RIP Liam Scheff. An amazing science journalist ahead of his time.

The other day I was explaining that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, but it puts you on a deadly cocktail which leads to AIDS symptoms and gets called an AIDS death (not from AZT or other toxic drugs).

It goes over people's heads. They still believe the lies.

So I mention how Dr Fauci which was involved in that horror with AZT, was also the one to push Remdesevir, which killed people- and got blamed on covid.

The problem is that even if you find a HUGE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM TO CAUSE SICKNESSES- these people INSIST that viruses are still in play.

Same shit with Polio. If DDT/pesticides at the time caused the SAME symptoms and had scientists calling out that factor, how the F did we end up with the fairy tale that it was all caused by the "poliovirus"?

It's like an obsession where people go along with the offficial story just to feel like they're scientific, even if the whole virus cause of those diseases have passed Koch's or River's postulates!

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& RIP Liam. Such a divergent thinker at a young age (see his "Official Stories" book). I'm not so sure about the official story about this death, either.

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🙏🏻 RIP Dr Buttar & Liam.

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As a gay man I can tell you the gay community at large don't want to hear this information. HIV is a religion that we are expected to bow-down and worship. Just like they said in the interview, the repeated testing is the way we are told we are ok, like a confessional. BUT it's worse, because gay men are pressured to go on so-called PreP anti-HIV drugs basically for life so they can have sex. And then they go out and snort poppers because they think they're protected. It's mind-boggling to me how profoundly stupid my gay brothers can be in this regard. Normal human sexuality has been turned into a kind of death cult. Testing over and over again for sexually active gay men is just like the confession and repentance process I was subjected to growing up in a fundamentalist Christian religion.

Celia, I listened to an interview with you on TerrainTheory, and you mentioned something about an experimental HepB vaccine given to gay men in the 1970s. I've heard something about this but don't know a lot about it. I've wondered if there was something more going in the 1970s that gay men were subjected to that we've been blinded to, like another factor of some sort. I'd love to know more about this.

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Thanks Celia for posting this. There is STILL much to gather our senses around --those of us who have known so little that we could fight with and been frustrated by that lack. I think of Dr. Buttar as an amazing and extraordinary person. Because of what I have learned about and from him as a physician healer over the last 3 years I am in awe. You are also a true warrior in the war for human freedom of knowledge. Thank you again.

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Is that on Rumble or some other non-YouTube service? I'd rather not feed the Google censorship beast.

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One of the most informative half hours I’ve ever experienced. Thanks!

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Thanks you, Tom Busse, for this video and thank you, Celia, for posting this.

I recall the rash of untimely deaths of microbiologists a few decades ago as well as the same pattern with holistic doctors, starting with Dr. Gonzales in Florida. When I heard Dr. Buttar describe his situation to Dr. Bruce Lipton on a recent interview and then learn of his death, alarm bells went off.

My sister worked for an AIDS clinic for a decade, believing she was saving the world. She still believes the whole lie, unfortunately. Initially, I did, but it has been decades since. I do not believe in the boogeyman virus myth, either.

I actually was not aware that the AIDS myth is still being pushed onto the gay community, as one commenter stated.

I really appreciate the comment section in Substack and elsewhere because I learn so much from them.

Thanks, Celia.

RIP, Dr. Buttar and Liam.

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You're welcome. RIP two great men.

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I'm in two minds about this HIV thing all these papers and dissidents scientist say one thing, while I see the devastating evidence of people dying from HIV

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Brilliant! Thank you for this.

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