A Moment Of Catharsis For America—Enjoy It With Jimmy Dore
I Find The Talk About Fauci Not Being "Responsible" Pedantic And A-Historical—Fauci Has Driven Contagion/Propaganda Federal NWO Agenda for 40 years. Please!
And then, watch this, for contrast:
Anders Tegnell—Sweden’s Fauci.
Why didn’t anybody hit him (Fauci) with…Sweden?
Tegnell detonated and discredited all of it—all lockdowns, all mandates, all masks, and even widespread PCR “testing.”
I love this 29 second iconic Tegnell clip, (including the fascinating head shake at the 8 second mark.)
What transpired was 100% unnecessary, Fauci is 100% responsible, and America will never, ever be the same, no matter what.
One Swedish friend of mine thinks I might tone down my love of Tegnell as he, to use his word, betrayed the Swedish people, after all, with his vaccine pushing. I tell this friend he is, of course, correct. BUT, I also tell him he can never imagine what Americans went through, under the psychotic rule of “America’s Doctor,” Fauci.
I don’t expect Swedes to understand what they were spared—how could they?
Tegnell has disappeared from the public sphere—does not appear to be employed anywhere at the moment.
The plot thickens.
This grilling of Fauci only frustrates me. Because there is no next step. He doesn’t fear a next step. He has no fear at all.
I am well aware of the responsibility that Fauci holds for the unnecessary deaths of several hundreds of thousands of gays regarding the HIV/AIDS BS. But while he was the most visible propaganda mouthpiece during the scandemic, it was really Birx who was running the day-to-day operation. Since the whole shitshow was run by the DoD, I figured this was because she was a career army colonel ret. Nevertheless, I think that Fauci deserves the same fate as his beagle experimental subjects.