Celia, I intercepted the video and uploaded it to <https://www.mediafire.com/file/2i4h58t3wyri9m5/Ashleigh%25E2%2580%2599s-testimony-Hi-Rez_.mkv/file>

you can download it by clicking on the link. It's the highest resolution facebook provides. I will email you directly a 5MB low rez version which they also provide. You should buy IDM, internet download manager. it's cheap and worth your effort.

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They let me watch it but I would not join again...

Fuckerberg is one of them

They made the SF GH put his name in front


Video is heartbreaker

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Have you tried posting it on Rumble or Odyssey?

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There's also the following 14 minute interview of Ashleigh Wilson:

Rory James (26) died only 12 days after his Pfizer jab | interview with Ashleigh Wilson


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You have a big heart, Celia. Thanks for all the effort you put into your stack. BTW, for vids like that you might try to capture the content using the Ant video recording tool. I was able to record vids from a lot of different platforms for sharing, though I never tried one from Facebook because I never had an account there.

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