy to power a small city had any real significance regarding this technology?

I guess we will find out very soon what the real agenda is concerning the launch.

I should also add that I have heard rumours that claim the towers have a special device that has been connected to them which uses Tesla technology to adjust the signals they emit to the frequency of 432hz...But that was a rumour.

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The problem is we will not find out. Since now every disease is being relabelled as corona or the currently fashionable corona variant there will be no way to identify a 5G induced illness or death. I don't know if that's intentional - but it's definitely convenient. For the wireless Industry and their government enablers this "pandemic" came right on time!

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I believe they are both mechanisms of the same agenda almost certainly to work in conjunction. Phase 1 being the introduction of technology via the serums (not a virus) into the body in order to construct receivers and transmitters within a framework...hence the trials that have taken place to fine tune the payload of chemicals that will be activated through Phase 2 of the operation using 5G.

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Robert Steele was also struck down by illness and murdered in a hospital (they drugged him and put him on a ventilator - the covid death sentence).

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It seems like a death of which few details are available despite him being a prominent personality. Initially, there were doubts whether he had died at all. Poisoning at a meeting was also mentioned. Strangeness upon strangeness

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Hard to know; I went by what his best friend claimed, who initially took him to the hospital.

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RFK Jr over at Childrens Health Defense sued the FCC over lying about the true harm 5G can cause. And won the first round. Here's the details: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/seeking-justice/legal/chd-v-federal-communication-commission-fcc/

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Great book.

Another must read is Kane's "Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette."

Wuhan was one of the pilot cities for 5G. Absolutely massive rollout there. Just a coincidence though.

Wuhan (like northern Italy) also has some of the most lethal pollution levels in the world. people have been dropping dead in the streets there for years. No one knows why. Maybe because of the poisoned air? But starting at the end of 2019, the pollution deaths stopped, there were just corona deaths.

But to get back to 5G :

Just remember, if you are living as a lab rat in one of those 36 cities and end up collapsing suddenly and being rushed to the hospital with some unexplained illness, it's just another case of corona. Those new 5G towers wouldn't hurt a fly - they are just sending out positive vibes.

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So the new boxes were to adjust the frequency to 432 then?...Splendid!

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Why is this just a problem in the USA? A continuation of the psyops? Seems reasonable? NBC News "The vast majority of the travelling and shipping public will essentially be grounded." That should be a giant clue!

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Living near a cell tower is definitely not advised.

Check this out:


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Dr. Doug Corrigan has a class on how to use essential oils as protection against the damages of 5G. He’s a really smart scientist. You can find his website at https://www.starfishscents.com/listing/827443916/.

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Jan 19, 2022
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Official assholes will never admit that EMF and RF cause symptoms, let alone treat our questions about it as a serious matter. Just like when we raise the issue of serious vaccine injuries, official asshole use mockery and marginalize you as looney "antivaxxers," until their own child is adversely affected. That's the evil of majoritarianism of which the Framers warned us.

Aside from certain websites, the public was "exposed" to this phenomenon from the series "Better Call Saul", in which the brother of the main character suffers from EMF sensitivity. But in the series, he's treated by his colleagues as nutty. "it's all in his head" etc. Probably that was the intention of the writers of the show?

I know two people who are EMF sensitive. One of them is Jim West, whom you may know by his anti vaccine and HIV dissidence. For some 20 years, Jim would tell me how EMF personally affects his health. He gets headaches just from being next to a desk fan with an unshielded motor. He finally left Manhattan in 2019 for a less congested area of the US.

Jim recommends using a cheap $10 AM radio to detect radiation. Set it to a blank part of the dial and hear the static increase as you draw it near a leaky EMF or RF source (has better range than an expensive EMF meter). In my case, that would be my internet modem and apartment elevator. Cover household sources with aluminum foil or aluminum pans.

Jim does not want to have notoriety, but for your own info:

Jim West: Symptoms from Chemicals & Pollution Mimic those from Infectious Diseases







http://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/the-sars-epidemic-are-viruses-taking-the-rap-for-industrial- poisons/




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Great stuff. That $10 AM radio thing is genius. The thing is EMF and RF are different and require different technologies to detect accurately. With RF in particular you really need to know if you are dealing with levels of 100 or 100k. I'm wondering just what you can discern with an AM radio..do you have a link to his article on this topic?

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I wish I knew enough to answer you. He told me on the phone that the louder the static, the more radiation is leaking from the item. obviously, you can't tell from that what the frequency is. Just block it with tin foil.

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Daz Harmer on Gab also provides useful information. I check every now and then.

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This is all my fault...

I'll need to stop appsterbating ony phoney all the time, but then how will I be able to know I'm not all alone in IsoLa?

Make it stop Celia

This will be like needles... without the needles...

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Joe Imbriano warned us years ago.


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You know that 5g is not any different than the shit that already existed right?

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I'm going to bite......

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