This grilling of Fauci only frustrates me. Because there is no next step. He doesn’t fear a next step. He has no fear at all.

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It frustrates me, too! He acts like he has something to fear from death threats. He acts like they're not warranted. What frustrates me even more was reading the book, "The real Anthony fauci" and realizing that people that needed to read it would never read it and nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever be done because he is helping lots of people make lots of money.

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Yes, these hearings are dog and pony shows and they let us watch them so we can get some kind of satisfaction. But that satisfaction is a fantasy.

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I agree. Where were all these high and mighty congress people over the past 4 years? Were they speaking up? Were they questioning Fauci et al at a time when it would have mattered.

Too late to the party.

It's an insult.

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Well done Ed...you are exactly correct.

It's baffling that people fall for the rebranded Nuremburg scam trial, every time they roll it out.

In those consolation and distraction operations at Nuremburg, 199 defendants were tried, 161 were convicted and 37 were sentenced to death, while the Allied countries spirited thousands of Nazis away to run their intelligence agencies and even become national heroes of their once adversarial countries - good old V2 rocket making Warner Von Braun comes to mind.

These hearings over the border, climate, the scamdemic and other crimes are no different.

For those asking about congressmen/women speaking up before this...you may think their job is to serve you, but with VERY few exceptions (MTG) their job is to preserve the status quo, in D.C. and the country. The status quo is whatever keeps them and their so called political "enemies" in power.

Think of it like this. If doctors cured you or worse yet, told you to eat a healthy balanced diet and drink plenty of filtered water daily, they would lose power and millions from the insurance companies and big pharma, because there would be virtually no more chronically ill patients, to keep sick and make money off of..

Same goes for your government. they make money, when there's conflict, crisis or social pressures on the masses - that's why they invent and create them.

Fauci and crack head hunter are being put in front of you now, as a bone to gnaw on and say..."now we'll get some justice, just wait, we'll show 'em"

Neither of them, or those who are ripping our country to shreds (at the top) will sit in a cell or be executed for their crimes.

Our system (read bureaucrats and politicians) is set up for self preservation, not service to the people and justice. That's why when you see those like MTG saying "shut the gov down" they are a small minority and always out voted.

I take none of these show trials against the regime seriously, because the regime is running them.

I do take the trials against the regime's opposition seriously, because that is you and I, being persecuted and prosecuted, we've just yet to make it, to the defendant table...but fear not, they will get to us and we will see the inside of that cell, or the rope...they'll see to that.

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Yes, he is simply a chew toy for the Republicans to feel righteous.

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That is a trait indicative of psychopathy…and his actions match psychopathy as well.

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I think you may be right? He doesn't fear a next step because it is all a big show. Get rid of the "bad apple" (Fauci) and the barrel of American capitalism is wholesome again.

Fauci can suffer the lambasting as long as he suffers no real consequences and the American people are placated. No Big Pharma executives go to jail. No one questions why the CDC has been regulatory captured by Big Pharma.

Now the whole enormous Covid fraud has been put to bed. The American people placated. We shall see.

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It's all Fauci's Fault !


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He takes his cues for fearlessness from the rat fink Netanyahu.

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He ought to be hung immediately… that might get people some satisfaction and the other evil fkkrs attention.

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Honestly, although you and I would like to see Fauci's head on a pike, a long drawn-out trial is better. With full legal discovery and full disclosure. Let everyone see the fraud that went on. There is so much information to air regarding the Covid fraud/hysteria. What the American public deserves is full legal disclosure with the hope and belief that Americans won't allow themselves to be bamboozled again by these sorts of psychopaths and con men.

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Don't hold your breath. What the public deserves and what it gets are two different things - because we have allowed our government to get to this pathetic state. No govt. employee was willing to explain to the American people that the development of the so-called vaccine did not ensure it was safe and/or effective. No, the cheerleaders were out in force, obscuring the truth and the danger. We the people were meant to just go along with the charade. Has anything changed? How many people do you know who were vaccinated regret it?

And frankly, my faith in the legal system is failing.

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Plus all the experiments on animals and children he did. This would curdle people’s blood!

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Something better happen !!!

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What? From this bullshit? The mainstream will come away from this being able to say that Fauci successfully stood up to harsh and angry interrogation driven by politically driven conspiracy theories and misinformation.

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I am well aware of the responsibility that Fauci holds for the unnecessary deaths of several hundreds of thousands of gays regarding the HIV/AIDS BS. But while he was the most visible propaganda mouthpiece during the scandemic, it was really Birx who was running the day-to-day operation. Since the whole shitshow was run by the DoD, I figured this was because she was a career army colonel ret. Nevertheless, I think that Fauci deserves the same fate as his beagle experimental subjects.

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Deborah Birx was running the pandemic (Event 201 scam) out of the White House, you are correct. Birx obtained the rank of colonel in the military, parallel to Fauci was part of the HIV/AIDS scam with DoD.

Open The Books revealed that NIH workers received over $300 million in royalties (undisclosed). Francis Collins who headed NIH should be questioned. Fauci and wife Christine Grady gained over $5 million during the pandemic years, their salaries combined don't equal even half that amount.

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I'm more interested in revealing who Fauci and Tegnell's Puppet Masters are. How many Fred Jones's among us? Who is Pinochio's Geppetto?


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Yes!!! Who is behind the curtain. Nobody at DOD gets a pass for murdering Americans. They all have names and faces.

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Join the military...if you are an impressionable fool ..Uncle Sam wants you.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Hey Celia.

Eh, Jimmy Dore's just "okay". Yeah, he tries to "expose" stuff but he's still going on and on about "covid" and "gain of function" and sorry but that stuff is bullshit. He should know better by now. It's always half or quarter truths with these people.

And MT Greene, yes, she stands out and she looks nuts because she's pointing out Reality, just what we lived. And her rage is PALPABLE. We all felt that. Me not anymore so much. But she's mirroring it.

Her problem is she's caught between too--between Truth and Mr. Warp Speed himself. She cannot admit his leading role in all of this because he's her political anchor. Without him, she'll be gone soon.

She's halfway like most of them.

P.S. I was watching this Icke/Rose interview again from April 2020. Icke is halfway about nothing. And he was right about pretty much ALL of it.


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David Icke has been saying the same thing for 30 years.

People are finally starting to listen.

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David Icke is controlled opposition, in my opinion. Now, this does not mean he doesn't share truth. Does anyone recall the late night TV show he appeared on in the 1990's wherein he proclaimed himself to be Jesus reincarnated? This was very early on in his career as a 'truther'. Many liars are introduced in this manner, or personalities the cabal wants in the forefront of the public's mind. Here's the clip of David Icke, from 1991 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HvHwtTrv7Y

The elite are following a biblical narrative.

What do Christians read in the Bible? Script(ure).

They are following a script.

Just a small sampling from very recently:

The (fake) stabbing of Mar Mari Emmanuel in Australia, back in April. He is allegedly stabbed in his left eye, and the first photos of him after the (hoax) attack show him with a patch over his left eye. Mar Mari himself is heard saying he is healing up nicely, but then later loses the eye(????). Then when he finally makes his return to the public his right eye has the patch. It goes without saying there's a major problem here. Who was Emmanuel in the Bible? The character that announces the antichrist to the world. Just before the 'stabbing', Mar Mari announces that Trump is the best candidate, the only one who makes sense, to lead the world.

The recent (late April) story in the MSM about horses that got loose and ran around in London. Several horses are seen running about, one white horse with 'blood' (painted red) all over its chest. This is biblical script-ure. Anyone can look up the passage.

When Trump was arrested (August 2023) and the whole big deal around his mugshot and that moment, Trump declares that he will cut up the suit he was wearing in the mugshot and sell it off in pieces. Again, this is biblical script-ure and narrative. Look at the number associated with Trump's mugshot - Inmate No. P01135809. For anyone who has studied aspects of the occult and cryptography, there's a huge tell in that number.

There's plenty more example but I will offer those up for now.

Liars (controlled op agents, disinfo agents etc) are very important to pay attention to. They are always giving truth but also mixing them with lies. If people are choosing to do the difficult work of discernment in this world - Wtf are we doing here, and wtf is going on in the world - then it is key to put our feelings aside and hone discernment as to the overarching narratives that they push.

Back to David Icke - What are the major memes that Icke pushes? Study him and you will see. He is signalling the truth. but it is couched in a lot of goofy concepts (in my opinion). The whole reason we point to people like David Icke (and many others) and are awed by the predictive nature of what they have previously said (so many years ago) is because they are in on it. They are actors in the script.

There's a reason the elite are following a script. They are making our reality look like its unfolding according to a plan (Great Reset, plans of the U.N. etc etc etc), but really that 'plan' is in truth a theatrical narrative, or script, that is playing out.

There's plenty of evidence now that this is this case. There's many vectors for this type of information that leads to a deeper understanding. Just one such vector is the information presented on Youtube, by the channel "My Lunch Break". We can clearly see massive evidence of coverup of our true history through exploring architecture, buildings, and obvious false narratives around them. Tie in other pieces like the information surrounding the 'orphan trains' and 'cabbage patch' type information and the puzzle pieces begin to take shape.

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The half-truth is that the pandemic was a scam.

The whole-truth is that viruses are the fraudulent appropriation of symptoms of other causes .....and blamed on something no one has ever (habeas corpus) brought to the court.

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Let's just say the whole thing is a scam. And let's remember those who stepped out and called it from the start: Icke, Rappoport, Celia. Kaufman. Not many more, sad to say.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

They were some of the alt public persons who called it from the start and kudos to them ..And although a minority proportion, there were many other non-public voices who called it for a scam as well.

This game is, was, and will always be; a numbers game and the mass-media are still the majority influence and this public blamegoating of the turd Fauci is a contingency to, as I say, REINFORCE the imperative lie that viruses exist and are the cause of illness. Can I just shout this out? "TO REINFORCE THE EXISTENCE OF THE VIRUS LIE, IS THE REAL REASON WHY THIS THEATRE IS PLAYING OUT"

There would be a huge number of parents and others who would mitigate the sins of Fauci because to admit they were hoodwinked is too much for their character to admit. They would even keep taking and allowing their children to be jabbed with this shit to maintain that denial.

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Yes, the circus goes on. Until the paper edifice that is the "medical cartel" and which J.R. helped me see through (BIG-time) comes tumbling down, we'll be dealing with these purging sessions and not much else.

If people COULD see through the Medical Cartel they <might> then see through to those wielding it as the great control mechanism it's been.

But, speaking of half measures, here is Peggy Hall recently on ICAN's bizarre draft of a bill about "vaccine confidence." Yes, you "can't make this up."


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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Peggy goes alright. Thanks.

For people to understand RFK, they have to understand institutionalized misfortune.

And then they might understand RFKs and the others in the anti-this-vax but pro-that-vax cult.

The prescription industry goes broke if people don't get sick. (so, make them sick)

The ordnance industry goes broke if wars dont play. (so start wars)

And the vax litigation industry (RFK) loses income if people don't get vax injured. (so, endorse vaccinations)

RFK has painted himself into a corner and he is a problem, not a solution.

In edit: That's RKJ not RFK. These acronym Presidents give me the irrits.

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"And let's remember those who stepped out and called it from the start"

Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura and Dr Rima Laibow told the Conspiracy Community in 2009, about the Great Culling and the genocidal vaxxines. 15 years ago.


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Yet if you notice, Jones keeps playing the virus game, "came from China," gain of function idiocy. But that's Alex--far more showman than shaman.

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Furthermore, I would offer up the very astute predictions made by Rudolf Steiner more than 100 years ago. He made several predictions. I will highlight just one. Anyone can look up his quote about what will be achievable with vaccination in the future:

"In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext

of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human

body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human

being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit" (Steiner)

That is just a portion of what he says. Steiner was an occultist, this is well established, and the progenitor of Anthroposophical medicine.

I argue that Steiner, Alex Jones, David Icke, are all cut from the same cloth. They are hiding a much greater truth, but also steering people towards it, because it follows programming that billions are entrained to (New Agers, religious people of all three major Abrahamic religions, Spiritual types, pro-science Galactic federation/E.T./ Alien camp people - and more).

David Icke in 1991 declaring himself the son of God (Jesus reincarnate).


Which will shock Christians, and others, relegate them to declaring Icke is the antichrist (leading them to reject the bits of truth that he is sharing), or some silly fool, sending people even more resolutely towards Jesus Christ (or other savior narratives).

They are indeed trying to cut many off from God, but not in the way in which people think. Peoples' typical response is to flock to Jesus of course, because they label all of this as 'Satanic'. The intelligence apparatus loves it when we fill in the blanks; assuming all of this is satanic is perfect for them, because the opposite of that is a preformed solution.

Remember - the Light is not only associated with Jesus Christ. It is also associated with New Age, the United Nations and its roots (Alice Bailey/Helena Blavatsky), and Lucifer. At the moment one transitions from this reality to somewhere else many report having a white light/white tunnel type experience.......that is when they will re-capture units of consciousness.

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See my comment just posted above. The reason Alex Jones, Ventura and Raibow were able to predict these things is because they are in on it. They are actors pushing a script, a narrative. Yes they knew this was coming, because they are part of the crew managing the herd.

Everyone knows Alex Jones is controlled opposition. If the elite wanted to harm people in SECRET with vaccines, why then would these three been allowed a platform to begin with....? Doesn't add up. They would have shadown banned and relegated their TV productions (Jesse Ventura's laughable conspiracy show that aired for a time) to the iggy bin.

There's a reason they allowed this to come out. we must probe deeper with our thinking.

In my opinion its not actually an effort by the elite to kill off as many as possible. It is a capture, or more precisely, a re-capture mission. they are attempting to re-capture as many units of consciousness as possible. One way in which they are achieving this goal is through vaccines that have far more ingredients and tech in them than any package insert will ever detail.

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Old news Anomalous.

Now go "probe deeper" and understand WHO really runs this planet and HOW they do it.

PS "Controlled opposition"? Think 'Prime Directive'.

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I'm speaking directly as to how they run this planet.

Look - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fontana_della_Pigna

The massive statue in Rome in front of the Vatican.

"The Fontana della Pigna or simply Pigna ([ˈpiɲɲa], "pinecone") is a former Roman fountain which now decorates a vast niche in the wall of the Vatican facing the Cortile della Pigna, located in Vatican City, in Rome, Italy. "

The elite use symbology, all over the place. Most do not have eyes to grasp what they are seeing.

A huge pine cone (pineal gland - seat of consciousness) with peacocks on either side. They are telling you right here what they are doing. Harvesting consciousness. The peacock is notable in many traditions and customs, including Christianity. The peacock is also associated with another bird - the phoenix.

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I'm completely missing what you are trying to convey here, not sure if that's intentional or not.

What is old news....? With specificity.

Your final comment is obtuse to me.....

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It's worse. Icke does a fine job talking about how the Chinese decided some "genetic material" was "the" virus. He does not talk about why our governments' health experts fell for the same scam. The reality is that even today the American Congress thinks the culprit was man-made or wild/natural, and they love to argue about it. When the reality is there never was any virus. So, yes, there never was any COVID.

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Icke seems to be learning as he goes.

He has had recorded discussions with the no-virus people and is on board with the evidence ..or lack of evidence.

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I am so demoralized watching that video. I may have seen it in 2020, but had no idea how accurate Icke was. I am recalling Fauci’s smugness with Congress, Fauci who delivered America to global fascism and Congress still has not figured this out!

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

I'm sorry you were demoralized from the video. It actually uplifts me when I rewatch it. It must be something about Icke (unlike some others who do push fear) and his general stance of courage and encourageMENT.

It is quite remarkable though, you're right, to see how dead-on he was about what was developing; then again, he's been dot-connecting for 35 years now. He's one of the few I still listen to. I like how he's challenging what he calls the MAM recently, the "mainstream alternative media." He's a bunch of steps removed. Hope you're feeling better.

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An astute comment.

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When the mainstream media and the ruling class decide to pick on a critical issue, it is usually for two reasons: first, the issue is serious enough and is affecting their interests, and therefore the narrative must be controlled to ensure that the results are in their favor. Second, in doing the former, the ruling class gets to strictly filter and manage the narrative on what needs to be said about any given topic; which ‘experts’ are given the stage to speak; and whose voices are excluded from debates,

or even defamed and slandered, if necessary.

I have been wearing this Orwell 1984 shirt recently 👇


It's perfect for these times!

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Don’t let Jimmy Dore fool you. Scratch him and you’ll find a nutty liberal!!!

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He's the working class, blue collar "stick it to the man" kind of liberal. And I think thanks to Kurt's influence (his co-host) he seems to be increasingly red-pilled. Even covered the USS Liberty the other day! So don't dismiss him, he's a comfort to 1990s liberals / politically homeless folks like myself and he may be opening some eyes to some "conspiracy theories".

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Latest I know, freedom fighter RFK Jr has never talked about the USS Liberty (maybe he praised the attack and I'm not aware of it). He doesn't even "deserve" the (overused to the point of cliche) label, "limited hangout."

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Isn't that a pretty broad black and white statement? "Nutty liberal." So Dore is equivalent to, say, Gavin Newsom? And on the "other side," I guess someone like Rand Paul is just really a "nutty RINO" under the surface?

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Is that a euphemism for limited hangout?

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Thank you as ever Celia. Beautiful.

You transcend the mind-control, divisions and confusions, as do love and gratitude, and the wisdoms of the shamanic and aboriginals; the starseeds and lightworkers, the builders of the cosmologically aligned earthworks, pyramids and henges across the globe, that we could not build today.

IMHO (and experience, many years working in suicide and spiritual rebirth) there are energies of human evolution beyond the physical realm.

Each of us, and everything else, are vibrations and frequencies, and this is the key.

The Wise Wound, by Shuttle and Redgrove, explains much, as does Masuru Emoto (The Hidden Messages In Water).

It's a soul thing, and each of us is on our own path :)

Love and gratitude, Alan

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No one ever talks about Fauci’s credentials because he has none. He is not an epidemiologist. He is not a board certified physician, nor did he ever qualify to sit for his boards. Minimal post-medical school training is 3 years. He has only 1 year of post graduate training. He is simply an evil bureaucrat with a huge ego. His time is coming. God willing.

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Celia: " Fauci is 100% responsible, and America will never, ever be the same, no matter what." The first third of that sentence is woefully off. SARS-CoV2 the disease/poison, and the ineffective unsafe/deadly faux vax were financed mfgrd and distributed under direct authority of the NSA, financed by DOD. Fooshie should get death penalty ten times over, for HIV, COVID and probably dozens of other criminal engagements, but he certainly wasn't 100& responsible.

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It is woefully off Richard, AND I can correct it. But it's also right. It's a hybrid of wrong and right. Richard: You have known me since your daughter and I were 7 years old. Please listen! I have decades in this swamp with these beasts. Fauci is KING beast, created over decades, by forces I have tried to document and convey—including but not limited to ACT Up/TAG, countless NGO's, deep operations forming phalanxes, networks all over the world, same ones who took out Tbabo Mbeki, took me out (2006-2008)—these operators are extremely dark. They killed people I knew , and loved. They killed people's loved ones too. I am emotional—yes. Because: Fauci was MONARCH programmed to become THE DADDY Americans would TRUST. It was critical that if Fauci said "walk off a cliff" "ordinary" Americans WOULD.

I documented in RFK Jr.'s book how lethal is WOKE potion inside the palace starting 1984 was. I am not, like Sasha Latypova, speaking of government and military contracts Richard. I am speaking of the critical levers, namely mass persuasion, mass mind control. Cause and effect. Nobody did anything because Deborah Birx told them to! Don't you see that the WAY they got people to do what they did was this this…."chew toy?"

That phrase has made me so frustrated I can't tell you.

You want to meet chew toys?

I can introduce you to many chew toys, and we have nothing except the history of being chewed to show for it.


Front man? Of course.

Meaningless "chew toy?"

WAY off.

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There is a disturbing, deeply disturbing Monarch element that I barely understand to all this. Cousin accidentally sent me a text intended for her daughter conferring about whether the granddaughters should go out on Halloween--and in the text she quotes Fauci as saying that he just that day warned for people not to go out--so, they should heed his warning. And as I posted elsewhere, my best friend in Manhattan--a deeply traumatized person who has endured multiple forms of parental abuse--maintains that the ambulances outside her window on FDR Drive were lined up taking all the Covid sick to hospitals and that people were banging their pots and pans in support of the emergency response teams. The truth is somewhere within this Monarch but I feel that I don't understand the whole. I feel like I read the book and failed to digest the most salient points--I am missing whole swathes of context. I wonder if my entire paradigm is off. Is this why we are searching for groups (Masons) etc; or is it really that simple? It's not just who is doing the kicking, but why? Or am I just overthinking it and I should just go with Occam's Razor--it is as simple as the Luciferians vs. the Christians, or should I say the God fearing? I must say that has been my gut response for the last ten years. You know my husband is reading a book about CS Lewis and he has been reading me sections all morning long. And there is a bit in there about the pederastic culture at Cambridge and Oxford and how it filtered through to the thinking of the academy, which of course all fed off the utter devastation in Britain of the complete culling of young men during WWI. HE is speaking specifically of the fagging system--wherein younger boys at the private schools work as slaves for the older boys--in a sense, it is a mini Monarch program. Lewis felt that the repercussions of such institutionalized rituals were enormous--that it contributed to intellectual cynicism, skepticism, debunking and other academic traits--and I think it would be fair to add, atheism. Causing me wonder in many such instances, including education, for how long has this trance been induced?

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Break your stuff up into a few paragraphs, it'll make it easier to digest.

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Thank you. Of course, I never mean to write such long comments. Nevertheless, a needed suggestion.

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Dear Celia:

I know your history w Fauci, and don't dispute the he was cynically and very successfully con$tructed to have maximum persuasive impact on the dumbed down trusting populace. Certainly far more than a mere chew toy. The murdering sociopath "dark operators" who enabled him embrace a complex web of diverse corrupted interests (Natl.Security, Military, arms mfgrs, Pharma, Media, Academia & depopulation ideologues)-- each with varying motivations, but sustained by huge flows of public monies directed by the ultimate MONARCH policy makers in service of the private owners of the predatory central banking systems of the world (and their private owner)-- all fueled with massive sexual blackmails that turn one time do-gooder politicians into blithering, warmongering, vax pushing slaves.

For me, Covid provides yet another opportunity to seek out exactly who gave Fauci his marching orders. What entities collaborated to design the obviously premeditated attack on the world that turned 2+2 into 5? That strategized and executed demonization of early treatments they knew worked,(like HCQ & IVM + zinc), reliance on wildly bogus death estimates, rigged wholly inaccurate PCR tests, ineffective masking, lockdowns, and thoroughly corrupt faux vax trials trials w deadly hidden results. We know a few of the most powerful PR firms in the world played a major role in masterminding the scheme. And we know they are still at it.

My concern is that 100% focus on Fauci distracts from continuing to seek out the all powerful Puppeteers behind Fauci-- who have further inadvertently outed the incurious, grifting, cowardly US congress slime for the consummate quislings they are.

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Thank you. "Consummate quislings" has a nice ring to it. As does "slime". Fauci is just the front man, and rewarded accordingly.

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"Celia: " Fauci is 100% responsible..."

What about Donald "I Am The Father Of The Vaxxines!" Trump?

Fauci is the distraction.

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Cathartic as this may be to others ..It still says to me that even this "public exposure" puts even more veils on the elephant in the room and even REINFORCES the operational lie.

ie ..that there is NO Carona virus or any other virus (sic.) proven to be contagious or infectious.

The true believers and the "alternatives" will all go back to thinking that viruses exist, and vaccines are a necessity to combat them.

This contingency in the global pharma Scamdemic frustrates me and suggests there is no hope for the exponent driven.

absit omen

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Well, viruses do exist. It does not follow that vaccines are necessary to combat or control them. Improved nutrition, hygiene and sanitation had decreased mortality and morbidity of the major‘vaccine preventable’ diseases before they were invented. Natural immunity is more effective and long lasting than vaccine induced immunity. Proper study (which has never been done) would show that they are not safe, both in terms of short term and long term toxicity.

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RemovedJun 8
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There are microbiology texts that describe the process in detail. As a family doctor, I depend upon my clinical pathology colleagues and the clinical laboratories that they supervise or own. If you are really interested, those are sources for you.

If you are not and you are just trolling then I say that you can GFYS.

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RemovedJun 8
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Sir, or Madame, or Z,

I graduated from medical school in 1977, cum laude. I subsequently completed a family practice residency, and have practiced in West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Alaska, as well as short periods of time overseas.

Realities of clinical medicine for the duration of my career are that clinicians actively seeing patients unless they are clinical pathologists, are not involved in the specific details of viral isolation techniques. I obtain clinical samples, in the past, I have plated samples for bacterial culture when we have had those capabilities in our office.

I have been blessed and privileged to work with ethical and competent clinical pathologists, laboratory, scientist, and laboratory technicians, and I have depended on their expertise and professionalism.

Up until the Covid pandemic, or should I say Plandemic Or fake pandemic, whatever terminology you would prefer, I have felt confident that I could trust my colleagues.

There are colleagues that I do trust, for instance, Ryan Cole, MD, an active clinical pathologist, but I have not talked to him about this in detail.

I have already given you more respect than you deserve, judging by your ignorant flippant response.

If you were truly interested in these techniques, I’ve already given you references. Additionally, you could do an Internet search, as you can find almost anything on the Internet now.

Have a pleasant evening.

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While all these issues are of course germane, the elephant in the room for me is the staggering lie of the death toll as well as the infection rate. I literally cringe every time someone tells me they had the Covid. Apparently everyone in my small town except me had Covid. Until there is a big reveal on the manipulation of the Covid numbers--and that entire lie is exposed, most people are going to be thinking that there really was a big bad wolf named Covid. Therefore, somewhere in the back of their minds they will think these measures were justified. My best friend who lives in Manhattan, in a building on FDR drive, to this day maintains that there were bumper to bumper ambulances driving down FDR Drive and that people were banging their pots and pans in support of the emergency response teams. She BELIEVES this.

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It's not pedantic if we want to understand who was actually in charge of the response and what we are trying to push back against. Yes, Fauci is guilty of medical crimes against humanity from way before Covid, and continuing to this day with his denials and lies. Yes, we can enjoy his "downfall" -- although I did not actually see him suffering at all. He has everything he needs for a very comfortable retirement.

The point to remember is that Fauci did not make the Covid policies. He worked with the global cartel that ran the response -- a cartel comprising military, intelligence and NGOs from many countries, all working together to suck resources and control out of the global population and into their own hands. Focusing on Fauci tends to distract from the larger, much scarier, picture.


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It almost doesn't matter who did what to whom since none of these miscreants will be held accountable in any meaningful way. Bickering about who is responsible further distracts from real crimes being committed against the world by the cabal, and they're perfectly happy for us to be distracted.

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I also admire Tegnell and the other older Swedish doctor (sadly can't remember his name) who I think advised Tegnell. Brilliant both. It took a lot of courage to stand while the whole of the Western world was calling you a mass murderer. I hope he comes round on the vaccine.

Nobody ever grills Fauci goblin like he should be grilled. It's all rather soft. I'd love to have a few minutes with the wee troll.

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Jimmy Dore is a bore.

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I don't think they are going to throw Fauci under the bus.

Fauci exists only to solidify the virus myth.

Not that there is any risk in people ever learning there was no virus. That's inconceivable.

This is a military operation, and people collaborate with the military out of an instinct of duty, even if it kills them. People cannot ever imagine that the military is also betraying them. Or that this operation goes much deeper than it looks.

For example, one layer of this cake is the money obsession. The poor are always complaining about the rich. The rich know they can stop being rich any day, because any wealth they have depends on military hegemony and staving off hyper-inflation. They know if things go really bad the Gov will take all the "money" from bank accounts and confiscate and liquidate any asset they can, to keep the war machine going. The rich are also slaves, but they are aware of it, and the poor are not even aware how bad things really are.

But this obsession of the poor is what feeds the idea of slow democide. Not extermination camps and ovens to dispose of hundreds of millions of corpses. That's not doable. Rather, slow poisoning with medicines, low quality food packed with medicines and toxins, 5g, the mind rot of constantly being paranoid about the next DEW attack, the turbocancer campaign, the graphene nanobots taking control of the prefrontal cortex of the brain, or any other terror campaign. The fear alone is killing people.

But we don't know what's true and what's false. We live in total confusion right now. We are in a death cult sponsored by an occultist government.

For example, let's say that, contra McCullough et all, there is no spike protein being generated in any transfected person. That's also a myth, a terror campaign. I don't know if they know.

One argument is that the cells reject the foreign mRNA. Enzymes called ribonucleases fulminate anything that looks like mRNA and gets too close the cell. That's one theory to explain two very important ideas:

1) that the Malonian platform of injectable communism does not work and could have never worked (as they already knew) but now they have confirmed in vivo that it does not work and that it is very toxic in many ways.

2) that the reason why animals preserve their "form" and can heal themselves, the chemical reason why animals exist at all, in the pressence of so many "pathogens" everywhere, is that the cells of an animal body are overpowered. They can defend themselves very well, 99.9% of the time. They have many tools to keep the whole organism alive. It's necessary an overwhelming chemical attack to really kill animal cells. For example, a chemical attack with ivermectin will kill many microscopic animals and not cause toxicity in the large body of the animal that carries them. How much IVM is necessary to kill a healthy horse? Maybe a pound of pure IVM will be toxic enough to cause death?

But, although no one knows for sure what was in those Nobel-prize vials of clotting factors and sudden death of children (Congratulations, Nobel Committee and Swedish Royal Family on choosing so wisely who you associated with,) there are claims that a few components may be toxic enough to potentially cause much trouble, even death, in humans. For example, in fetuses, which are 100% humans, against the evil feminist and environmentalist ideologies.

It's not difficult to believe that fear alone cause miscarriage. Or the sense of betrayal. Or the sense of hopelessness.

People are being mentally tortured. The torture transforms in toxic thoughts. Such thoughts cause actual diseases in the body. Maybe the biblical disease of leprosy was actually caused by social exclusion.


Back to the problem of generalized confusion. That's the real war, the mindwar. The boundless war of the West ruling class against the people.

For this war, it's very good that the GoF virus myth becomes the official truth. They can always say "oh, no, a few bad apples went rogue and started doing naughty things, and our honorable public health officials like Saint Fauci tried everything they could to reduce the damage; we really owe our lives to him and his miracles."

It's very easy for the multitudinous hordes of St. Fauci worshipers to switch beliefs like that, as long as the central figure is saved. This much beloved character may become the scapegoat, but not this year. I think it's necessary at least two years of reprogramming the masses using massive TV brainwashing. Perhaps invent a story that the creator of the virus was friends with a well known holocaust denier to load the idea that the virus was actually racist and antisemitic. Then, slowly introduce the idea that Fauci actually protected the inventor of the virus. Then, after a few rounds of drama brought to the masses by an intrepid ticket-taking journalist, they deliver the final blow: Fauci was the head of a conspiracy to kill the Jews.

That's the scapegoat transmogrification moment.

This piece of fiction that I just wrote may never happen, or may happen in another way. For example, if Fauci dies of natural causes, then he would instantaneously become the scapegoat. No need to keep promises of protection to a dead man. No need for complicated brainwashing, because no defense is possible: dead men tell no tales.


I have no hopes that the majority of the people will get out of the confusion. Only a black swan event could, potentially, cause people to loose the programming. A radical change in the affairs of the world.

Imagine this scenario: Klanada, Mexico, Russia and the UK form an alliance to invade and conquer the US. Eventually, all the South American countries join the allies against the US.

That war on the Pacific ocean would come first, against China and Taiwan and Korea and India, to cut off supplies to the US. Maybe the Russians do not make much war there because those countries pick sides against the US.

Many American Jews would also side with the invaders, perhaps forming a fifth column movement.

Parallel to this, Israel begins a war against Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Irak, Iran, Lebanon, Arabia, Egypt and even Pakistan. They drag the EU retards to this total war, with the bait of gifting for a nominal fee all the crude oil and gas of Africa to Germany and France and Italy, building pipelines in the Mediterranean sea and through the Alps, granting independence from Russia and Scandinavia, and protection from the UK.

They will draft people to go to the front, and they will have to confess that nukes never existed, that was a money-laundering ruse to buy time to build the internet surveillance system and the large missile arsenals, which now have to be taken down by the troops.

Because, if there are nukes and there is a huge world war and there is no nuclear warfare... well... then there are no nukes, and it's war as usual. Bits and pieces of 20 year-olds everywhere from mere mortar fire. So much glory!

Capitulation in this hypothetical war is not an option. The powers of the world need to really destroy the US. There would be no negotiations. Ozymandias, anyone?

All this impossible story may make even the most stubborn person understand that there was no virus at all. If only out of rage, they would come out of the trance, right before they are killed by Mexican troops. Which would be fair. People who collaborate with the destruction of their country obviously expose themselves to death by military invasion. It's the path they idiotically chose in 2020.

It would not be fair for the Americans who opposed the tyranny, but I don't know where they can escape to. Maybe to Spain. If Spanish politicians get a grip, they would do anything to stay out of World War 4 and maybe grant Spanish passports and diplomatic protection to some select Americans. After all, it's historically true that vast parts of America used to be Spanish Provinces. Maybe not, don't count on any of that. Cuba is closer.


Most likely, all corruption will continue and grow even more. If they can end the hegemony of the US without an invasion, they would do that. They would parcel American land and just sell it. Humiliation is worse than Conquest, although I don't know if there was ever Humiliation of an empire without a regular military conquest. This may be the first time.

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