I could not get the video link to detach from FB, so I filmed it from my screen initially, intending to upload it to YouTube and post that. But the sound was too weak, so I went with the FB link. I will also post the one with weaker sound, for those without access to the (dreaded) Facebook.
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Celia, I intercepted the video and uploaded it to <https://www.mediafire.com/file/2i4h58t3wyri9m5/Ashleigh%25E2%2580%2599s-testimony-Hi-Rez_.mkv/file>
you can download it by clicking on the link. It's the highest resolution facebook provides. I will email you directly a 5MB low rez version which they also provide. You should buy IDM, internet download manager. it's cheap and worth your effort.
They let me watch it but I would not join again...
Fuckerberg is one of them
They made the SF GH put his name in front
Video is heartbreaker