Look at the story you wrote several days ago--about pedophile collaborator Alfred Kinsey. Professor, highly esteemed, research funded by a university. He was a psychopath who masturbated infants for "sex research." His colleagues who were interviewed defend him to this day--they, too, are perverts in high places. If these depraved men believe that they're completely justified in thinking sex with kids is normal and healthy, what hope is there of ever putting a stop to human trafficking, pedophilia, and satanic ritual abuse? Like you said, almost everybody who has taken serious steps to expose these heinous crimes have died. Sexual abuse among public servants has to be more rampant than has been reported, else why would all the scandals be covered up or buried?

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During “Covid” one of our MP’s got caught masturbating on. Zoom call... makes one wonder...

and I really wonder about that clip of the naked child climbing out of Buckingham palace...

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And one of our "top" journalists/legal experts (not my list) from the New Yorker, also a lawyer.

What IS this trend?

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2 others, cnn, and another national media guy got caught on a zoom. Just before that Matt Lauer w his auto lock. The whole cottage industry Weinstein ran? Then Weiner? all of them just stack on stack on stack of piddle, smut and snuff films.

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What clip is that??

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That's an msn article which includes a still shot which captures the essence of the video. The article also debunks the video - I'll leave you to make up your own mind about whether the video is real, or the debunkers are correct in this case. I haven't bothered to dig in and try to figure out who is telling the truth myself.

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even if this one isnt, the REALITY of what has been happening in Jimmy Savilles buckingham palace is far far worse.

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And long before Jimmy Saville as well the so called royal families have been about these practices for 4000 years back to Babylon.

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Do you have evidence for this?

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I suspect you may be right. I've never seen anything even close to proof of that though.

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See my reply above , there is mountains of evidence if you were unfortunate enough to REQUIRE personal experience proof . you would not still be alive.

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You haven't been looking hard enough...

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well some in press said it was a philandering princess teen/young adult , caught with a boy, but, that kid looked scared.

I mean, one could see a royal crappy person just excited to scare another out a window. or. He was terrified by something or actions etc that compelled him out a window. Any and all scenarios are terrifying and chilling.


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Well not sure if it's real or was a filming as the post below states, but it seems there'd be more articles on it either way. As it looked like the kid fell from quite high it would seem there'd be something on it. So maybe they had the trampolines to catch him for filming, but where's the articles on that?

Here's from AP on the story


AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The 2015 video was used to promote the scripted E! TV series “The Royals.” The video has been misrepresented as real footage multiple times in the last few years.

Despite being revealed as a marketing stunt, the video circulated again in 2019 on YouTube, alongside similar false claims that it showed a child escaping the palace.

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Its time to eliminate these people and their evil practices, there is no other way. A civilization that is predator to its children is doomed. Time for a honorable inquisition of these types and this global business.

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Wasn't his wife also deeply involved?

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Kim you nailed it anyone touching this basically puts a target on their backs. Yet, this should Not stop people from exposing this travesty.

The reason no law enforcement will touch it is because many are involved and I mean many!

I’d really love to see a sequel to the Sound of Freedom, naming names and exposing DC and all the so called elite disgusting skinbags!

And remember this all starts with one specific people, the Jews!

Seems everybody is afraid today to speak of that vile satanic elephant in the room, the Jew!!!!!

It’s time to speak up and speak out and rid the world of these vile reptiles.

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That's like saying all white people are racist. Of course they're not, but some are.

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That is not correct , it goes back to Babylon , and other pagan people before ,the Sabbatean Frankist infiltration ,

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Excellent comment!!

Maybe its time to refresh people with stories from Kay Pollard Griggs and Ted Gunderson? Because they were NOT Russian agents!

And what about ITJN and Robert David Steele? I feel a dangerous stack coming!

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White hat hackers could bring the globalist predator class down! We need more of this. Make it rabid and determined.

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ABSOLUTELY we need to encourage this.

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Jul 15, 2023
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The Safety Track Record for whistle-blowers is pretty abysmal, unfortunately (Assange, Snowden…). It's an effective tactic to keep most people cowed and complacent.

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If a handful of whistleblowers or truth tellers do this , they can be targeted , if thousands or more do it , it cannot be stopped

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Yes Seth Rich is remembered. Thanks for calling all this out. I liked the one earlier today too but didn’t have time to express my appreciation. 👌🏽

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Didn't Andrew Breitbatt call out Podesta before he was killed? Something like "why is this sick pos still alive?" So horrifying. No one normal wants to believe it's true. I almost think sone people's brains just shut off because it's too awful. This has to stop.

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Posesta is alive because people who are not pedo's are also usually not murders. Seth Rich is dead because people who are pedo's are often willing to kill, too. I'm not a pedo and I don't want to be a murder. I'm not compromising my salvation for a pedo.

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From what I remember, Andrew Breitbart was going to release some information regarding BHO. TPTB have ways to kill someone that appear to the average person, to be a heart attack.

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As we have learned...

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Yes, I recall the heart attack dart and someone in Congress in the seventies questioning it. I will never understand why these good people, like Breitbart, don't just go ahead and release the information. No telling everyone that you are going to release it next Tuesday. And why didn't he send copies to other people he could trust? I hope other people learn from these mistakes.

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Or, of course, a “deadman’s switch”.

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There were 3 copies of Hunter Biden's laptop. The FBI did nothing with it for 2 years before the 2020 election.

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it’s a classic moment, and ‘coincidence’ gave Skippy got his revenge.

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I learned over 20 years ago about the huge human/child trafficking going on in our country and it amazes me that so many people have no knowledge of it, nor do they want it. Our state of Ohio is #5 and one of the worst in the country, but people all of a sudden who watch the movie Sound of Freedom have no idea how rampant it is in our own country! One of our neighbors was leaving the movie when we were and I explained to him how bad it is in the U.S. and he laughed saying it wasn’t as bad as Thailand. Did he not watch the information at the end of the movie about the U.S. human/child trafficking. The fact that law enforcement hasn’t touched the hackers information of all the pedophile networks shows how deep it is. It has involved Presidents, Governors and so many don’t want to touch it which is sinful. During the covid lockdown, Governor Dewine, unleashed one of the close associates of the Clintons from their Haiti connections and through it we learned that his wife also had a school in Haiti which is how they got to know him!!! We also learned that one of DeWine’s closest buddies in Ohio, Les Wexner, was a close associate of Epstein. You can read between the lines all you want, but this is why law enforcement looks the other way. I’ve been telling people to watch their kids and to quit allowing them to go to the malls unaccompanied because of all the predators waiting to kidnap them! At least that is one thing I can do and it has worked! Our malls in the Akron/Canton area are all trolling sites for these monsters! I am sure the rest of the state is the same. So no one should ever think it can’t happen to their loved ones. It’s so despicable and evil, but it goes hand in hand with the increase of attacks against the innocence of children in every aspect. If that isn’t Satan having a field day at the expense of God’s children, I don’t know what is. Plus don’t think for a second that many Children Service Agencies throughout the country are also involved. They are allowing criminal Foster Parents who traffic children, and to allow foster kids to disappear and never report it or help find them. Amazing how people will sell their soul for this evil. I will never trust our government, our agencies, or our police forces for looking the other way in matters such as this! If you ignore it, if you criticize it or lie about the movie…..then you must support it and are complicit. There is no riding this fence!!! God help the children!

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Hi, Joni, I grew up in Cuyahoga Falls and I appreciate you writing about what is going on in Ohio. I highly recommend Whitney Webb's One Nation Under Blackmail if you would like to learn more about Epstein and Wexner. It seemed as though Epstein was using The Limited for trafficking, at the least drugs and guns.

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Thank you, Susan. I learned about DeWine’s dealings during covid and there are many people in Ohio who has his number!!! One evil being himself. Thanks for the recommendation.

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Whitney Webb’s books are crazy! Reality for any of us, is not what it appears to be. Once one realizes that, so much is apparent!

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Hi Susan, is it possible to post the link to her substack? I found lots links to reviews about her book, but didn’t find her substack. I may have to order her book. It’s amazing that all these criminals are so protected and can operate in plain day with no threats of anything ever happening to them. But it goes hand in hand of what we have seen with the criminality of the Clintons, Biden and Obama and many, many others.

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I don't think she has a substack. She lives in Argentina and told Russell Brand she believes she is safe because all of her info comes from open sources.

I originally read Parts 2 and 3 of what formed the basis of her book on informationclearinghouse.com, but their older articles seem to have disappeared. I bought the two volumes from Trine Day, an independent publisher, and it really is good to have the books because they are so heavily sourced.

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Susan, Whitney lives in Chile. Some of her work is on Mintpressnews.com Lastamericanvagabond.com, and unlimitedhangout.com You can join Whitney on unlimitedhangout.com and receive her newsletters. Sometimes she's on CHDTV. Her books are on amazon and she has an audio version now.

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Since I'm not a fan of billionaires and their sweatshops, I do not shop at amazon.

Thanks for the reminder about unlimitedhangout!

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Thank you, Susan.

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"People generally, almost invariably, die trying to get this story out." Can we also make such a list of the ppl who tried to get the truth out concerning the global Covid Scam ? Ppl like Zelenko, Burkhardt, Kery Mullis, these are the first that came to mind, there are of course many more . . .

Here in the Netherlands, several victims of child abuse have identified senior Justice Department officials as perpetrators/predators. And so here too, the government did not pursue it further. Most energy was spent on the fact that the victims had the "nerve" to accuse "honest and hard-working" justice officials of such "ridiculous and fabricated" allegations !!! After that, there was silence around this issue. It highly likely jeopardised the basic principle of today's politics: Politics as a job carousel, and in doing so, fulfilling all the mandates of the supranational powers as required is essential.

There is plenty of new child blood coming into the country via migration anyway, so that should not be a concern for this unsavoury segment of politics and their media.

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Thank you again, Celia. I'm reading The Franklin Cover-up by John DeCamp - which I already knew quite a bit about - but wanted as many of the details as possible. It reminds me very much of the Utah Ritualized Sex Abuse Investigation Derrick Broze has been working on for The Last American Vagabond. I decided to download the victim statements, there are hundreds of pages, and the stories of the victims of abuse - everywhere - have much in common. It is horrifying.


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And it runs deep. I remember reading that 9 of the 12 investigators of Anthony Weiner’s laptop had supposedly “committed suicide” in the few years post-investigation, the contents of that laptop still not revealed. Hilary implicated, and the contents were reportedly devastating, those poor 12 got into it before they knew what they had discovered. Wrong place, wrong time. It’s what got them killed, Hilary-style.

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Wow. I had not heard about this.

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as a victim, I thank you and pray for your safety. The whole ugly, evil, system was set up from the start to use as blackmail, for control. The whole MK-Ultra operations (which are many) were researched and designed to acquire, manipulate and control persons in order gain power.

And that power runs deep. My heart aches for the children, all of them.

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Thank you for what you are doing. I just learned about you a few days ago - your writings on AIDS. It fits that you are now writing on child pornography. Why does Sound of Freedom touch people. Maybe because it goes for the feelings, the heart. Nothing blocks the feelings, the heart. The other cases (from what I see) - horror. But it is much more facts than heart.

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As a follow up to Sounds of Freedom this report came out...and it appears to be true esp. in light of the fact that Sounds of Freedom did somehow manage to get traction...https://banned.video/watch?id=64b1631bc31445217de49395

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When will this end!

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Never!!!! There is too much money in it and too much evil!!! Men and women involved in this have sold their souls to the devil. It’s been going on for so many years people just looked the other way and accepted it as if the victims some how had something to do with it! I was almost abducted when I was 21 because I stopped to use a pay phone at a popular restaurant and thankfully some wise and observant police officers saw what was going down. Two pimps pulled over when they saw me in the phone booth and radioed others to be prepared to block me in once I pulled out. The police knew what they were going to do and told me to be prepared and then they called for back up to escort me home. I am now 68! God was looking out for me! Further just look at all the liberals bad mouthing the movie Sound of Freedom to follow the lies by the mainstream media. They are so brain dead that they can’t see the light whatsoever. So they either condone it or are part of it!

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Joachim Hagopian's monster epic "Pedophilia and Empire" is also worthwhile reading for those who really want a detailed view of the global pedo empire (a multi-part work that is sadly let down by far too many excurses into reptilians, nephilim, Anunaki etc, but otherwise packed full of the pervasiveness of this evil subculutre; available free here https://pedoempire.org/contents/ )

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Redemption through sin?

Is that what it's all about? 21st-century Sabbatean-Frankists?


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Celia, I came here to say, you are really batting them out of the park this morning. Between this blog and the earlier one about Ballard, Angel Studios and Backpage, I am sitting here agog. You've unleashed all my memories, some research and a lot of my personal experience. I was living in NYC in 1988 and was a big consumer of the Voice and was always appalled by Backpage, which, to my young eyes, represented all the evil and dirt I traversed through daily as I walked from Port Authority (PA seemed to me like the bowels of hell, and certainly the den of trafficking) up Broadway to Lincoln Center, where I worked. It is a minefield and ultimately, it seems so clear that the Great Deceiver is behind it all. I never thought I would so clearly believe and see it as such--but I do. You are brave, and you are true--and sometimes that means walking right across the minefield, which is what this is. So thank you for knocking it out of the park.

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Check out the new report by either Greg Reese or Amazing Polly... They reveal information about the very suspicious and questionable connections to this movie.

Not to say that the movie is not an eye opening revelation for many who have been oblivious or insensitive to the topic of child sex trafficking, but there may be more to the movie than that...

Given this new very credible documented information from these reliable sources, one can only suspect that perhaps we are all being led down the wrong garden path.

In any regard it is quite clear, and perhaps a little "too obvious" that the connections to angel studios and some of the cast, needs to be investigated deeper.

By "too obvious"... I mean we need to consider that we being played by the devious to look in the wrong direction.

These "questionable connections" are close to the surface, and didn't take much detective digging to expose... Almost as if it was planted there to be found.

These evildoers, are either extremely stupid, or more likely, they are extremely well planned and devious.

Regardless, this movie is an extremely popular choice to see, when up put against an old rehash of Indiana Jones with and equally old star that most movie goers today do not relate to... Hmmm.

Was this movie released to get control of a fire before it became raging and of control... like a controlled burn..?

Will the hot masses demand action and be cooled by empty promises and lies...


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